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the battle angel system(deleted)

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the year was 2046 and the world had changed drastically. machines were now a normal thing in life. some humans were now embodied with machines to improve themselves. but a low life girl was about to change this scene forever?

Chapter 1 - loser

the streets were filled with different human robotics machine as they appeared in different shapes and sizes.

each having distinctive features to help improve particular areas of their body in certain ways. the world had evolved and gone farther in the age of technology like never before.

humans were on the brink of extinction so experts came up with a solution to fuse parts of machines into humans to help retain the human race.

it was a brilliant idea and slowly these scientists were getting a breakthrough in their works.

the world was slowly starting to regain balance as individuals which walked proud down the streets with their robotic features. these special people were called cyborbs. these cyborbs gained some superpowers from their robotic features. like some had fast agility's super strength, wide stamina etc.

and many people started buying the idea of these cyborgs as 98 percent of the human race had already turned into cyborgs only few chose to remain human.

now the upper power who created these cyborgs set rules to govern everyone and placed certain cyborgs to uphold this law no matter what. this cyborgs were called Hunters.

things were going smoothly and the world was gradually changing with the people in it and it was all thanks to one man named jake embro.


"Atlanta it's time for dinner come eat..." a sweet woman in her thirties yelled from the kitchen. she had light brown hair with blue eyes.

"am coming mom." a sweet voice replied followed by hurry footsteps from the stair case.

"what were you doing honey you know we have to leave for work right?" a man wearing a white lab coat spoke sitting on a chair. he had dark hair and gold eyes which made him look dreamy.

"I know but can't you guys just stay for tonight." the little girl of nine years old pleaded. she had dark hair like her father and purple eyes that matched with her appearance.

"you know that's not possible dear so many people depend on us.."

"b-but i depend on you also." the little girl pouted folding her arms together.


"you're still young and will always be our little girl but you know how busy we are saving lives."

"I know but I just don't want to be alone..." tears formed in the little girl's eyes as she could see herself being alone all her life. her parents weren't really there for her that much due to their work as scientists who monitors these cyborgs conditions.

"hey... I promise you'll never be alone you'll always have us." the two hugged their little daughter Atlanta warmly which calmed her down a bit.

"hff! hff.. th-anks mom and dad am lucky to have you.." she embraced her parents as they went to sit and eat at the kitchen table.

"so Atlanta how was school today?"

"ehmm.. it was not that fun I guess..."

"and why is that sweetheart didn't you make any friends."

"well I tried talking to a group of girls like me but all I got was a punch to my face." Atlanta held her cheeks recollecting the bad incident she went through.

"ohh baby! am sorry sometimes things won't always go as we planned." Lisa comforted her daughter she knew Atlanta was kinda loner and didn't interact much. but she wanted the best they wanted the best for her daughter so they tried to push her out to the world but it seems no matter how they tried it wouldn't make a difference.

"look honey I know it's tough for you but I want you to understand that no matter what we'll be here for you."

"hmm.. thanks dad i-it's just sometimes I don't think we belong here." Atlanta sighed staring at the ceiling.

"what do you mean we don't fit in Atlanta." her mother asked softly with a questioning look.

"d-don't try to deny it mom you know we don't fit in we're humans in a bunch of cyborgs world." the little angrily poured out her feelings her and her parents were among those two percent of humans who decided to remain the same.

"I wish the world will return back to normal."

"we'll get through this Atlanta I promise you... "

"ring ring ring..."

"hello inspector rindler..." Atlanta's dad picked up the phone as he spoke to an individual on the other side.

"here it goes again." Atlanta sighed she knew what this meant anytime her dad's face changed.

"ok! ok! I understand we'll be right there." Atlanta's dad dropped the call with a sour expression.

"sorry Atlanta we have to go now.."

"I understand.." Atlanta defeatedly spoke there was nothing she could do even if she wanted to her parents were just too big for her alone.

"I promise after we come back we'll spend a long time together just three of us." their words seemed to have cheered her up as her face turned more brighter than before.

"I love you guys." Atlanta hugged her parents deerly before they kissed her forehead and went out the door.

"haa.. I wish they could just be around for once." this was Atlanta's wish but she knew this wouldn't happen as her parents were not so influential People in the society trying to make a living.

"well I guess TV here will keep me company.." she went and casually sat down on the sofa turning on the TV via remote to her favourite station.

"Hunter's fight..." she muttered under her breath enthusiastically. this was the only thing which kept her company whenever her parents weren't around.

"ladies and gentlemen! welcome to tonight's episode of Hunter's fight where we'll be having a tough fight between the reigning champion of HF micheal angel and the underdog Lois destroyer." the commentators spoke on the screen garning wild cheers and screams from the crowds as even Atlanta was siked.

"I can't wait to see angel retain the hf's championship." Atlanta screamed at her favourite idol she just loved the guy.

"he never loses." she said as micheal stood at one end of the arena while Lois stood on the other.

micheal's appearance was really robotic as his two leg's we're partially fused with golden coloured robotic legs and the same goes for his arms except his hands were still human.

on his chest was a cross symbols which glowed yellow.

he had a knight in shining armour armour as he stood proud in the stage with a golden sword in his hands.

while the other competitor had two leg's one robotic and the other human.

while his hand forearms had to blade sticking out connected to a motor chain running straight up his elbow.

"you know you're not going to win Lois." Michael taunted the underdog with a calm face.

"shut you.. I've always waited for this moment to crush you and the time is already here." Lois grinned widely hitting his two arm blades together.

