Chereads / Lucia's Dream Ventures / Chapter 7 - Celebrating...What???

Chapter 7 - Celebrating...What???

~Ch.7, Start!~

''Master. I will hold great faith, that your newest adventure won't be too hard on you.'' Theodore boldly said, as he bowed. ''Please, come back safe. . .and un-exhausted. -Won't you?''

''I will try my best.'' Lucia remarked, nodding her head.

''See you in due time, my lady.'' He said, as he went back inside.

''Mhr-mrm! . . .'' Lucia thought, feeling a slight chill. ''How is it still so cold... around here? Why is our Gehenna... still so cold? Mhmmm...

Vis Lumé Acces!''

[Dream entered]

''Huhhh? Is this the dream? I cannot see, even my own body.'' She thought, trying to feel her surroundings. ''Where is all the light? Oh right. . . .Apel.''

Right as I was calling for a flashlight, a curious wonder happened. My scenery opened all around me.

''What is going on? Huh?'' She wondered, as she was taken aback. ''What is... all of that??? Colorful boxes? That look to be... all nicely wrapped?

And... in the sky... Are those things..... floating candles? Woooaaaaaahhh...''

After I took it all in, I figured out this dream's theme.

[Realm of Birthdays]

''A birthday themed...dream world? How sooo exciting.'' She festively thought. ''I have to explore all of it, right away.''

When I realized where I was, I went everywhere, poking, staring, and reaching at every-thing.

I was in a zone with large presents, of different sizes, a fully white sky, and floating candles. I also found the ground's look weird.

It was grass, but...every other inch, the path was flat stones? Then I recalled...

''Wait. Stones? Theodore taught me, basically; a birthday is a milestone of something...'' She distantly thought. ''I do not think, his words meant this way...''

Sometime later...

I reached the end of the field, and what I thought was the end, except...

''Oooh. A rainbow? This place has a rainbow?'' She marveled at in amazement. ''Am I supposed to use it, like a bridge? -Step, step.''

First, I made sure the rainbow was safe, with some summoned items. After the tests, I traveled over it for a while. Near its end, I had to slide down -which was SO fun.

Rainbow's end...

''Hhm? Where did the rainbow take me?'' She asked herself. ''Are those...objects in the sky? Urh? Is this place a stone canyon? . . .Blue fires too? I wonder what use it serves?''

In front of, and above me, there was hovering toys and tools. The sky, it was bright blue. Maybe too bright. Thinking about their purpose, as I went forward. I realized what I think they represent.

In my opinion, I believe they represent birthday wishes. Choices for what the owner wants.

''This all reminds me of... Stefan. I miss him...right now...'' Lucia glumly thought.

Canyon's end?

''The sun. I cannot see ahead. Eghhh. Is it getting brighter?'' She thought, blinded by the light.

With no warning, the weird-looking sun smiled down at me. I could not understand at all, why Mr. Sun was blinding me.

A new location?

''Ermmm? Ughh. Where-'' She thought, wildly rubbing her eyes. ''Am I. . .somewhere different? Erh? My vision is still unclear...''

''Sniff. Sniff. That smell. What is that I smell? And... the ground is shaking?'' She wondered, as she eyesight came back. ''Whooooooaaahhh... Cakes? Giant cakes? And candles? Lots of them.

Hm? My feet. I am standing -on a giant cake???''

((Nearby rumbling))

''Over there. Are those moving creatures. . .giant monster teddy bears???'' Lucia thought in shock.

Around me, I saw only large cakes of different sizes, with a dozen huge bears. They went from cake to cake, and blew out candles. For some reason, the bears looked so.....unhappy.

The area, it was colorless and lonely. I realized another detail. The ground was just gray rainbows.

''Gray rainbows? What a sad world to have.'' She unhappily thought.

I slowly sneaked through the cake area, because I did not want the bears attention. Who knows what they would do, if I was found by them?

((Cawww! Cawww!! Wing fluttering!))

''This place...has crows too?? I wonder why?'' She dwelled on, while sneaking by.

((Caw! Cawww!! Blowwwwww!))

''Hunhhh? -That tickles.'' She listlessly remarked, while confused. ''Sorry. My hair is not a candle. Can you stop blowing on my hair piece? It...really tickles.....a lot.''


At last...

''My senses. It tells me I am very close. the Crux door?'' She asked, as she searched the scene. ''Where the rainbow ends, I spot a single door. I think I found it. Time to end this dream.''

[Crux room]

''I wonder... If this dream's theme is birthdays, what would the Crux be then?'' She chewed over, while inching closer. ''At my birthday, what did I have? . . . Now, I can see the pedestal.

The object... It looks straight...and tall. And it is...colorful-Ohhh, I get what it is. I guess...a rainbow candle would make sense...''

((The candle's fire erupted))

''Aghhh... H-Hot. Hot.'' She blankly exclaimed.

In front of my eyes, the candle grew big. Bigger than my manor's first floor celling. It got red eyes, and grew slender arms and legs. The setting of the dark room, it changed into space.

Lucia thought, ''I wonder... What could I use against...a candle? . . . . . .Apel.''

[Pole axe!]

''Maybe... I can chop Mr. Candle.'' She interestingly thought.

Running axe attack! ...It dodged.

Left axe attack! ...He did not feel it, and I was punched.

''Urmphhh.'' She groaned.

Next attack, please work. ...It...knocked him over?

((Flames sputtering))

Mr. Candle acted nervously, and frantically stood up.

''Why did he...look so alarmed? It was like.....he was worried about...his fire.'' She deeply thought, with her gears turning. ''❗ Hhm. I think I may have a idea. Apel.''

[Medium-sized Hand fan]

Lucia gleaned, ''Maybe...if I fly, and blow his fire away.''

Strong fan waving attack! ...Slightly worked, and he tried to hit me.

Maybe if I wave faster. ...It made not a difference.

I flew back down, and tried to form another idea.

''Mhm. I need something better. What item could help me?'' She greatly debated on. ''Apel.''

Mr. Candle tried to grab me. . .It missed, with some of his fire abruptly going out.

((Mr. Candle heavily panicked))

Lucia thought, ''Hooray. The water balloons affected his fire. I need to keep throwing more.''

I threw tons at his wick, waiting for him to burn out.

((Crux losing strength, and fighting back))

One last balloon throw. . . . . . . . .It puffed out.

Lucia thought, ''His fire, did I defeat him? He is not moving anymore.''

[Realm of Birthdays shattered]

Lucia summarized, 'The theme of today's dream was... 'Celebrations that have to end someday.'

Much later, at dinner...

''Myyy. Your words tell me, it was a unthinkable and sensational world. Mhm-mhm.'' Theodore contently remarked. ''Was that all? Did you tell me everything you wished to, master?''

''Uhhh-hhh... No. That was all.'' Lucia merrily replied.

''My lady. It seems, talking about your day brought back that smirk to your face.'' Theodore cheerfully pointed out.

''Ahhh. I did not feel it show up.'' She hesitantly said, feeling her mouth.

''Master. If you smiled, it means talking about your day, must have been fun.'' Theodore sincerely outlined.

''Theodore? You...think so? Maybe... you are right.'' She reluctantly replied.

''Humble thanks. ((Swallows)) Now, go get ready for you after-dinner lessons.'' Theodore respectfully announced. ''I'll be with you shortly, my lady.''

''Right. I will be going now.'' She said, leaving the table, and still feeling her face.

Theodore thought, ''I am simply satisfied, to see you safe and in alright status today, master.''

The end...