Chereads / Eminent Shadows:The Trilogy / Chapter 12 - Thinking of home

Chapter 12 - Thinking of home

*POV* Cassy Iris Aleera

We travel over the great river the next morning, I wondered if we were going to see anymore Hilldren soldiers along the way but surprisingly we didn't. The great river was huge with fast rushing water that would pull you under and never let you go.

We used one of the 4 great bridges that let us pass over. I had wondered if maybe we would have to cross with magic but decided against it when I got my first glimpse of the tall stone wall that ran along the river.

The soldiers we had captured Destiny had us leave at the lake after they were questioned,

they hadn't given much information I figured by the stormy look Destiny had for the rest of the night. When dawn broke the night sky Destiny called aholt to rest and to feed the group.

I snuck down into the thick grass beside Maricela, and looked up at the fast fading stars. I had not walked so much in my life, with a simple life in my village moving from place to place was never a concern to me.

So yeah I was saying I was not in the best physical shape.

Maricela gave out a heavy sigh, and I rose myself onto my elbows to look at her face. I dropped back down, not surprised that she was already asleep.

We would reach the cliffs of souls by that night if all goes to plan. Destiny came into view looking tired. "Cassy." She inquired, I moved to sit up looking at her in question. "I was wondering if you would be willing to get water for the cooks?" She asked, and I jumped to my feet, happy to help.

I followed her over to where a dozen fire pits had been set up, with various piles of supplies laying around. Destiny stopped in front of a huge barrel chested man with white hair and a wide grin.

"This is the head cook, Mr. Denis." Destiny introduced us. I smiled and nodded in greeting.

"Over here." Mr. Denis motioned, I sat on the offered bucket and started gathering the water into the buckets and pots Mr. Denis placed in front of me.

About an hour later, I stood and stretched and took my leave to find my place beside Maricela once again. It took a minute because people were scattered all over the grassy ground.

I sunk down and soon fell asleep, ready to catch as much shut eye as I could. I had to have been asleep for only a second before I was being shaken awake. "Come on, Cassy. It's time to wake up." I groaned, curled up. Mink tried again.

"Come on, Cas you have to get up." She shook me again. I groaned again and moved to sit up rubbing my eyes. "There we go." She smiled. "Now let's eat before we leave."

When we started walking again, the landscape soon began to turn rockier and soon we were able to see tall cliffs appear in the distance.

I walked beside Mink as she floated beside me. She smiled. "You know you are the first water born I have ever remembered meeting." Mink said. "Oh?" I questioned.

I guess that we never really got visitors at the village much and I knew for a fact that the water mage's were less likely to be found in the cities after the new king.

"Yeah, I have met many fire mages. Like Clay and Destiny. And air mages like me. And even earth." She laughed.

"If you ask me, I think water is awesome. It has to be really powerful too." I blushed. Everyone was telling me that water was really strong and I wasn't really saying we weren't. I just hadn't seen the great water mages do their things.

"I guess I just need to keep practicing. I should be able to do all those great things." Mink smiled.

"There is no rush Cassy. Don't push yourself too hard." I was happy that Mink and I had become so close, I missed Aria.

Aria had been my closest friend in the village. Mink looked worried and I almost screeched when she lifted me off the ground and I floated up beside her. "What are you thinking about.?" She questioned. "My family." She sighed and I knew she had heard me.

"Oh dear.." I wondered what she was thinking about when her face turned cloudy and her eyes darkened. "Are you also missing your family?" I thought and Monique helped me relay it to her.

Mink sighed again and smiled softly looking out over the rocky landscape. "Yeah… loss is something that will never go away." I felt for her but I wasn't sure what to say.

"I have a sister about your age, she is amazing. I think she is what keeps me going." I took her hand and squeezed. "Where is she?" I asked.

Mink smiled. "No clue at the moment. But I did send an airmail to her yesterday after the attack."

I nodded. "I am sure I will have a baby sister or brother by now. Mother will be so sad that I am not there to meet them. And I think I am too. I was so looking forward to meeting them."

"Oh that is so awesome, babies are so fun, maybe you can go back to your village. Tell them you are alive." I felt better after Mink told me I could probably return. But I wasn't too sure as we made our way farther and farther away from my home.