(This chapter was uploaded on Saturday 16/March/2024 8:00 PM, timezone GMT+3)
Like usual, I should start by thanking RikuKage for helping me with this chapter's draft.
Now, to another pressing matter. I apologize for not staying true to my words from 2 weeks ago. More on that will be at the end of the chapter's notes.
Also, starting today, 4 things will change with my formatting:
The thoughts of the PoV's owner, if it was in first person, will be surrounded with single quotes. That is to make it easier for you to know which are thought lines and which are story-telling ones. And it is also for me to preserve how those thought lines looked before I paraphrase the majority of the chapter to make it look nicer to read.
I will separate the mostly used common language from the others while also specifying if there was a language that was not the commonly spoken one. In this case, the main language of this story is Koine. If it was in 3rd person, the PoV's language is automatically Koine. If it was in 1st person, the PoV owner's language will be the main one and the others will be mentioned like this:
[Dialogue] (What language it is: Accent if necessary). And yes, the parentheses are bold here.
Since I saw it fit for languages to take over the square brackets, {Skills' names, chanting, spell keys and spells' names} will have those braces, AKA curly brackets.
If needed, the focus of a 3rd person PoV will be emphasized before it.
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('1), ('2), ('3), etc. means that there is some explaining for the thing in the notes at the end of the chapter.
"..." small moment of silence
[Dialogue] (What language it is: Accent if necessary)
"He-" Someone was interrupted.
{Skills' names, chanting, spell keys and spells' names}
Don't shy from commenting on typos and/or inconsistencies. That and/or suggesting a modification to certain things that didn't make sense to you.
I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.
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(3rd person PoV)
Although they usually hunted at night, their situation was dire. That is why we see a pack of silver wolves lying in wait. One of their patrols spotted a group of deer passing by a few hours ago.
The silver wolves made a deathly risky gamble since the deer were headed towards the river and they thought they could catch them. It was so that they could either eat and survive another few days, or starve to death in the following few days. Small prey did not suffice anymore. They served only to delay the inevitable.
The silver wolves set up this ambush to entice the deer in. It was a passage across an area densely filled with trees. Deer would create a queue as they crossed the path. That would be an excellent opportunity to make them unable to aid each other readily. Their antlers are likely to become entangled in the surrounding shrubs, too.
The wolves were understandably stressed. They had extra mouths to feed and less paws to help with that during this season. They needed to take advantage of this opportunity before the loup garou packs grabbed it from them.
Because their numbers were low, due primarily to a recent territorial struggle with another pack and frequent fights with loup garou packs, they decided to bring all of the adults on this hunt. The cubs were kept somewhere "safe". A handful of adult wolves were with them. They will be able to howl and alert the others if something happened.
A different unit would herd the deer while the another set up the ambush. When the deer approached, the herders would let out a howl. This is when they leap on the backs of as many deer as they can and kill them.
"AAWWWOOOO!!" That was the signal. They knew it was meant for them since they could tell the slight distinctions amongst their pack members and would have known if the howl did not belong to any of them.
As expected, a herd of deer crossed through the heart of their ambush. They waited for the deer in the rear. It was due to the fact that the stronger ones were faster and so moved further to the front, as well as the fact that those at the back were not as well protected. The stronger ones would not return to the back after already passing by just for a few. If they ever stopped, the herd would suffer even more deaths.
When the number of deer remaining was half that of the wolves, they pounced, with each deer being jumped by two of them at once. They struggled to stay on their backs, ran out of breath, but eventually brought down their prey. The majority of the deer escaped, but it was nothing big. They had enough meat to share with everyone.
[Bring the deer back!] (Wolvish: Silverwolf) The silver wolf hunters' leader issued an order to his fellow wolves.
They pulled their prey back to the location where the cubs were hiding. It left a path behind them that they could not cover. The blood's stink would have revealed it otherwise.
[The kids eat first!] (Wolvish: Silverwolf) The prey was initially taken to the mothers. They each used their strong fangs and jaws to slightly mince the meat, allowing the cubs to easily eat it with their weaker jaws.