"I guess i'll have to hurt you now." Michael said gripping his sword tightly as the countdown begun.







immediately Lois sprang towards micheal like a predator coming for it's prey his two dual arm blades in front. Michael just stood still with an indifferent expression holding his sword.

"arghh! die you idiot.." Lois threw his left blade straight at micheal's head. but the latter just defended sideways with his sword and sending a fast kick to Lois.

"arghh.." Lois was sent backwards a bit by micheal's kick. but the latter didn't remain still this time running forwards to Lois.

"clang!" his sword hit Lois in the guts grazing his robotic body as he sent a heel kick to his side. but Lois managed to block with his arm crossed forward.

"y-you can't get rid of me that easily.." the chains on Lois arms started spinning along with his blade as they spiralled round.

"I hope you like this..."

"bam clang clang." Lois was swinging his spiraling dual arm blades without control. he was on the offense now leaving micheal to defend.

"bam! hmm.. not bad Lois but I also have a few tricks up my sleeve." the cross symbol on micheal's chest glowed more brightly as his golden sword pulsated with peels of yellow electric shocks flashing around micheal.

"am not afraid of that." Lois charged forward again dueling his blades at micheal who just blocked all of his hits.

"oh! ho.. ho.. Lois is in trouble now for sure." Atlanta excitedly clapped her hands seeing her idol just activate a special ability.


"oh but I am attacking you Lois." Michael smiled and the next moment Lois was sent into a wall as a huge sound sounded in the arena.


"ahh did micheal just display a new skill.."

"yeah he sure did.."

"I can't believe angel's still got it."

"I fucking love you micheal." screams came from the crowd as micheal just ignored all focusing on his opponent in front.

"t-thats it I've had enough of you.." Lois roared putting everything he got into this fight.

"finally.." the two individuals clashed against each other each dueling their blades and landing some hits on each other.

"bam." Michael was sent skidding by a fierce punch from Lois but he ran up and lept in the air. swinging his sword downwards on Lois but he just dodged to the side intended to hit micheal with his blade.

but the latter delivered a kick to his face sending him backwards. Michael then held his sword in front slashing downwards as a bolt of yellow electric went forward.

"shit!" Lois punched his drilling arm blade forward at micheal's attack. but as it met he managed to destroy it but not without paying a price.

"er-rg-gh..." a wave of electrical current was sent into his circuits as he was in pain. then micheal ran as fast as he could with his high agility not wanting to waste this moment as he slashed his sword downwards.

"shock." Michael spoke as his golden sword cut through Lois arm slicing it off with blood gushing out.

"a-rg-gh!" Lois screamed in pain clutching his severed arm.

he was going through a lot of pain right now as his body was suffering from the large amounts of electric current passing through his body from a result of micheal's final attack.

"game over you lose." Michael softly spoke turning his back away from Lois as the crowd went mad the screaming gotten much louder.

"l-ladies and gentlemen! we have yet another win from our undisputed champion and a loser from who we thought was the underdog..." the commentators hyped micheal as Lois was left thinking about one word.

"ahh!!" Atlanta jumped in excitement as she watched her idol retain his championship with ease.

"no one can beat him.." Atlanta happily cheered staring at the screen.

"you should head home kid this isn't meant for you." Michael said to Lois walking away.

"l-l lo-se-r..."

"n-ot me-ant for y-ou..."

"no! I won't be a lo-se-r for the rest of my life."

"argh!" Lois yelled charging straight at micheal's with his remaining arm blade tears filled in his eyes.

"ha.. I didn't want to do this." Lois was fast given his advance features. and he would've killed any human or weaker cyborgs with his speed but for micheal it was a different story.


as Lois was close micheal turned lighting fast with his sword slicing through Lois head.

"ph-ou-gh. cr-ckk thud!" Lois severed head fell to the ground with a thud as his lifeless body dropped dead.

Michael just calmly walked out of the arena with a neutral face no one knew what he was thinking but they couldn't care as they just payed to be entertained.

one was meant to survive and one was meant to be killed in Hunter's fight that's just how the law is around here.

there were other fights against other Hunter's but Atlanta didn't fancy them that much only her idol's until a call came in.

"yes hello who's this..."

"is this Atlanta breeze.." a deep voice spoke from the other side which startled Atlanta a bit.

"yes who am I talking to?"

"this is sergeant Russ am sorry to say this but you're parents are dead in an accident between a hunter."

"w-what.." Atlanta couldn't believe it her parents had just stepped out a few hours ago and they were meant to come back to spend time with her but now they're dead?

"what do you mean they're dead that can't be possible." Atlanta tried to convince herself otherwise.

"am sorry but they're dead don't worry we'll take care of you cause your parents were valuable people."

sergeant Russ reconfirmed Atlanta's parent death which made Atlanta's heart bleed the more.

"no no no!!!" Atlanta screamed smashing the phone to bits as she thought of the things she was going to do with her parents.

"t-they c-an't be de-ad.."

"they can't be dead." she continued mumbling to herself her mind was in shatters right now as the two people she cared about the most were dead.

"y-you promised we'd be together how could break your promise."

"w-we we're me-ant to be toge&ther for-ever." she sobbed tears streaming down her cheeks.

she had always been bullied cast aside by people so the only people she relied on was her parents.

and now that they were dead she was now completely alone in this world.

"i-ive lost everything..." she muttered as deep in her heart she thought she was the biggest loser abandoned by everyone.