The whole world was a surveillance state. There were men and women dedicated to watching out for insurrection and the military was always poised to nip it in the bud.
Gatherings soon after became illegal and all social media platforms were shut down,only men were allowed electronic communication devices outside of the work environment, this was immediately followed by the attack on all religions that didn't support the existing burgeoning social structure. The religions that rose to the top were the Abraham's religions and some of the regions in the east.
The religious writings were revised and reinterpreted to emphasize the subordinate role of women, the word family was reinvented to mean a man and his chosen brother. No god was a father or mother, because father's and mothers no longer existed, sin became anything done by a female of any age that inconvenienced a man or caused him harm.
Men could be anything they wanted, but since they had all their needs met through the universal basic salary, most opted not to work. Education was compulsory and free up to undergraduate level, opting out of this compulsory education was considered a major symptom of mental illness.
Children with learning difficulties were declared intellectually disabled and dealt with according to their sex assigned at birth.
Sex assignment at birth became a whole department of its own, antenatal genetic counseling become compulsory, children born with genetic disorders were marked disabled, they were killed if they were male and sterilized if they were female and then put in special prisons where they were kept until puberty before being transferred to the adult prison.
There were no men's prisons, all crime committed by both men and women was punished by public flogging, the most lenient sentence was fifty lashes, enough such punishment would lead a person to being rendered handicapped, and all handicapped males were put to death.
Most jobs, including mining and construction became the province of women,as the children who had known no other world reached adulthood,the segregation of the sexes continued. Women went to regular colleges and universities, the AI led curriculum was severely truncated, history, was not a subject that was taught in those institutions.
Men were encouraged to join military colleges or directly join the world's defense forces. Men were taught history, a history that equated women to demons who were only now,after ravaging the world and bringing it to near destruction, being justly punished fro their sins.
With the view that women, these abominable creatures that had held mankind in thrall for millenia, the religion of Christ rose to the highest prominence in the world as the boys and the men learned of Eve the creator of sin and Christ and his chosen brothers, who were persecuted and murdered by women who didn't want them to spread thegospeltruth, which was: all females are evil,useful in many ways but ultimately evil,and they must kept only to their uses to keep the world safe.
Evil was not to be tolerated, so women were not allowed to enter sanctified spaces, except to keep such places clean and pristine.
The rigours of climate change were blamed on the rapacious nature of women as increasingly natural disasters and the breakout of pestilence led to millions of deaths. The men were encouraged to impregnate as many women as they could, because Christ was to be born again to save the world from evil forever. Church service was offered every day in the evening, and it was in the evenings that most rapes occurred in the communities of "free" women.
Women stopped going out after sunset.
Since all property was government property, men soon learned not to break into women's places of residence or places of employment because vandalism charges carried a penalty of public flogging with a minimum of fifty lashes. Too often men punished this way would develop CRUSH syndrome due to their injuries.
The first casualty of the new government was healthcare. Healthcare and health care education was considered a portal to allowing the masses dissatisfaction with the current status quo. The only ones who were allowed to study medicine and surgery were men in the defense forces for the defense forces. Women were by and large ignored even as they passed on skills they had learned to one another, they were just not allowed to profit in any way from this knowledge. Any man who was not a part of the government or the defense forces was left to the mercy of women.
Lucky for the men, there were women with medical or nursing training recieved in the world before the Federation that had passed on this learning informally to the new generation of women, and empathy was always an easy to exploit weakness in the female psyche.
Not all women,though.
So the most common time to rape was in the morning and afternoon, when women were between home wand work. The women to suffer the most were those whose jobs were conducted in the open, and women did not have the manly option to opt out of employment. There were more "free" women than women imprisoned, by a small margin, that was because suicide was another major symptom of mental illness and suicide rates were the highest thay had ever been.
The military emergency medical service would be promptly deployed to save anyone committing suicide, courtesy of the 24/7 surveillance system.
There was no place safe from the electronic eyes and ears of the government.
Attempted suicides were saved from their selfish crime , the men were killed for their sin while women were imprisoned.
The prison-whore complex was in some places bigger than the entire military industrial complex,the research and development department of the defense forces had cart blanche to use the imprisoned women and men who were to be executed for any experiment that needed human subjects.
Even though most industry had been dismantled to increase employment opportunities for all the women who had to work, compensated at plus 5% of the universal basic salary for menial labourers and 12% for skilled labourers,the government put massive funding in R and D projects to better the human race, colonize space, make better weapons....
The year 2083 saw the birth of one who would be called the first demon.
Would it not be sweet if the first demon was the result of those men interfering with genetics?