[Food!] (Wolvish: Silverwolf) The little cubs were feverish at the prospect of food. They were famished because they had not eaten much in the previous few days.
A timid young cub returned his mother's gaze. She rubbed their noses together and urged him to go on and eat first.
A number of adults kept an eye on the cubs as they ate. The hunting and herding squads were relaxing after the hunt, while mothers and their pups were busy feeding.
The mothers chewed the meat softly so that their cubs' weaker jaws could pull off pieces for the meat to swallow, which they did passionately.
It was the lookout's responsibility to at least notify the others when danger approached. They remained attentive, keeping a close eye on the woods surrounding them.
(Loup Garou-centred 3rd person PoV)
Some loup garou were lying in wait in the shadows, out of sight of the silver wolves.
The loup garou dispatched a handful of alliance members to observe the silver wolves' hunting patterns in preparation for an ambush.
The scouts discovered that the silver wolves had shrunk to a pack of only about 20 members, excluding the cubs. They were capable and intelligent hunters. However, their currently low number has given the loup garou packs in their territory a boost of confidence.
The silver wolves posed a significant threat when carrying a frontal attack. The two sides fought several times, and each time the loup garou suffered serious injuries, forcing them to leave. Both sides were losing battles, but the loup garou were losing the most up to this point.
'It would have been nice if we hadn't lost the strength of our forefathers,' A loup garou reflected longingly.
The loup garou realised that their shortcoming may be compensated by overwhelming numbers. They commonly lost by attacking silver wolves with a raid force of up to 13 individuals from various packs. With their previous glory, the silver wolves were able to outnumber the loup garou raid members 3 to 1.
Today, that is changing. They had gathered enough numbers to murder the silver wolves' cubs. If they could, and they intended to do so even at the cost of their lives, they would also murder the grownups. With their huge numerical advantage, it was no longer difficult to win and eventually eliminate their kind's nemesis.
The loup garou's assault force had 23 wolves, while there were more than 20 smaller, two-wolf teams roaming around. Their role was to chase and prosecute any silver wolf deserters, potentially killing them as well. They were certain that this figure would be sufficient to attempt their secondary objective with a higher chance of success.
'Not to mention that we were stubborn. Only if we didn't fight between each other. Then our packs would've been in sufficient numbers to attempt an assault while losing no one wolf' The loup garou reflected on the last decade and what had been passed down about the history before his birth.
'At least, we could reach a truce. We can deal with a major enemy and have a few decades of peace afterwards. Losing a few brothers might still be worth it for the future' His eyes shone with unwavering determination.
The loup garou alliance devised an ambush as the silver wolves became exhausted in their tiring hunt. They wished they could ambush the silver wolves on a full moon night, when they were strongest.
However, the next night of full moon was at least 5 days away. It would mean that the silver wolves would have a chance to flee or hide. It was not a good idea to leave them that chance because the silver wolves were always ready to hide from them on that night, especially now that they were in less numbers.
The loup garou assault unit waited in the shadows with a crippling impatience, watching as the silver wolves busied themselves. They waited until the lookouts switched places with those who were eating. The silver wolves were not given the opportunity to entirely switch roles and were ambushed.
[EVERYONE! NOW!] (Wolvish: Loup Garou) The commander of the loup garou assault unit issued the order to attack. The encirclement has begun.
(3rd person PoV)
The silver wolves somehow avoided serious injuries.
"Grrrr!" They enclosed a protective circle around their cubs using their bodies.
[Throw your stones at them from a distance!] (Wolvish: Loup Garou) The leader of the loup garou assault unit issued orders to his subordinates. They began hurling various types of primitive knives, jagged stones, and small rocks at their targets.
The silver wolves were cornered. They were positioned between their own cubs and the monsters. If they attempted to retaliate, the cubs could die. If they stay, they will all perish anyway.
[Go. Some of us will remain here to shield the cubs] (Wolvish: Silverwolf) A mother spoke. She was acting as if she held the highest position within the pack, as if she was the leader of the pack.
