Chapter 43: Dimensional Hopscotch
Hogwarts - May
Johnathan Grey
Sitting on a bench outside, I allowed a sigh to escape my lips as I leaned back, stretching my arms and resting them on the bench frame. I had just completed the last test for my NEWTs, and my Hogwarts education was finally behind me.
A small smile crept onto my face as I thought back to one particular moment during the Defense Against the Dark Arts practical exam. Dumbledore had asked me to demonstrate any advanced spell for extra marks, something that had caused more than a few eyebrows to rise. It wasn't necessary for Transfiguration due to being a registered Animagus, and I didn't think it would be necessary since our spars, but I suppose it was protocol.
I decided to cast the [Patronus] spell.
I originally wanted to use it for my Charms practical, but there was nothing against using the same spell for both tests. Due to the sheer size of my [Patronus], I decided to alter the size to fit in the room. I wasn't surprised it turned out to be shaped just like my [Animagus] form when I altered it to be the size of a horse.
I watched the wince on the old wizard's face as he and the Ministry official looked away from the intense light from the spell created. While Dumbledore's expression only showed a faint flicker of surprise as he nodded, the Ministry official had that look of amazement people normally get when they see me do something like this for the first time. He looked like he had several questions but remained professional, holding his tongue while he noted details down on his mark sheet.
Even after giving Dumbledore the bottle, I still didn't turn up to DADA lessons when Dumbledore and other Professors took turns teaching the lessons, and none of them even tried to have a word with me about it. Hermione and Daphne tried to convince me to attend though, singing the praises of Dumbledore's teaching styles. Say what you want about the old man, but his teaching game seems on point. If he had a System, I have no doubt he would be swimming in points.
As for dealing with Riddle, I'm only slightly surprised they have yet to ask for my help dealing with Harry's scar or even let me know anything currently being done to the soul in the bottle. But I knew they had yet to deal with either due to lack of points for my hand in indirectly getting things done like with the Dursleys. I wasn't in a rush, though. For now, I was planning on purchasing a world-hopping ability thanks to all the points I now had saved up.
[Current SP: 117,120]
That's a lot of SP right there.
I'll wait two weeks for my results to turn up, and then I will be allowed to leave the school. But that was fine with me. I was guaranteed to pass with flying colours anyway, and I could wait.
Looking through the System for world-hopping abilities, I was spoiled for choice. There were one-time-use versions that allowed a person to send themselves to a universe they were already aware of or a slightly cheaper version that sent the user to a random location in the multiverse. Then there were the ones that were extremely expensive, like the version that allowed unlimited world-hopping, even to different timelines of the same universe. I wasn't even close to being wealthy enough in points to purchase that one, but there was one that definitely caught my eye.
[Dimensional Hopscotch - System Ability]
[I'd like to go travelling, just to see the multiverse.]
[Description: The ability allows the user to teleport to other dimensions/realities at random with a return ticket that can be used to return to a dimension/reality they have been before. The user is allowed to know where they will be going before activation.]
[+ 1 Dimension ticket a year (365 human earth days)]
[+ 1 Dimension return ticket a year (365 human earth days)]
[Purchased for 50,000 SP]
[Current SP: 67,120]
It was the best one for the price, and there were also upgrades I could purchase if the universe it offered wasn't to my liking and I had the money for it. Luckily, they don't cost as much as the initial purchase, so I didn't have to worry too much about my account. There were also some things I could buy that helped with each hop, like an ability that would have a back story for my life in the dimension. Allowing me to have identification, a house, or even random gifts which can range from a new spell or a wooden spoon.
[Dimensional Hopscotch - New Hop in 364 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes]
[Available Hops: Bright]
[Return Hops: Wizarding World (Harry Potter)]
It could have been better, but I wasn't going to complain. I remember watching the Netflix movie starring Will Smith, but apparently, it didn't do so well. I didn't need it to have done well, though. I just needed to get my hands on the method used to make the Wand in the movies.
It was set in an alternate present-day earth where humans, orcs, elves, and fairies coexist. Well, almost coexist. I'm pretty sure they killed a fairy five minutes into the movie. The whole movie was about two cops protecting a female elf and keeping a very powerful wand—which could even bring people back to life—away from the bad guys.
Wands in that verse seemed to be treated like nukes with the way they were talked about, and they were locked up. If I were them, I would have at least used them Hospitals at the very least, but what do I know? It's not like it would wave countless people daily or anything. I get there was a security issue, but I understood the feeling of wanting to take it from the government and use it to save lives. It was even the first thing I did when I arrived in this world.
