Chereads / The First Princess of Averlyon / Chapter 24 - 24 — A Deal Is A Deal

Chapter 24 - 24 — A Deal Is A Deal

"Let me out!" You scumbags! How dare you do this to me!" Screams were heard coming from the third floor.

No maid dared to visit that bedroom.

Although the voice was that of a woman, it sounded like the roars of a hungry lion. If you made one mistake, you could be eaten alive.

"Let me the fuck out! Spoiled princess! Old lady! Let me go right now!" Zahra repeatedly yelled but in vain.

Even though the night had passed, no one came to unlock the door. Unlike the previous time, Emera did not bring food to meet Zahra.

No maids entered the bedroom to lift the curtains. Nor did they clean up the mess Zahra had made.

There were broken pieces of vases, torn mirrors and other sharp objects on the floor.

Zahra could barely walk across the small clean space. She might step on a broken glass anytime. However, she was too preoccupied to care about hurting herself.

The person she loved was taken away by the police just the way her father was taken away. Even after becoming a princess, she was still as helpless as she was when she was just an ordinary girl.

"What's the use of being a princess if I can't even save the people I love?!" Zahra cursed herself, kicking the broken pieces on the floor.

"Ah!" she groaned, a small piece of glass stuck in her feet.

"Great!" She sarcastically scoffed and walked to her bed. She took a seat and pulled out the broken glass.

She was used to such small pains after all. She needed to often take care of her wounds on her own. Whenever she would get hurt while escaping, she couldn't let Aziel know about her wounds or else he would know about it. Hence, she had to take care of it on her own.

Zahra limped on her left leg and grabbed a napkin to clean the blood with it.

"Thank god, it's not too much!" she exclaimed. "Anyways, I need to make that old hag come here as soon as possible," Zahra mumbled and grabbed her hair brush. She then threw it on the door.

No one came to check.

Then she threw a bottle of oil on the door.

No response.

She gritted her teeth and grabbed a vase placed a little further.

Just as she was about to throw it, the door slowly opened.

Xahra rejoiced for a second however she quickly made her smile disappear. She needed to look strong and keep control over her emotions.

"If I seem too happy, they might trick me into doing something I don't want to," she mumbled.

"Princess Zahra," Emera walked into the bedroom.

Just as she was about to take another step, she retreated her step once she noticed the pieces of glass on the ground.

"Clean this up, fast!" Emera ordered the guards who stood beside the door.

Zahra who didn't know there were guards in front of her bedroom all this time, looked at him shocked.

"Do not act too shocked. I was the one who surrounded your bedchambers with guards just in fact you try to escape. To be honest, I'm shocked that you didn't escape but only created a ruckus. I should say I was surprised," Emera sarcastically said.

Zahra raised an eyebrow, unable to understand what Emera was trying to say. She was the kind of person who didn't understand people beating around the brush too much. She liked to be straightforward and she liked straightforward people.

"What?" Zahra asked.

"Nothing," Emera sighed.

Somehow she was glad it seemed Zahra was unable to understand her words. If she understood, perhaps she would start another argument. And Emera couldn't handle another ruckus.

The guards stood up and bowed.

"The floor is cleaned," one said once both of the guards had finished cleaning the floor.

"You might leave," Emera waved her hand. "And close the door behind," She ordered as she walked into Zahra's bedroom.

The guards nodded and exited, closing the door behind behind.

"Take a seat," Emera told Zahra who was standing up while she sat on the couch.

Zahra sat on her bed, unable to move around to move because of her right injured foot.

"What happened to your foot?" Emera who noticed Zahra's inconvenience inquired.

"It's none of your concern," Zahra scoffed. "Why did you suddenly come? And being worried about me? Let me laugh!" Zahra rolled her eyes and scoffed.

Emera furrowed her eyebrows at her granddaughter's poor behaviour. However, she remained calm, regaining her composure.

Zahra looked at Emera who wasn't showing much expression.

"Why's she not getting mad?" Zahra wondered.

"I came here with a proposal," Emera finally spoke.

Zahra burst into laughter.

For some reason, she felt this coming. Emera would obviously come to her with ulterior motives. By now, she had noticed that the royal family only thinks about their reputation and themselves before anything. It mattered less to them how someone else felt as long as their needs were satisfied.

"Selfish people," Zahra mumbled.

"Did you say something?" Emera asked.

Zahra shook her head.