[Are you sure, Futura? Is there no other way to ensure the cubs' safety?] (Wolvish: Silverwolf) One of the wolves beside her spoke up, upset. He hoped they would also make it out alive.
[Do it. We shall die if we remain here doing nothing. If that happens, it will be the cubs' turn. Escape will be out of the question. Abandoning the pack was never an option] (Wolvish: Silverwolf) Futura ordered him while pointing at the trees. Some assault unit members remained behind to give the silver wolves the impression that they had an advantage, which they did not.
[My brothers and sisters! Charge! Kill the upright wolves before they fully encircle us!('1)] (Wolvish: Silverwolf) The silver wolves' temporary leader led them in a charge against the loup garou assault unit. They realised it would be a futile effort, but, like Futura implied, any resistance was preferable to welcoming death calmly.
If they were going out, it should be known they will make the other side suffer before that happened.
Four adult silver wolves remained with the cubs to protect them. In the brief moments that followed, the adults squeezed as many cubs as they could into the hollow of the nearest tree. It was spacious enough to accommodate 12 cubs. It was unfortunate that the remaining six were left out and were more vulnerable to attack.
The struggle that followed was both rapid and brutal, with fangs and claws clashing against one another. Many wolves and monsters died as a result of an unintended attack that hit them in the wrong spot.
'I will take you with me if it was the last thing I do!' Many from both sides put up their lives to take their opponent's life. In their final breath, they lost all sense of self-preservation.
When death was the only alternative, they were free of their self-preservation instincts. They devoted their everything to defeat at least one more enemy, no matter the cost. Sustaining other injuries? They were going to perish regardless. They were unconcerned about further injuries.
Many a fur were matted thick with blood.
It was total chaos. From two fighting against one to two fighting against three, ultimately returning to everyone assaulting any enemy in sight at random.
The silver wolves utilised a method in which they bit down on the furless necks of the loup garou before flailing around to lacerate the ensuing wounds as much as possible. It resulted in numerous deaths among their ranks, but each wolf took at least one opponent down with them. Some of the lucky ones were able to injure another loup garou before dying.
Less than half an hour later, the battle ended. It resulted in absolute destruction for both sides. What remained were three half-dead loup garou, a severely injured Futura, and five silver wolf cubs cowering in fright inside a tree's hollow.
[FUCK OFF!!] (Wolvish: Silverwolf) Futura growled fiercely at the remaining loup garou. She knew there were more of them. She also knew that the rest would be arriving soon.
Futura was horrified to witness most of her cubs, as well as the cubs of her sisters and brothers, brutally slain directly in front of her. That was precisely why she was guarding the last five cubs of her pack.
[You should finish the last of their blood! Brothers!] (Wolvish: Loup Garou) A loup garou remarked as he breathed his last, succumbing to biting wounds that punctured both pairs of his carotid arteries ('2). That was not to mention the open wounds all over his chest and bite wounds on his legs. The blood he lost was simply too much.
[Charge at her!] (Wolvish: Loup Garou) One of the remaining loup garou remarked, advancing towards Futura with a frantic limp. He was determined to carry out his late father's cherished dream, which was to completely destroy the silver wolves above all other pack.
Hearing what the loup garou said and seeing their will to fully slaughter them crushed Futura's wailing soul. She was dreading the upcoming moments.
[Follow h-] *thud* [...!] (Wolvish: Loup Garou) Everyone paused when they heard a solid thud with a slight echo.
They turned around to see the second loup garou on his knees, a feathered twig coming out of the side of his chest.
"Puhh!" The downed monster coughed up blood, which trickled down his now-injured lung and out of his mouth as he dropped face first to the earth.
"PPIIIEEEE!!" A piercing, shrill sound that promised death was heard as a shadow flew in to assault the loup garou nearest to Futura.
*Thud* A loud thud was heard as the shadow collided with its victim, which dropped to the ground as the shadow vanished.
The shadow moved quickly enough to disappear behind the trees before anyone realised what it was.
