The Story About Me and the Girl Who Asked Me Out ver.2

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Prologue

[2015- April 06]

The sun bathed Paco Park in a warm golden light, casting a serene ambiance over the tranquil surroundings. At the center of the park there, three children found themselves drawn to the park's swing set.

"Motomeru-Kun, Will you still push my swing for me when I get older?" Asked Kira, A ten year old girl, having a glistening black hair that extends to her back, she smiles as the swing go forward, back and forth.

"No, it soon will be my turn" interrupted, another girl that having the same hair color but different behavior, it was Takumi, a child feeling jealous.

"Don't worry I can be here whenever you need a push, "Motemeru, a boy that pushes the swing reassured and proudly said.

"Hmmp.. It should be my turn now!" Takumi sulked and pouted at the same time she sat on the ground that's covered in grass.

But in that very moment, as the children lost themselves in their innocent bliss, a group of three mischievous boys approached the swing set. Their eyes gleamed with mischief, and they whispered among themselves, plotting to steal the coveted swings when the lady wasn't paying attention.

"Hey, you've been going for that everytime, It should be our turn now!" they demanded.

While Takumi is just silent. "Motomeru, what should we do?" kira asked worriedly.

The three guys become violent and charge at them, Matsuki who always watch superhero cartoons, of course, face them, trying to protect Takumi when she was about to be hit. Causing Motemeru with a large swell on his forehead.

But it didn't stop there, the other two brute boys came towards Kira, the frail girl Kira, scared, closed her eyes.

Preparing herself from the pain from the baseball bat that was aimed at her, a few moments have passed but she didn't feel anything, when she opened her eyes, there the boy Motemeru was standing in front of him and she noticed his head bleeding.

Then the lady that was watching them,notices after the call and immediately Stop the fight.


"Motomeru-kun, thanks for shielding me." Kira, feeling grateful towards the boy, she held his hand.

"Don't worry I'll protect you when bad guys come at you" Motomeru clench his fist upwards, proudly saying.

All the while Takumi is in his side patching up his swelling forehead with a band aid.


*8 years later*

[2023- November 06]

"Ugh No .."

A man in his bed, looking like a young fine man squirm and tossed around in his bed, depicting an obvious sign that he's having some nightmare.


"You're such a pain..."

No, This can't be true?

"There's no way I'll explain it to you. But I guess you need to know that I'm just playing with you...all this time!"


This again?..

You can't be serious..haaa.."

Waking up as usual in my bed, I got up and head towards the kitchen, looking for water.

A feeling in my head that got me reached for it to caress, I couldn't help but to grab the water immediately and sprayed the water on top of me.

The excruciating pain persist, as if a needle trying to pierce it."Ugh..."

Couldn't bear it anymore, I grabbed the pain killers tablet and gulp it in an instant.

Sighed in relief, as my headache subsided, I sat onto the floor. Wet and cold but comfy is what I felt.

"**Ring** Ring**"

hearing my phone rang, I ignored it.

*Ring Ring* my phone vibrated and didn't stopped ringing, feeling pissed off, I had no choice but to pick my shit and get it.

What is it?.. in wondered of my phone ringing, I pressed the power button to open it.

"Ugh shit!" In the instant I landed my eyesight onto my phone I rushed into the bathroom, took a bath and changed in my school uniform.

Ugh.. you gotta be kidding me, today is the start of the new semester and I'm fucking late! I had no choice but to run towards the school.

Sighed, 10 am.. And now I am already exhausted? Running first thing in the morning..

As I continued to run, I didn't know my day could be more shittier than ever as I headed down the street, focus in getting to school immediately, I felt a sudden impact on my shoulder, making my bag pack to fall. I turned around and saw a young woman picking up her own belongings from the ground.

"I'm so sorry," her face red with embarrassment. I can only imagine that we have the same thing we're dealing, a messy hair and a sandwich in her mouth, she must be late. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

Ignoring her apology, I looked down at my backpack and felt my heart sink. My console, which I had been carrying inside, was now cracked and broken.

Shocked on what I saw, I couldn't help but stared at it in awe, trying to convince my head that this must be a dream, But the young woman continued apology brought me back to reality when she picked it up while arranging my notebook in my bag."I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to." She apologize again but I was barely listening. I was too focused on the damage to my beloved console. I finally got it after saving up for months...and now..

Then another character, a middle-aged man, walked up to us and asked what had happened. The young woman explained the situation, and the woman turned to me. While I am still in shock state and just standing in front of them.

"Please forgive her," he said. "She didn't mean it. Everyone makes a mistake or two."

I looked up at the woman and then back down at my broken console. "If apologizing could fix a broken glass, I may have considered it," I said coldly.

Without another word, I picked up my broken console and backpack immediately and walked away, leaving the young woman and the man behind.


[At school]

Ugh! I should have made that girl paid for the damage, If only she wasn't a girl, I could have smack her and ask for the compensation. Ugh, fuck women!

