Looking at the students, breath deep and let go slowly; Mr Smith said, "okay class today all the teams are getting to know each others, at their home base. Our first week here in school is more like a social gathering." The students look at each other with a question face, then the classroom door open and an elder person come in. His presence is strong and a voice in everyone present and not present is heard, "since when a meeting from the SMITH and now SENSE is open without my permission, hmm?"
Grandpa said, "Master Teacher;" Mr Smith looks at is father and says, "really, now you have me a title," a very anointing way. The elder gentleman says, "it's me, who told mine son, your father to say it, any problems Master Teacher?"
Mr Smith gets to a hold and says with a bow, "none ones off ever Sr;" and directing the attention of the students to him one more time with a faint cough says one more time, "team aloud me to introduce to you mine Grandfather Mr Smith Senior Sr." The students rise to their feet from their seats and face the elderly man. He walk and stop where Natalia is and says, "is a placer to meet you SENSE," holding Natalia's hand and give her a kiss. Natalia only courtesy and thought, "now what, do we introduce ourselves?" The other four hear Natalia's thought and Samuel says, "ladies first." Natalia took a deep breath and say, "my name is…"
The elderly gentleman says with a smile, "mine dear Nat is no need. I know each of your names. Please take your seats." And he guides Natalia to take her seat, still holding her hand.
Then looking at the others says with the same smile, "Sebas, Quique, Sam and Ed, please seat down young men." At the same moment Saul comes thru the door and greets the two Seniors men with a bow and asks, "well, what do we have here? Grandpa what a honor." But you can seem a little smart smile on his face. His grandfather says, "well, Master Chef is have been quite some time since you call me that," Saul says a course word under his breath. "Got you in the act, you are okay," his grandfather says; his siblings thought came to him, "bast it, now you are in hot oil with grandpa."
Saul only says, "everything is ready," and exit it. "Food is ready, may I? Oh by that way, please direct to me as Grand Grand," the elderly man says , and scores Natalia to the dining area.