London. The Robert Browns house.
Svyat lying on the floor reacts very sharply to Richard's presence.
— Come on, fu...
At that moment, Richard grabs the kid by the scruff of the neck and says.
— I think we didn't finish last time.
He throws it on the table and rolls on it. After that, he dusts off his hands and says.
— So, I don't see everything here, so I'll be brief... I'm giving you one last chance, either you're for me or you're against...
Coming to his senses, Svyat raised his weapon and said.
— Did he get pumped up?
Ange said.
— You're probably out of shape.
Svyat looked disapprovingly at Ange, after which he hit the handcuffs with a hammer, but nothing happened to them.
Richard raised his voice.
— Are you even listening to me?
— Yes, yes, you said something about... A super chance?
Richard rolled his eyes and asked the nearest agent.
— Why should I enter into a dialogue with them?
He just shook his head. Richard continued.
— Do you even know what's holding me back from shooting you here?
— Conscience?
Said Svyat, handing Ange the lock pick.
— Expediency... Understand that we are pursuing the same goal, and with your knowledge and strength and my guidance – we can build new world...
— How's that? By destroying the old one?
Richard's face changed.
— Alas, this world cannot be saved, I'll give you until the evening and...
At that moment, Ange was able to remove the handcuffs, and Svyat threw a disposable lamp. A bright light illuminated the entire room, after a moment it dissipated and only a broken window remained of Ange and Svyat.
On the street, running across the roofs, Svyat spoke.
— I'm sorry flashlight, Bee will be upset.
— Now it's better to think about how to get everyone together. We won't make it to the control, we'll be waiting in the lair.
— Got it.
In control at this time.
"L", smoking a cigar, reads the report.
— So the 3rd Prince has returned?
The Colonel said.
— Just a guess.
"7" looking at the papers, she said.
— According to the information, Richard did not leave the prison, the security system is working properly.
Dollishop, laughing.
— From the very prison from which they got a whole team of agents out, thanks to a bunch of recruits and "Phoenix"?
The colonel said.
— Do not underestimate the kid, he is not as simple and stupid as it seems.
"7" added.
— In any case, it wasn't us who imprisoned the prince, but the duke.
Dollishop thoughtfully.
— Who, according to the kid himself, was in contact with him.
The colonel spoke.
— Do you think he's playing a double game?
Dollishop shrugged his shoulders with a smile.
"L" spoke.
— In any case, the task is to find out what Richard is planning and stop it. There is no need to worry about the kid, he is determined to fully help the "White Dove" while...
At this time at the academy.
Svyat rummaged through the shelves, muttering to himself.
— Where did he put it?
After examining the shelves, under the sofa, and even in the secret hiding place, the boy just sighed.
— Then so be it.
Svyat tidied up and went into the room. When he reached the science classroom, the boy wanted to open the door, but after listening, he knocked first.
A voice came from the room.
— Who's there?
Svyat exhaled with relief and went inside.
— I am a resident of the planet Moon.
Ange spoke in a calm voice.
— The moon is not a planet...
The kid is perplexed.
— What about it?
— The Moon is a satellite of the Earth. — Ange, looking at the boy, added — an assistant who is always hanging around, but at the same time is very important for the Earth.
Svyat said with a smile.
— Does the Planet of the Black Lizards have its own satellite?
— Yes, and he is very unbearable.
The kid pouted, and Ange continued.
— But he's just as important to her anyway. She's amused by how she gets out of the bad moments.
Svyat was immediately overjoyed, after which he took out the chess set and spoke.
— Let's have a party, all we have to do is wait.
Ange grinned at him.
— Lay it out.
After that, she looked at her watch and thought about it, looking at the phone.
At that time, Dorothy and Beatrice were getting into the car. The last one spoke.
— We're not going to wait for rooks?
— They'll get there on their own, but we need to pass on what we've learned while we're on time.
— Okay.
Dorothy started the car and they started off, and during the ride she added.
— And yes, don't call them "rooks" it sounds strange.
— It's even sweet to me, they must be different somehow.
— Well, yes, but they could have come up with something more... It's appropriate, not just to name other birds.
— It seems that Holy was talking about other ideas, something like "Les trois espions", "Non-commonwealth", and "Gray Goose"
— Damm... one is better than the other. It looks like my imagination has completely run out.
— And not only that.
— What do you mean?
— Well, during your departure, Holy suffered at first, but he held on well, but then he seemed to get worse and worse. Of course, we helped as much as we could, but the situation was resolved only by your arrival.
— Hmm... That's interesting. We'll deal with this later, but for now we need to send a little message.
At this time in the academy.
Svyat, having placed the pieces on the board, rushed to the closet and opened a secret drawer.
Through a couple of flasks with an unknown liquid, he took out a bottle of wine. Picking up a couple of glasses, the boy sat down on a chair and began pouring the liquid.
Ange spoke disapprovingly.
— I don't think you should drink now.
— I'm stressed, I need to calm down, and Steve hid my supplies. And I need at least a little bit! — raising his voice, and standing up.
— Okay. — Ange said in a calm voice, moving her pawn.
Svyat's face changed, and he lowered his voice as he sat down.
— I'm sorry... You've been gone a long time... I've missed you. I couldn't find a place for myself, so...
the kid moved the black pawn, and then put the glass of wine on the edge of the table.
