The market was alive with the scent of salt and spice, freshly caught fish mixing with the rich aromas of sizzling meats and foreign herbs. Merchants called out their wares, bargaining voices overlapping like crashing waves. Beneath the chatter, the distant cries of gulls filled the lively chaos of the port town.
Yara moved through the crowd with ease, her sharp eyes darting between the stalls, taking in the sea of faces. Val, ever the shadow at her side, glared at everything in his path. His broad frame and imposing presence carved an effortless path through the throng.
His face was set in that usual expression of barely restrained irritation. The mix of sweat, fish, and unwashed bodies made his nose wrinkle, but he bore it in silence. He had bigger concerns.
Like making sure Yara didn't get herself into trouble.
Or rather, making sure trouble didn't get too close to her.