'We're done here anyway! A half-dead adult and 5 cubs burdening them are easy to take care of at a later date! I should save myself now that my sacrifice isn't needed anyway!' The only loup garou left standing began stumbling out of the battlefield. He was so terrified for his life that he abandoned the other two.
"FEY! HEAVY TACKLE!" They heard a voice from the same area where the shadow first appeared.
"PIIIEEEE!!" *CRICK* *THUD* That shadow emerged from the trees again and tackled the fleeing loup garou to the ground, causing a couple of resounding thuds and crisp cracking noises. Judging by the sound, the unfortunate thing lost some ribs as a result of his and the shadow's momentums colliding head-on.
The shadow has now been shown. It was a massive bird with a face partially obscured by the shadows of the trees.
'That's a demon! A demon that's gonna end my life!' The loup garou spent his final moments in acquiescence to the paralysing fear.
The first thing he lost was his sight. He then died a terrible, agonising death as his attacker devoured him in search of his magical stone. He could only moan as the demonic bird's huge talons gripped his throat painfully. The piercing tips of these talons didn't help him relax either. His fate was sealed.
(End of Chapter)
"Upright wolves" is what the silver wolf pack members use to refer to loup garou. They see them as wolves, yes. But loup garou also differ from the usual wolf in shape and method of movement. That, coupled with how they developed an accent that incorporated hand gestures into it, made loup garou stand out too much to be called simply wolves.
"Two pairs of Carotid arteries" Yes, there are two pairs of them. There are two Carotid arteries on each side. Two on the left, two on the right. In total, that makes for 4 Carotid arteries in the neck.
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I do not really know what to say here.
Let me start by apologizing. I did say(write) I that I will upload this chapter a week prior. I have excuses. But let's be honest. Excuses or not, I said(wrote) something and did not fulfill it. And for that I apologize.
Now, chapter 8, which is supposed to come out today, is in fact coming out today. It will be within 2 hours from this chapter, hopefully.
So, let's talk about what Henryk did here.
In this chapter, Henryk did many reckless things because he was acting like his teenager self. No matter how mature he seems to some, and no matter how 'experienced' he should be, he is still a 19 year old. A young adult, but still at a stage when his teenage habits still lingered. He made some misjudgements and the consequences will catch up to him.
He did see that the dragging traces were headed in the same direction as the battle noises but he followed the noises anyway. He interfered while not at all considering that some other loup garou may be hiding around.
Moving to the wolves. I tried to make something clear here with them showing signs of clear intelligence. The next chapter will give you a clearer view on the subject.
The loup garou were also showing intelligence, to some extent. That was the result of over 1,000 years of reproduction. And considering the reproduction cycle of canids (Canid: Any of various carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, which includes dogs, wolves, foxes, coyotes, and jackals.), which starts happening around the age of 2-3 years, a thousand years can bear some weight.
Let me explain. Monsters reproduce using the magic(mind) inside their magic stones as fuel for the activity. Over the generations, surface monsters become weaker. So, depending on how often new members of the race get born, 1,000 years could mean that they are not that much stronger than their animal equivalent. By the time the story starts, surface loup garou are not that much stronger than normal wolves. They could be killed by 2-3 non-trained adults working together. Well... that is if we do not factor in the night of a full moon. That buff is a complete and utter cheat.
But then, that same amount of time was enough grounds to build some intelligence. Planning moon-empowered attacks? Surface loup garou were recorded to have a habit of doing just that.
Now, what do you think about this chapter? Is it good? Why?
What is your opinion of Henryk's actions?
Did him shooting from a distance and ordering Fey look good enough in writing?
And again, do you want to do a time skip and then mentioning things in flashbacks? If so, know that I will go over the more important parts for the next few chapters then move onto the skip.
This is my Discord server's link: https://discord.gg/BJzpWAKk
I will post it as a comment for those using a browser. You could copy it from the comments using a browser.
Note that the link will expire before Saturday, 23/May/2024, 8:00 PM, timezone GMT+3.
If you are not interested in my excuses, then have a good time, ladies and gentlemen.
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Have a great time, ladies and gentlemen. I wish you everlasting happiness.