Chereads / The Struggle of John Moyo / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: The talk

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: The talk

If he could go directly to his room and sleep, he would have ignored this meeting the moment he entered this house. However, his accommodation depends on the outcome of this discussion. He was tired that if they keep this for more than 30 mins he will probably fall down on the floor and sleep there. It has been a long day.

He has been invited into the landlord's lounge. It was a big room decorated and equiped with property, expensive properties. Fridge there, a big screen tv on the corner and a touch-screen desktop computer, the new models. He wished in his heart that he will buy this wealth when he has money one day.

The couch Sharon's parents were sitting on was even bigger than his bed that he sleeps on. There were three more couches in the lounge but he chose to sit on a chair. It was humiliating to even come close to the couches.

Sharon's parents were wealthy, to his eyes they were super rich but as compared to people in their neighborhood they were just the same. They were retired but they were still running businesses, real estate business. So they own quite a number of buildings in Rozvi town, the capital city of Motapa kingdom.

They were Mr and Mrs Ngwena, a couple in their early fifties but one might thing they were in their early forties. The works of money.

At this moment there was a boulder stuck at John's throat as he try to compare his life with that of his landlord. On top of that they want rent from him. Life wasn't fair.

There was also a glint of fear in his eyes, wondering where he will go if they say he has to move out. His legs started to shiver even though he tried his best to hide it. At this moment Sharon came from the kitchen, "hi John, how was your day". That smile almost melted his worries away and the shiver went away at the moment. But it came back instantly.

"It was okay", a horse shivery voice came out. "Emm". He cleared his throat trying to pretend as if it was something on his throat. He was terrified, he didn't know about what exactly but it was not good.

"You are here, let's discuss John's matter before we went to sleep. I'm sleepy already" , Mrs Ngwena said looking from Sharon to John.

"We heard your proposal, it's good but at the moment we don't have any work that we can assign to you", Mr Ngwena said and paused while looking at his wife. " But we are going to give you another month to stay but at the end of the month if you haven't paid at least one month's rent, you will move out".

There was a sigh of relief that came from John and Sharon almost at the same time. She looked at John sweetly but with pity in her eyes.

"We will also help you find a job or look for anything that you can do for us". Mrs Ngwena interjected.

"Thank you. Thank you very much ". He said almost bowing down to them. Sharon on the other hand she was happy, she smiled none stop. She almost stood up to hug him.

"So, we want to know what you did at university, you went to University of Rozvi here in the capital city right?" Mr Ngwena asked John with an authoritative voice that almost petrified him, jolting out his wild mind.

"Yes, I did accounting course there." He responded almost instantly.

"Where did you go for attachment?" Mrs Ngwena asked as well.

"I went to Rutambo Electronic Company"

"And why didn't they take you back after you finished your degree? Did you do something while you were there? Or you were not good?" She continued to probe him. It was like an interview, every eye was on him. The pressure was too much for him but if it was the only way for them to to help him. He will answer every question they will throw at him.

" I did nothing bad as far as I know. The company only employs student on attachment so that they don't pay much to their employees. I went back there, the manager told me that they do not have enough money to hire me. And according to their regulations on employing qualified personnel, they will be sued if it's known that they take me for half the pay". He responded with a sad face. That was actually what had happened. After graduation that's the first company he visited before even applying to other companies.

"Ooh okay. We will help you get a job". Mrs Ngwena said looking at her husband. Her husband just nodded in agreement.

"Thank you", he responded.

After a short silence John cleared his throat and said good night to his landlord family. As expected Sharon chose to walk him out of the house. His room was in the cottage separate from the main house. This room was designed as a storeroom with it's own entrance from the outside. The rest of the cottage had other tenants, a family, the Nyira family. When he got this room for rental it was cheaper among all offers he got. He chose this place because of its safety. It was quiet and secure as the whole estate had a boundary wall which was around 2.1 metres.

"Hey, it's better you have another month to search. That's good right".

She brought him back from his memories. She was looking at him with worries.

"Yeah, I have another month thanks to you".

"I did nothing, don't thank me. It was your idea after all", she responded with a smile. There was a silent moment. A cold breeze whistled into the yard. She wore her hands, she was feeling cold.

"You should head back, it's cold out here. I will be okay ". He said turning to look at her so that they can say goodbye.

"Good night John Moyo", she said with a shiver and moved closer to John. Instead of hugging him she held his jacket, pulled him closer and put her head on his chest. He put his hands around her.

"Good night Sharon Ngwena ".

After that she moved back and turn around and went back. He stood there for a while, she waved to him while closing the door. He was still there looking at the door even when she was already gone, a smile plastered on his face.

The cold wind removed him from his dream and he quickly walked to his room. The closer he got the more he felt tired. All that tiredness that he had forgotten came back in just a moment. It was like a flood gate has been opened up. He was struggling to keep his eyes open.

The moment he laid on his bed, he was dead asleep. All you could hear was his snore in the quiet night.

Another day has ended he was waiting for the next.

What would it bring? I wonder!