
=[Bet you missed me, but I'll just get straight to the point. First I finally figured out how the publish chapter thing works so yeah. Next there will be updates and stuff in-between stories and although I don't expect this to gain much traction after the next story (which will be longer than three volumes) I'll answer some questions. And lastly the text will explain some of the power system because I'm lazy and don't want to do it myself.]=

There are three main power systems Faith, Mana,and Energy. Some are born one others are with more. Some are born with naturally stronger of one than the others. These powers run through a specific bodily system similar to what you know as veins called the power circulation system or PCS.

Faith is gained by praising something as a deity, it's strength is based by how strong the diety and how much you truly believe and is mainly used by churches, though there is only OnE¿ true God.

Mana is obtained naturally or through training. It is mainly used by mages and brewers to influence the world and warp it to your will. Very few use it correctly but most use it to create the occurrence known as 'magic' though the density of Mana varies which should influence how they use there magic.

Energy is trained mainly through physical exercise and breathing techniques but there are ways around it. Energy is mainly used for martial arts but can be used in different ways compared to other powers. Energy is the only power that naturally flows through more than the PCS.

Combinations, there are many different sub systems based off these but the people of blurr aren't very creative so there are only a few left like aether which comes from Mana and faith or force from Mana and Energy.

The last thing is abilities. Bloodlines are traits or powers that are hereditary, (passed down from parents) then there are powers also known as uniques which that person gained, and skills are things you can commonly learn through certain actions.

🕷️ they may not know about it but another power that exists is called existence which can only be gained if you have a high enough attitude for all three main powers, generally lack a presence, have a extraordinary will, and are extremely close to death. it completely destroyes you power circulation system but your still able to use all the powers. at the moment there is only one person who has gained this power.

I feel sorry for him.