Two similar looking baby's lay next to each other in a dark, eerie forest alone, seemingly abandoned by their mother until a man who looked to be around 50, with salt and pepper hair and a broad and built look and a samurai sat in his obi(band to keep sword on his waist) , noticed the two boys, one crying and one not. There eyes noticed the man and both looked at him with wild curiosity dazzling in their eyes.
One boy adorned with charming crimson eyes and another with tranquil blue eyes.
'Intresting' the man thought. Little did he know this would be the start of a story which would make the annals of history.
The man picked the two boys up gracefully and took them back to his small house with a fatherly glint in his eyes. This began the two boys lives in the old man's care, whose name was Rintaru. He named the two boys Aka(Red) and Ao(blue) after the colour of their unique and charming eyes.
Early on both boys took a deep interest and fascination in swordplay and were often found sword fighting with any branches they could find and would fight for hours, proved in their defined body even by the ages of 12. By this time both boys were taught their father's swordsplay, known as the elemental dance and refined their skills with daily spars.
By 20, Ao and Aka set out to venture the wonders of the world getting into numerous battles with skilled samurai, fighting tooth and nail together.
But all good things must come to an end.
Aka was fuelled by the fire of his swordsmanship gave them and strived for the pinnacle of the world. The Iron throne. The throne which had been passed to the strongest of all swordsmen and only taken by the strongest in the world, located in the centre of the continent.
Ao on the other hand, dreamed for a peaceful life. His journey was to prove his swordsmanship not from the iron throne but his feats of goodwill in the continent. His ocean blue, calm and tranquil eyes yearned for peace rather than conflict but he knew strength was the only path he could take to establish this.
This pivotal disagreement on future paths tarnished the brother's relationship and was the start of a war soon to come.
The elemental dance displayed its power in the world with two beacons, one of fire and one of water as they ventured the lands proving their prowess in swordsmanship.
Aka achieved his goal first with him claiming the iron throne and proving his strength but upon taking the throne he became anxious of his brother.
Despite Ao's want for peace through the land, Aka wanted no threat to his throne.
Aka's unrest grew throughout the years until he finally made his move.
He sent an army 300 strong throughout the lands with any new coming swordsman making a charge to the throne being ruthlessly finished by the iron army.
Aka wanted to change the way of the continent. He wanted to be a king.
His army marched for 2 years targeting all swordsmen until they faced Ao. He knew of the injustice his brother was committing and now that injustice was facing him, despite the brothers being nearly 50, Ao still had confidence in his strength.