Rosquina looked at that brave girl, she finally sat down on the floor too, as her fatigue had hit and reached its maximum limit, her children were simply happy without knowing that the worst situation of their lives had passed.
Paver still had a little bit of Aura, but he also almost fainted on the floor, he hoped that the two children were okay and the examiner was okay too, since he helped with the plan and used all his Aura in the last attack.
"Hey kids, are you okay!?"
Ralypadoran and Keju stopped crying after a few seconds, and then they answered: "Yes, and the uncle examiner, is he okay?" She saw the examiner stretched out on the floor with his belly down, breathing fast as if he had run a big race.
Then she heard the examiner's voice, but it seemed tired and almost impossible to hear, if he hadn't been a little close to her then she really wouldn't have heard his voice saying: "Yes, thank you children, you saved everyone. Let's hope the reinforcements arrive Arr-" He couldn't speak anymore, since he really had used all his Aura and from exhaustion had fallen face down on the floor…
"Ah yes, thank you uncle you helped us and defeated that assassin!" But after she said that, something scared everyone. The body of the assassin who was near one of the walls of the room, had obviously started to move with some sounds.
Crack! Crack! Crack!
"Ah! How is he able to move, wasn't he supposed to be at least fainted!?" Ralypadoran started to tremble, she was feeling so much fear, that she was ashamed that she might pee herself right there. Keju was also sweating cold with his stomach hurting with so much anxiety.
It was then that everyone heard that assassin who should be almost dead, screaming and talking so loud that it almost made them deaf. "You trash, you tricked me with those two brats, I'm going to kill everyone just wait!"
The examiner hearing that, seemed to have gained a drop of life, so he replied: "He's lying, the blow I gave him certainly left him in bad shape, now he's probably going to hide and heal his injury with his Aura. Just hold on everyone and don't get close to him since he's still strong and has Aura. Our reinforcements should arrive at some point, so everyone can survive."
As soon as everyone heard that, they became more calm, since the examiner knew the situation better than they did. Then Rosquina who was taking care of the twins, quickly realized when she heard the examiner's words, that that assassin was going to become invisible and quickly wanted to tell the children to go back to where they were, but it wasn't necessary since she quickly saw the figure of Ralypadoran's grandfather moving to the two children, and holding one in each arm and bringing them back to the group.
Quantu and his parents were a little embarrassed, since they had decided to abandon Keju before. Quantu wanted to apologize to him and say that his parents had forced him, but Keju didn't even look at him and just stayed by the side of that country girl.
"Hmph. You were lucky Keju, if it were me there against that bad guy, I would have defeated him too." When his parents heard those words from Quantu, they quickly pulled the child and closed his mouth. His father showed a severe face to him, which scared him so much that he kept quiet, because he was afraid that his father would hit him right there.
Ralypadoran came close to Keju and hugged him, she in her tribe hugged everyone, so she also didn't mind hugging him after having helped her with her little plan. Keju was a little shy, but at the same time happy, since before they both had cried with joy after having managed to defeat the villain, even though he has not died now, this could be resolved when the reinforcements that the examiner talked so much about, arrived here.
However, while he was being hugged by her, he swore he felt some threatening look from that baby that Rosquina was holding, almost as if he had committed some sin and stolen something from someone…
But quickly he took this out of his head, after all there was no way that baby could have such an advanced thought. So he went to thank Ralypadoran's Grandfather for having saved him, since he was too scared to walk after hearing the voice of that evil being.
Ralypadoran's Grandfather then replied to him: "Boy you are very brave, if it were me in your situation I would also have died of fear. If you want to return to our tribe, then we will accept you with open arms." Keju was moved and quickly agreed when he heard his proposal, because his Father and his Mother then he had no one else to take care of him.
Ralypadoran was a little happy to have someone else in her tribe, besides she felt that he could become a great warrior in her tribe. Of course she didn't forget that the bad guy was still alive.
"Don't worry my granddaughter, he won't be able to attack us until he heals first. I'm also sure that the reinforcements will arrive after so many minutes." Ralypadoran's Grandfather tried to reassure her, but he didn't notice a mistake in his speech, nor the examiner himself, since they had to have some hope that the reinforcements would come since they were under attack. But there was only one problem, that was, if the Elders really knew about the attack…
The gap they had made in the formation had not yet been seen. What really made the reinforcements leave the energy room where the fusion machine was, was Keijo who called their attention, realizing that there were unwanted visitors. They noticed right away that it was not an ally, since they had never seen him before and the invader did not even answer his question, thus making sure that it was an invader.
The examiner who was breathing a little better, after sitting in a meditation position and starting to recover his Aura. He knew that in his state, worrying about his Aura was paramount, since when the enemy managed to heal, and he was tired without a drop of Aura, the assassin's mission would be easier.
What he didn't know, was that another person was running to the room, he like Kracky wore a Medieval Tunic and a mask. Even though Kracky was hit, at no time did anyone manage to take off his mask, just leave his clothes a little dirtier after he flew out after receiving the examiner's blow and fell on the floor that was dirty.
Keijo knew that this was the place where Kracky had gone, he thought his friend would finish much earlier, he was even a little surprised at his friend's delay. So he used his Aura to check the room, that's when he saw some adults other elders and even living children.
"Damn! What happened? How did he not kill everyone here?"
He didn't understand how his partner took so long just to finish off these trash bags. It was then that his Aura felt an Aura a little stronger than normal, being the strongest of these people who were tired.
"Now I understand, it must be that guy who somehow prevented my partner from killing everyone. I didn't think there was someone so strong in such a weak base, taking out those two monsters. Well I'm going to kill him to help him."
The examiner who was meditating, only had time to feel a great Aura even stronger than that assassin, so he believed it was the reinforcement. Without thinking much he went to open the big gate of the room, to finally be able to receive help from the reinforcements. But he didn't see that the one who entered was a guy with a hijab and a mask, he only had time to see the expression of the mask that was of some monster and shortly after he felt something going through his body.
His face only showed surprise, he didn't imagine that there was not one, but two assassins and that this one appeared just when he was tired without being able to use his ability to dodge.
"Hahaha! You're going to hell for having messed up our plan." He only had time to stop smiling and become sad as his life was going away. Then he saw the spear that was skewering his belly and making his body be thrown back with force with it stuck in his body. As he was thrown to the wall by the spear, he saw the looks of everyone, many closed their eyes and two babies looked at him with sadness, others were without reaction and with small tears falling from their eyes.
He only had time to apologize softly, while his body was losing life. Thus his glow was fading and his body was softening until he died. His name was Vanki and he had been chosen to protect Base 2 one day before the attack on the dome.