Ange smiled.
The guys played for fun, rearranging the pieces, sometimes giving in.
When the game turned into the endgame, Ange was about to go queen, but stopped, leaving the piece in limbo.
Svyat did not understand the girl's actions at first, but after seeing the wine shudder in the glass, he looked at Ange.
Everything went quiet, Ange put a piece on the board, but without letting go of it. At that moment, the phone rang and the room was immediately rushed into.
Svyat instantly knocked over the table, into which a tomahawk flew a moment later. The kid suggested it.
— Out the window?
— It's too open. — looking out from behind the table, the girl said. — about 3, we run to the garage.
Svyat drank the rest in his glass.
— 1...
The boy took out a hammer and sickle.
— 2...
Ange turned on the key ball.
— 3!..
The girl used the table as a shield through which the boy jumped out and knocked down two agents.
Looking back, the guys ran down the corridor.
An agent with a pistol appeared around the corner and started shooting. Svyat stepped forward and deflected two bullets, but at that moment Ange grabbed the boy by the collar with the help of a key ball and threw him into the room.
After closing the door from the inside, Ange spoke.
— Are you completely insane? Don't get in the way of bullets whenever you want, at least not from them.
— What about watching them fly at you?
— I can take care of myself!
— And bullets don't think so!
— Okay, we'll talk about it later, now we need to get to the garage. — the girl quieted down — the bill is back.
Svyat prepared himself.
— 3... 2...
Ange opened the door, hitting the agent. The guys rushed down the corridor again. An agent with a tomahawk appeared in front of them again, but Ange, with the help of a key ball, jumped onto the ceiling, grabbed the Saint, and he kicked the agent down.
They reached the hall, where Zelda appeared at the door. Holy, groaning.
— Well, where are you going, beetroot?
— Now you'll find out. — Zelda pointed her gun.
Svyat spoke softly.
— Plan "T"!
— Huh? — Ange was perplexed.
— Toss!
Svyat turned on the girl's key ball, took Ange by the hands and, spinning, threw her forward.
The girl flew over Zelda, and Zelda just watched her go without emotion.
After that, she looked at the boy and said.
— It's a stupid decision. And what does "she" see in you? — Having finished, Zelda fired.
Svyat took out his weapon in time and, beating off the bullets, said sarcastically.
— Bullets don't take...
Svyat and Zelda ran at each other, when they were almost getting close, the girl suddenly slipped into the legs. The kid managed to react and jump up.
After switching sides, Zelda tried to shoot again, but Svyat threw the sickle, knocking out the pistol.
The boy attacked with a hammer, swinging, Svyat carried out a series of blows, but the girl dodged. Sneaking closer, Zelda kicked the boy in the side, and then kicked him right in the rib, knocking Svyat away.
The hammer flew off, and the boy held his side and tried to catch his breath. The girl turned on her key ball and jumped on the boy.
Svyat reacted in time, intercepting the girl's leg, used the key ball against her and slammed the girl with all his strength to the floor.
Zelda, despite the pain with her other leg, knocked down Svyat and, turning off the key ball, made a grab and began to strangle the boy.
— You're too cocky. Let's sit here and calm down, maybe even fall asleep.
Svyat was running out of oxygen and he started turning blue, but he kept fidgeting. And Zelda continued.
— Come on, go to sleep, and we can handle Ange on our own...
At that moment, the boy bit Zelda's hand, she loosened her grip and the Saint, hitting his nose with his elbow, broke away.
Catching his breath, raising his weapon, the boy did not have time to look back as Zelda punched him. The saint was thrown back, he wanted to get up, but a second blow followed — from his foot.
The weapon flew off again. And Zelda spoke again.
— "terrible preparedness" maybe anyone, but not me.
Zelda swung her leg again, but Svyat intercepted her leg and turned around and punched the girl in the face. Zelda held her nose while the Saint, with blood coming out of his nose and a smile, spoke.
— Wha's wrong your face?
Zelda, with a serious look, turned on the key ball and rammed into the kid, who collided with the wall and fell into a blackout.
— How do you like place?
At this time, Ange, slipping through the agents, made her way to the garage.
But suddenly she was surrounded and guns were pointed.
The girl looked around. One of the agents spoke up.
— Give up. You're one against ten.
Ange sighed, removing the key ball, she slowly raised her arms. The agents began to approach closer. Suddenly, a bolon fell out of Ange's sleeve, from which smoke poured out. Ange turned on the key ball.
The agents panicked and started firing. After several shots, the shooting stopped, but the sound of gunfire came out of the smoke and the fire resumed.
At this time, Ange, being on the ceiling, went on.
Zelda returned to the agents and shouted.
— You fools, she's gone!
Everyone ran after her. Once near the pantry, Ange grabbed a mop and scattered the three men who ran in.
Zelda spoke again.
— Are you completely brainless?!
After taking the gun away from the agent, the girl fired a net, but Ange, putting out a mop, deflected it.
The agents started shooting again, hiding around the corner, Ange came across a worried Lily Gavestone and, hearing footsteps, hid her in the pantry. Ange barely had time to close the door when a net was shot at her. Zelda came over and said with a grin.
— Tie your hands and feet, we don't want our carrier pigeon to escape, do we?
At this time, Gavestone was sitting in the pantry, scared, not making any sounds.