As i Enter the Mindscape i can see a Cage with 2 deep red eyes " So my Jailer has Finally come to see me " Karama said " Who are you" i asked " Im the king of demons im the one who Attacked the Hidden leaf Village 6 years ago Im The 9 tails fox!!! Karama said But thats Impossible The 4th hokage killed you 6 years ago!!! I Yelled " Foolish boy an tailed beast cannot be killed so he Sealed me into me and your brother" But why? What the Hell makes us So special that he would seal you into me and Naruto!!! (I was playing my part) I yelled " Because The 4th hokage minato namikaze is Naruto father" Karama said It all makes Sense now why the Villagers hate us because your inside of me and naruto all of this pain and yet i dont hate u infact i want to be your Friend ( Karama Pov ) What?did this kid asked me to be his friend hes the only human ever to asked me to be his friend maybe hes Different from the other humans fine i will be his friend" you got yourself a deal Kazuna As we gave each other fist bumps Wait what do you mean Naruto father ant he my father too if he is naruto father? "No you see your father is rengoku uchiha son of that bastrad madara uchiha anyway when they were kids they fail in love and had u 1 year before naruto but after you were bron they droke up because of the clan rules of the uchiha clan then your mother kusnhia fill in love with minato then had naruto and no kuzuna your father did not Abandon you he died when i was mind control into Destroying the Village.