There was also the added fact that I would be able to significantly increase my lifespan, resilience, strength, agility and reflexes when I get my hands on one of those elves. I'm not sure if they were immortal or just lived hundreds or thousands of years, but either way, I won't need to purchase or create a spell or potion to solve that particular problem.
With the Hop in mind, I kind of wanted a reality with more to it. After taking the Wand and the spells they had, I would have no other reason to stay in that world. There was no slavery or Dark Lord to defeat unless it turned out to be an alternate universe. So, I decided to purchase the upgrade.
[Dimensional Hopscotch - Upgrade]
[Purchased for 25,000 SP]
[Current SP: 42,120]
[Dimensional Hopscotch - System Ability]
[I'd like to go travelling, just to see the multiverse.]
[Description: The ability allows the user to teleport to other dimensions/realities at random with a return ticket that can be used to return to a dimensions/realities they have been before. The user is allowed to know where they will be going before activation. When the user travels using this ability, they are given the option to experience a 12:1 time dilation between worlds.]
[+ 2 Dimension ticket a year (365 human earth days)]
[+ 2 Dimension return ticket a year (365 human earth days)]
[New Hop in 364 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes]
[Available Hops: Bright, Witcher]
[Return Hops: Wizarding World (Harry Potter)]
With the time dilation, I could leave for a year and come back to having only missed a month of this one. If the timeline I end up in turns out to be Ciri's, then I would only have to shake the girl's hand and boom, I have a dimension-hopping ability without having to wait for the system's full-year recharge time. The cherry on top would be that the Witcher verse will finally get me [Portal] magic for free.
While I was at it, I decided to purchase the add-on for a backstory of the world I ended up in. I was now low on Points, so settling for a cheap random backstory version of the ability would have to do for now until I can pay for the better versions later.
[Gifted Backstory - System Ability]
[You can't change the past, but I can change mine…kind of.]
[Description: Allows the system to manipulate the reality/dimension the user travels to for the first time to create a random backstory of a life in the new world that may fit the user's knowledge, skills and abilities.]
[+ Random backstory for every new dimension the user travels to.]
[+ Random gift upon arrival]
[Purchased for 15,000 SP]
[Current SP: 27,120]
With my purchases made, I looked around the noticeably quiet courtyard. Class was still in session, so the usual hustle and bustle of students were absent. After taking a few deep, refreshing breaths, I stood up and started making my way back inside the castle for some food.
I already had a project I wanted to get started on to occupy my time over the next two weeks. It was about time I got started on my personal armour. With the [Physique Extrapolation Spell] I got from one of the medical spell books, which was also present in the fashion spell books, I was able to alter it to show what my physique would look like when I'm fully grown.
It didn't take into account the ritual I did and the basilisk venom I eat daily, but with some time tweaking, I was able to add that feature to my own version. Using that, I found that I would grow to around 6'4". From being of average height in my old life, it was definitely an improvement. Not that I would even use it much, being a mage and all.
I planned to make the armour to fit that height and add some size-adjustment Enchantments so that it adjusts to my body as I grow.
And, of course, it was going to look like Dr Doom's. There were several suits of armour I could choose from, but Doom's full armour with my Enchantments will be all I need for the worlds I heading to. And if I head to worlds wth better armour, I could always add what works to my own.
Headmaster's Office
The soft ticking of a large clock next to the wall filled the air as Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel sat across from one another. On the trinket infested polished surface of Dumbledore's desk rested a small, deep ruby-red stone, demanding the attention of the room's inhabitants..
Flamel reached over and held the stone in his hand, turning it over slowly. "Now that Riddle has been dealt with," Flamel said, with a deceptively youthful voice, "I trust you won't be needing this anymore, Albus."
"I don't believe so," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled slightly as he leaned back in his chair, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "But there was never anything to worry about. What would be the point in worrying about a decoy?"
"You mean aside from the fact that it could be used to find out how to succeed? Or maybe the amount of lives that could have been lost if Riddle preferred more violent methods of obtaining it?" Flamel shook his head as he chuckled. A smile made its way to his face, but it didn't quite make it to his eyes. "A decoy, yes, but still, it served its purpose well enough."
"Indeed, it did. Even without being in the school most of the time." Dumbledore nodded as he folded his hands on the desk while he looked up at his mentor. "Speaking of purposes… I don't suppose you plan to teach Mr Grey how to create the real Philosopher's Stone? He has proven to be rather kind-hearted and willing to do much good, after all."
