The last thing Xaden could remember was being marked by the high priestess and being prepared for the halo festival.
As he moved gently, he felt the naked body, and his hand went up, and he knew it was a woman.
So his wolf had found the maiden and mated with her.
He gently released her arm and looked up to see who it was.
He was shocked to see it was none other than Jasmine.
He stared in amazement.
How was she, of all people, the maiden?
She was his enemy. The daughter of his worst enemy, and he had taken her as his slave and captive.
Why was she the one chosen to be his maiden?
He looked down at her and noticed the perfect curves on her body.
She was turned in such a way she faced him, and then his breasts were full and faced him.
Her long red curls were still damp from the water, so he gently touched them to be sure.