Sometimes space-time looks so dilated that I wonder why I'm here, thinking that this universe doesn't fit me.
I was born on planet Earth, and I have a miserable life, going from school to work in this big, high-ranking bank in the city center.
It's headed by Yang Songmin, a megalomaniac, wealthy, with a dream life, which I hate, but he recruited me two years ahead to become a security guard.
I only work on weekends, in the morning, which only leaves me free in the afternoon to complete my homework.
And here I am at eight in the morning, in the counter, checking every person who comes in.
All these people were potential suspects that I should not let go of my gaze.
This work requires a surgical concentration, this mixed with the constant stress of the classes that I had to catch up after work, was normally enough to have the slightest urge to commit suicide.
But I never gave up hope, and forgot this option in the closet, and that one day I'll be ready to overtake Yang Songmin, and his damn bank.
"I remind you again that Hwa Min-Ji, the famous robber, who was responsible for the Gwangju bank case, is still wanted by all the police."
This was the information from radio c20, it was the only radio authorized by Songmin to the bank, she announces all the latest criminals 24 hours ago.
Yesterday, Yang's rival bank was robbed by the modern robin hood, a not-so-famous group that uses violence to get its message across.
From what I understand, they hate anything billionaire, exploitation and stupid crap that I never understood.
"Do you think it's possible she'd break into the bank?"
It was Ri Min-Kyu who whispered this stupidity in my ear, a really nice colleague with whom I usually hang out and eat together at lunch.
"Let's be serious fool, do you really think that after a robbery they'll re-robb another bank in just 24 hours?"
Unlike me, he worked full-time here, he dropped out of school early, but he was still using his student card to get cheaper housing, we live in the same neighborhood.
"This is a possibility like many others..."
A possibility? No, I don't believe in this nonsense.
"Sang Jong-Soo, central here, I notice a man trying to go through the back door, will tell him that it is not accessible."
"No problem, I'll go right away."
I would get up from my seat, open the door, and walk to the exit door or wait for this man.
I don't know why, but I feel a kind of unease, as if, space-time is expanding.
The corridor was becoming endless, spagifying enormously.
Damn, I didn't take my medication, that's for sure, I have to do it fast and go back to my station to get hydrated.
"This is Central, are you all right, Agent 42? You don't work very well."
My mind began to take back control, little by little.
The universe came back to the universe, as it did for time and everything around us.
"This is Jong-Soo, everything is fine, staying 5 hours straight on my chair gave me some dizziness."
I had finally arrived at that door in front of me, where a man was drumming with all his power, I opened that one.
"Excuse me sir, but I will ask you to stop knocking on this door!"
"You are the bank, aren't you?"
The stranger whispered this sentence calmly to me, smiling.
"Yes why?"
At a flash of lightning, he pulled out a handgun, a beretta 92, pointing it at me, always with this little smile.
"Your boss screwed up, Jong-Soo."
How does he know my first name?! And that my boss made me point a gun at me!
"Cameras see the whole scene, you know it or not, they'll arrive in a few moments to get you down."
"Let's go Jong-Soo, don't play hard with me, it's possible that all your little comrades are already dead."
What? It's impossible, I talked to the Central, not even 5 minutes ago.
"Now listen carefully, I'm going to knock you out with this gun and decide your fate afterwards, because I and my whole team are going to rob your boss's bank and do some carnage."
He took his gun, and hit me on the head with hypersonic speed, while walking over my door now.
My vision became blurred, my life seemed to be cut into pieces of 5 seconds where I was a little conscious.
I totally screwed up.
I could still hear my talky walky, the screams of my comrades, shocking, devastated.
Nailed to the ground, I was waiting for either death or rescue.
There was nothing to do, he had surely planned all the details of their operation.
I started crying, but why the hell am I missing everything I do in my life?
Why I always let myself do it.
No, I can't stay on a thousandth failure.
Refusing to potentially face death and then having a depression about my choices is no longer possible.
I have to do something and quickly!
I have to stand up and confront them.
My vision was suddenly coming back, at which point, every second was important to me, lives depended on me.
With the only poor forces left in my muscles, I could stand up and pull out my service weapon.
My legs limped, blood poured from my skull, and I heard the crying in the main hall.
God knows what happened to all those unfortunate people.
When I arrived at my position, I could no longer find Min-Kyu, I had to go to the hall, but going there meant losing my life.
I ran, with determination, ready to sacrifice myself for all eventualities.
Then suddenly, when I arrived in the main hall, I was confronted with a choice.
I saw Hwa Min-Ji the most wanted terrorist, right in front of me, ready to murder a pregnant woman.
On the other side is my dear friend Min-Kyu, who has been put in a position to be executed by a hooded man.
And he cried with all his might, as he looked at me, thinking maybe I might be able to prolong his life, I was his hope.
I could only save one.
It was clear that after my choice, I would die, suffocated by bullets on my body by these terrorists.
Time was getting very dilated again, but this time it wasn't a bad thing.
To save my friend or that woman with a future child who still hasn't tasted life.
It was a very complicated choice, but I had to balance things and save as many people as I could.
I pointed my gun.
I removed the safety of the gun.
Then I shot.
The bullet left at 500 m/s, exceeding the speed of sound.
And suddenly, this bullet lodged in Hwa Min-Ji's head.
She immediately fell to the ground, she was dead.
The other guards heard the noise and executed Min-Kyu in front of me, falling to the ground, he was always looking at me, a vision of horror that chilled my blood.
It wasn't long before they saw that I was the one who killed their guru.
When they found out, they all fired bullets that went straight to my body.
And this is how I, for my part, saw death.
A black fade replaces reality, and then it turns white.
I found the use of my hands, my legs, my body was rebuilding itself.
I find myself naked, in a place that seems infinite, empty and full of nonsense.
Was I in heaven, purgatory or hell?
Thousands of questions crossed my mind.
When I suddenly saw an old man with a cane.
He was moving towards me very quickly and coming in front of me.
"Sang Jong-Soo, son of Ping Jong-Soo"
"Yes, it is."
"I therefore introduce myself, I am a master of the kingdom sent by God to welcome the souls who have just died in each universe."
So there are several universes?
"I am coming to you, for you have just died in the most heroic way possible by killing this disobedient who was going to take the life of a poor pregnant woman."
What spell for saving this woman would I be entitled to?
"You surely don't know, but God doesn't plan anything in the universes he has created, so all you have done would be your free will, he tells me to pass on to you the fact that he has greatly appreciated your courage."
"I have a simple question, do you have a first name, masters?"
"Of course, my name is Kwon."
"What is our purpose in our universes?"
"I see that you ask a lot of questions, you must surely be a little genius in your world, God has always left pieces in each universe to know his history."
"I have another one..."
Kwon suddenly cut me off.
"I am not a tourist guide to the universe but I am here to give you your choices."
"You have the opportunity to go to heaven, or to be reborn in the alternative world."
But what is it all about?
"Reborn in an alternative world?"
"God created a world identical to the basic universe, where all dead people can meet, he transformed it by adding powers, he is basic given to people who have been shouted to go to hell to give them a second chance to redeem themselves. But this world has become chaos, you can find empires that reign over universes, slavery, all that God wanted to avoid."
"I can be reborn in another world with power, right? But which one?"
"If you refuse heaven for this world, you have the right to choose any power offered by God."
"How many people refuse heaven for this world?"
I can finally decide everything, can't I?
Finally a world where I wouldn't be a loser that everyone laughs at!
I will come into this world, and become the God of this world, by giving peace!
It's decided, I refuse heaven, and I join this world!
"I refuse."
"What have you chosen?"