*Beast Evolution Stages*
Beasts undergo a unique transformation as they progress through the evolution stages. Their mana core changes color at each level, reflecting their growing power and abilities.
1. *Feral* (Mana core: Dark Grey): The starting point of beast evolution, where individuals begin to develop their magical abilities and physical strength.
2. *Primal* (Mana core: Light Grey): A stage of growth and learning, where beasts develop their magical skills and physical abilities.
3. *Savage* (Mana core: Brown): A stage of refinement, where beasts hone their magical abilities and develop their unique strengths.
4. *Ferocious* (Mana core: Red-Brown): A stage of mastery, where beasts have achieved a high level of magical proficiency and physical strength.
5. *Apex* (Mana core: Orange): A stage of rapid growth, where beasts experience significant increases in magical power and physical ability.
6. *Bestial* (Mana core: Yellow): A stage of spiritual awakening, where beasts gain a deeper understanding of the world and their place in it.
7. *Feral* (Mana core: Light Blue): stage of heightened awareness, where beasts develop a stronger connection to their magical abilities and the world around them.
8. *Primalord* (Mana core: Blue): A stage of profound transformation, where beasts transcend their physical limitations and achieve a higher state of being.
9. *Savage lord* (Mana core: Purple)—???
10. *Divine Beast* (Mana core: White-Gold): ???
*Evolution Stages for All Other Races*
All other races undergo a similar transformation as they progress through the evolution stages. Their mana core, also known as the "Mana core," changes color at each level, reflecting their growing power and abilities. Each level has three smaller levels called stars. Once someone reaches the third star of a stage, they go up a stage.
1. *Initiate* (Mana core Black): ting point of evolution. Where individuals learn to sense and absorb mana.
2. *Novice* (Mana core : Grey)—A stage of growth and learning, where individuals develop their magical skills and physical abilities. This is where most people stop.
3. *Apprentice* (Mana core : brown): A stage of refinement, where their mana capacity doubles and their bones and muscles are strengthened.
4. *Adept* (mana core: Green): A stage of mastery, where individuals learn higher class magic because the entire body and mind is strengthened from the last stage.
5. *Ascendant* (Mana core : Red)A stage of rapid growth, where an individual's mana Capacity doubles again, and they learn to refine their mana giving them a lot of benefits.
6. *Enlightened* (Mana core: Orange): A stage of spiritual awakening, where individuals gain a deeper understanding of the world and their place in it.
7. *Awakened* (Mana core: Yellow): A stage of heightened awareness, where individuals develop a stronger connection to their magical abilities and the world around them. This gives them special abilities that do not require mana but stamina, for example they can fly.
8. *Transcendent* (Mana core Light Blue): A stage of profound transformation, where individuals transcend their physical limitations and achieve a higher state of being.
9. *Demigod* (Mana core: Blue): ???
10. *Deity* (Mana core: White-Gold): ???
Monsters are born into their strength they cannot grow stronger they stay as strong as they were born, although some monsters that are in the same strength level can have an advantage over each other
_Monster Strength Versions_
1. _Aberrant_: A weak and malformed monster, barely able to survive.
2. _Mutant_: A slightly stronger monster, with noticeable physical deformities.
3. _Fiend_: A moderately powerful monster, with a twisted and malevolent personality.
4. _Brute_: A strong and ferocious monster, driven by instinct and a desire for destruction.
5. _Terror_: A formidable monster, capable of inspiring fear and terror in those around it.
6. _Corrupter_: A powerful and twisted monster, with a corrupted and evil presence.
7. _Devouter_: A ravenous and destructive monster, driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction.
8. _Destroyer_: A highly powerful monster, capable of causing massive destruction and chaos.
9. _Annihilator_: A nearly unstoppable monster, driven by a singular desire to annihilate everything in its path.
10. _Erebus_: A monstrous embodiment of the earth's darkest aspects, driven solely by instinct and a desire for destruction. It is a mindless, evil force that cannot understand divine concepts or anything beyond its primal urges.