Ryan had always stored items in his inventory by simply swiping his hand into it while holding the item. However, with his left hand completely disfigured and his right hand burnt, accompanied by the sheer weight of the chests, swiping these boxes into his inventory was out of the question. Not to mention the fact he had never stored anything this big.
"Uhh...so how do I do this?" Ryan contemplated, standing over one of the boxes of silver coins.
Ryan began to ponder. It was possible storing things in his inventory was never about the gesture; perhaps more so about his intent, just like with his status window. Simply visualizing it made it appear.
Ryan reached down, touching the box with the intent of storing it in his inventory. Without warning or trace, the chest disappeared.
"That's it," Ryan smiled as he swiftly touched another chest, then another, all of them disappearing one after another.