"So, what's the proposal?" Zahra asked, slowly walking closer to Emera although she was limping on one leg.

"First tell me, who was that man?"

"Issac Xawer. I love him and he loves me. If you're planning on tryna separate us, get the fuck out. I rather die than leave him." Zahra babbled.

"Calm down. I won't do that," Emera paused. "However, if you want him to be freed from the jail, you need to listen to one condition."

"What's that?"

"You need to complete all your ethics classes and maintain your figure better. All that needs to be done within three weeks. The figure doesn't need to change completely but I want to see improvement in that. And the ethics are a must. If you can do that, I will let you leave with the man you love. However, if you fail—" Emera was interrupted by Zahra.

"Are you for real?!" She exclaimed happily.

Emera nodded, her lips curving into a smile.

"Then done deal!" Zahra put forward her hand for a handshake.

Emera was surprised at Zahra's way of signing a deal. She lacked knowledge for most things but it seemed like she knew how to make a deal. That aspect made Emera curious. She wanted to ask however she refrained from doing so. Today wasn't the day for that.

"Get ready. I will take you there. The complaint is filed in your name, after all," Emera stood up from the couch and left the bedroom.

One of Zahra's maids whom Emera ordered to make sure Zahra was properly dressed, walked in.

She lowered her upper body and bowed.

Zahra rolled her eyes.

"Don't ya'll get tired of bowing every time you see some royals? I'd definitely ignore them," Zahra scoffed. However, she hastily walked to her closet, looking for a proper dress to wear.

"Your Highness, try this out," the maid said with a bright smile.

The dress was perhaps a casual one for a princess to wear. But in Zahra's eyes, it was too luxurious.

"I'm not going to some ball!" She exclaimed.

"I... But it's the less fancy dress you own," The maid hesitantly spoke for fear Zahra would do something unexpected as she had done so far.

"Fine, I'll wear this."


A luxurious white car arrived in front of the police station.

"At this point, I'll remember every brick of this police station if I keep coming here," Zahra thought.

"This way," A guard said, leading them to the inspector's cabin.

"Inspector, free Issac Xawer," Zahra said, aggressively slamming her palm on the inspector's desk.

Emera stared at Zahra in disbelief.

"Princess Zahra, sit down," Emera sternly told her as she threw her a glare.

Zahra nonchalantly stepped back from the inspector's desk and sat on the chair behind her.

Emera sat on the chair beside Zahra's.

"Inspector, we would like to withdraw our complaint against Issac Xawer," Emera stated.

"How come? I thought he was a danger to the princess. It also said that he stalked her and forcefully entered her bedroom. He also—"

Emera coughed, interrupting the officer as he talked. She could feel Zahra's intense glare on her way.

"Crown Prince Yuden went a little too far," Emera mumbled.

"What the fuck?!" Zahra interiorly screamed. However, she kept her composure in case Emera would get upset at her and go back on her words. After all, she didn't trust these royals even if they called themselves her family.

"Okay, I'll prepare the documents needed for the withdrawal of the case. Please wait here," the officer stood up from his seat and exited the cabin.

"What the fuck was all those stupid and fake accusations against Issac?!" Zahra yelled.

"Keep calm!" Emera exclaimed. "We are outside. We can discuss all this later once we reach the palace," she sighed.

Zahra rolled her eyes and turned her face on the other side.

"There you go! Their papers are ready!" The inspector hastily placed the papers on the table. "I would just need your signature," he smiled.

Zahra looked at the papers, unsure of their exact content.

"Will you free him after I sign?" She inquired, picking up the pen placed on the table.

"Of course, Your Highness!" He smiled.


Zahra signed her name as Tiana Ralph.

"Princess Zahra, that isn't the correct name," Emerald remarked as she took the pen from Zahra's and scratched upon that name. "Please do it properly," The queen dowager forced a smile.

Emera was a little offended by Zahra's action however she felt composure, telling herself that perhaps she was used to signing that name too often. It was her first signature after becoming a princess after all.

Zahra wanted to refuse however since she was already taking classes to become a proper princess, she should take that name while it lasted because she would throw away that once she would reunite with Isaac.

After signing the papers, Zahra rose from her seat.

"I'm gonna meet Issac!" She exclaimed.

However, Emera grabbed her arm.

"A deal is a deal, Princess Zahra. A royal never steps back from their words," She firmly stated.