Chereads / Princess Principal: Black Lizard Planet(fanfic) / Ova For Volume 2: "Svyat report"

Ova For Volume 2: "Svyat report"

Disclaimer. Read after reading the second volume

Morning. Sunrise.

The White Dove team, with the exception of Steve and Lawrence, headed to the academy after the ball. Almost reaching the destination, the car smokes and stalls. Beatrice asked.

— What happened? Is it broken?

Dorothy is annoyed.

— No, it's just that someone decided to take a ride in a car... Yes, Holy?!

The boy looked away and whistled softly.

Dorothy, Ange and Beatrice began to dig into the engine. Svyat decided to come over to help, but Dorothy immediately said.

— No, no, no... Go for a walk, you can walk if you want, you can see her from here...

At that moment, Beatrice wanted to inspect a part of the engine, but it immediately fell off, and Ange said.

— It looks like we're all walking...

the Saint looked around. Suddenly, he noticed a rather familiar tree. He went up to him and shouted.

— Hey! Look what I found!

Dorothy sighed. Chise spoke.

— He climbed into the bushes again...

the Saint showed the find. Beatrice asked.

— What could have happened to be there?

— No, it's better. Balalaika!

Dorothy asked.

— Well, where did she come from?

Glory thought about it.

— Apparently I left it here when I followed you on the day we met. Then Steve picked me up, and I forgot about her. But now I have it and we'll have fun getting there.

Svyat went ahead, adjusting the balalaika. Everyone followed. Charlotte, who was walking next to Ange, asked.

— Do you think he's still mad? 

Ange looked at the joyful Svyat.

— I think not, because at least he was in the same car with you. But even if he is offended, he is in such a mood that he will forget about it at the first opportunity.

— I hope so... I just don't want us to have any... disagreements.

Svyat adjusted the balalaika and began to play. Having lost before the verse, he wanted to sing, but suddenly Chise beat him to it.


At this point, there should have been a song text with the distribution of lines by characters. But it turned out to be too difficult to implement, so I'll leave the title of the video on YouTube so that you can do whatever you want. 

"The Song of Friends (Песня Бременских музыкантов)"



Svyat reported to the Colonel, Dollishop, "7" and "L".

— And after playing the song, we...

the Colonel interrupted.

— Stop, that's enough! What songs, what balls? We've already heard about the prison, tell us about what you were doing in a foreign country and about the contract with the duke...

— Hmm... Initially, I went there by accident and because of one cheeky coachman, but it doesn't matter. Arriving in the capital, we settled in some temple, having a little quarrel with the local intelligentsia, we began to train in the art of the sword. I coped pretty well, then I had a couple of nightmares and... we spent the night in a cold cave. We all became friends, but homesickness suddenly awoke in me and I went home...

"L", lighting a cigar, said.

— Is it possible to get to the point?

— Aah... I thought my friends would need help and I was right.

The colonel asked.

— Did you go to the Duke yourself?

The saint lowered his head.

— No... at the entrance to the city, I was caught and taken to Gazelle, who in turn recognized me and took me to the duke. We talked a little and decided to send me to prison, so for a short term – life. Nooo... the idea arose in my head to help them from the bottom of my heart, in return for my freedom and, as it turned out, my friends. And the duke offered to participate in a fun game with the display of a white cape, as a hero, in order to prevent the Red-haired prince from taking the throne...

The Colonel sighed and folded his hands.

— For what purpose, did we get one of these?

"7" in a quiet and confident voice.

— He single-handedly saved the rescue mission, helped to remove a common enemy, and before that, without orders, jumped into a hot house just to get people out... Even if this yunova carries out orders without recoil, but he is ready for anything for his friends. Quite a valuable asset nowadays...

The Colonel lit a cigarette and grinned.

— Friends...

"L" stubbed out his cigar and said.

— Well, I don't think anyone will mind if I apply for a new agent "G".

Svyat grinned. The Colonel sighed again.

— We're finished...

Dollishop with a smile.

— How things turned out unexpectedly, I'll tell you.

"L" began to instruct the Saint on various little things, when suddenly the boy noticed Ange, Dorothy and Steve looking out of the open door. The latter attached an inscription to the door.

"Let's go - beach."

The saint smiled and wanted to say something with pleasure...