Once Darius, the Gaian pack, and I had entered the new cabin Kysilius had instructed Darius to take, Darius bursts.
"What the hell is going on?!"
He says and I can't help but stand in a corner and listen in.
"We don't know Alpha." They all say, a rickety voice in toe.
"You, why did you do all of this? You put you up to it? Was it the Seufris pack?" I feel a cold chill slitter up my spine upon hearing that name.
"Alpha, I don't know you know I'm telling the truth, I don't know what happened." He's...telling the truth?
"The rest of you, where were you when he went missing?" Darius points to the other three Gaian wolves.
"We were in our lounge under the bleachers." One of them says.
"We were together until Marco said he went out all of a sudden." Another Gaian wolf, a girl with dark brown hair says.
Darius turns to the brown-haired Gaian wolf.
"When was this?" He asks her.