Feeling agitated on my day, waking up from the same nightmare, bumping on a woman and my console being broken to being scolded by the teacher. My day just made me lose interest on the topic of the rest of the subject teacher discussion, and before I knew it, the class has ended and as for punishment, I was assigned to cleaned the fucking classroom..



I am cleaning the black board, a black board that's color green, I sighed while thinking 'Why people always make us get confused, Don't tell me the one who name this board is actually colorblind?'

"Hahaha..." I laughed in a low tone while putting the eraser on the table.

"Uhm..M..Matsuki-kun?" A stuttered woman's voice came from behind.

She called me? That's right, my name is Matsuki, Matsuki Satoro. I turned my head towards the direction of the voice and saw her approaching me. As she drew closer, she stood in front of me with an elegant and dignified presence.

I was about to leave our classroom since I finally finished everything. Does she need something from me? Sigh, it's her again, Kira, Kira Miyoko, our class representative, I was left here alone to clean for today. Of course I wasn't the only ones on cleaning duty. The others just gave an excuse, saying that they have important things to do and blah blah blah... Then ditch the work on me. Then this too good girl came and said", You're cleaning again, I'll help you." And started cleaning with me. Sigh, I don't really like it when people butt in in my life but I guess it's fine since I can come home early.

.... Since the start of second year she's been like this, always nice as ever like the rumors they talked about....

"Do you need something from me?" I replied, my attention still focused on my hand as I rubbed the chalk dust off my palm with a piece of tissue. I kept my eyes down, avoiding direct eye contact with the person in front of me, my tone flat and devoid of emotion.

"M-Moto--me.." Her voice stuttered as she spoken, "I mean, uh, I..."

I sighed and crumbled the tissue as she stumbled over her words and almost called me by the wrong name...

"Matsuki-kun... I-I" Her voice quivered, each word escaping her lips with uncertainty. She clutched the edges of her skirt, as she blinked her scarlet eyes momentarily, "I have something to tell you..." she finally managed to say, though her nervousness was kind of unusual. I waited for her to continue, wondering what could be so important that it had her this shaken.

As I observed her, I couldn't help but notice her stunning looks that could easily be described as bishoujo. However, her kind personality sometimes annoy me, as I preferred people who were straightforward and do not beat around the bush. Nonetheless, I couldn't deny her good grades and good reputation.

"A...ano..Eto..." she hesitated, her voice shaking. "..ehmm..Matsuki-kun... I have something to tell you."

I sighed inwardly, already annoyed by her fidgeting and stuttering.

"What is it?" I asked, trying to keep the irritation out of my voice.

"Eh! Wait... it's..." she trailed off, seemingly unable to find the right words.

I shook my head and turned to leave, making my way towards my chair and my bag. Finally picked up my bag and head towards the door, but before I could reach it, she rushed over to me and grabbed onto my sleeve.

"Huh? What is it now?" I asked, irritated at the interruption as I pulled my sleeve free from her grasp and turned to face her.

"W-wait," she inhaled and exhaled before continuing, "M-Matsuki-kun! I-I...I like you! Please go out with me!"

....breeze unknowingly passed, making the curtain rose in the background, as the room fall into silence.

"Huh?" What?... What did she say?.."L-like me?" I confusedly let out.

My eyes, focused on her, noticed her hands trembling. Her face was beet red, and she seemed much more surprised by her own words than me.

"M-Matsuki-kun..." She glanced at me, pulled on my sleeves again and got even closer.

"W-wait, What d- do you mean, to go out with you?""

I asked confusedly, trying to step back from her.

"..." She didn't answer my question and left me hanging.

'Really, why would she ask me out?' I wondered in my mind, my brow furrowing. 'Did I do something to her to make her fall in love?...Hmmm...No, that's ridiculous, I don't think I did anything like that... I only spend my time at school just like usual, No way I would get intimate with anyone, especially with a girl.

Wait! wait! Dont think, Don't think! Let's see... Judging by her way of approaching me, it was sudden and without any notice. Her hands are trembling while holding my sleeves?.. Did she lost on a bet or something? Then if that's the case what should I do? Turn her down or accept the confession? GEEZ! Of course there's no way I would! Matsuki calm down, there's no need to think right now, wait.. This could be favourable to me...

It looks like, She lost on bet or something and was forced to asked me out. Yeah, that's the only reason I can think of, but this is good, this is a good chance, right? Maybe the heaven didn't really gave up on me and finally give me this chance. Yeah...but really, can I really?... I mean going out with this girl?...Can I finally...Hehe..

'Thank you for this opportunity' I shouted in my mind without the care in the world.

"Okay, let's go out!"

I pulled her hand and she bump onto my chest, I gently rubbed her head and hug her.

And unexpectedly, Kira simply calm down and behave like a baby, a sinister smile showed on my face as my mind started thinking of many things. I am aware that we're the only two people inside the classroom so I didn't think even a bit and just hold her acting as if I really am into her and got captivated.

Why did I agree to go out with her when I don't even have any feelings for her? Sure, she's attractive and popular, but liking me? You can't be serious, I won't fall for such thing again! I'll make sure for her to regret this! Hahaha... And when I finally make my move, I'll be over with this...