Flamel paused, his eyes narrowing slightly in contemplation as he placed the prototype Stone back on the desk. "Possibly, if the boy is worthy," he said slowly, "I would see no reason not to. His potential is remarkable, yes, but he will have to pass the test."
Dumbledore's smile deepened. "Worthy indeed. I've observed the boy closely, and while he is still young, his understanding of magic and the way he approaches it suggests he may be more ready than we think." He paused, his eyes twinkling again as he added, "Perhaps it would be a good idea for the two of you to meet today before you leave. You could begin to get to know one another before the apprenticeship truly begins. Maybe even test him now?"
Flamel raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't have already helped the boy with the ideal answer, now would you?" The alchemist smirked. "Now that he has dealt with your little problem, you want to reward him with passing the test, is that it?"
Dumbledore cuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, no. I wouldn't even beagle to help him with the test, I never passed it myself." He smiled. "You never even confirmed what the questions were to begin with. Though I have a few guesses. I will admit, I do want to reward the boy, though. He deserves it."
Flamel stroked his beard thoughtfully, nodding in agreement. "Hmm, I must admit, I'm curious to meet the boy." He then narrowed his eyes at the Headmaster. "And, of course, I won't be telling you what the test was. If I did, then there would be no doubt you'd have informed the boy."
Dumbledore responded with a smile as he conjured his [Patronus] and sent it off to fetch the boy in question.
A few moments later
Johnathan Grey
It wasn't every day you got a Phoenix [Patronus] turning up in your supposedly secret Enchanted briefcase lair. I could have erected another Ward or tweaked the ones already applied to prevent such interruptions, but I didn't want to go that far to isolate myself.
It took me a few minutes meandering my way to Dumbledore's office, but when I stepped inside, my gaze immediately went to the newcomer before finding Dumbledore. "Good afternoon, Professor," I greeted the Headmaster with a respectful nod as I stepped further into the room. "You called for me?"
My eyes shifted to the man dressed in simple yet finely made robes, sitting opposite the Headmaster. [Observe] had already informed me he was Nicolas Flamel, but he looked younger than he did in the Fantastic Beasts movie, more youthful. Having done a quick magical scan of the room when I walked in, I could tell it wasn't an illusion either. I assume he used a better version of the Elixir Of Life than his movie counterpart or this world's Philosopher Stone is packing more than I'd realised.
"Indeed." Dumbledore gestured toward the man. "Mr Grey, I'd like you to meet Nicolas Flamel. With your upcoming Mastery's in mind, I thought it best for you two to get to know each other now that you've completed your exams."
It was a little early for that, considering I have yet to receive my results. But I wasn't entirely surprised he set up the meeting if he thought I had nothing better to do now that I was done with all the tests. He could have at least given me a few days to rest, though.
Before Dumbledore could continue the introduction, Flamel casually tossed a small object across the room. I saw the object glint in the light as it flew toward my head, but I would have caught it even without my enhanced reflexes. It wasn't a threat, so I casually palmed it before it met its mark, raising a brow and the thrower.
"What can you tell about that, my boy?" Flamel asked, leaning back in his chair. What is it with the elderly and saying 'my boy'?
I shrugged, recognising the test for what it was. I turned the stone over in my hand, examining it with magic. [Observe] already informed me that it was a prototype philosopher stone, a failed one at that. But my magic got as much information from it as possible. Just because it was a failed attempt doesn't mean it was useless. With my intelligence and resources, I could try to reverse engineer and improve on the attempt.
After a few moments of silence, I began to speak. "It's clearly unfinished."
Flamel and Dumbledore exchanged a glance but remained silent, waiting for me to continue. "There's a leak." I elaborated. "It's subtle but noticeable once you feel the flow. The structure's unstable, which suggests the formula or a ratio was off during its creation."
Even without my magic sense, I had been getting some lessons from past Master Alchemists with the Stone. I also got lessons for my other Masteries to the point I could take my masteries right now and pass. But most of the people I was learning from were long dead. I wanted a more up-to-date education.
I looked at Flamel, meeting his gaze. "It's trying to do what it's supposed to, but the magic isn't circulating properly and it's struggling to store it. It can't fully stabilise. The Enchantments might be sound, but without the right balance, it's more likely to crack under pressure than achieve its purpose."
Flamel smiled, clearly impressed, and nodded slowly. "Very perceptive, my boy. Its one of the prototypes of my Philosopher Stone, or rather, one of my many failures. But enough about that," He waved a hand dismissively. "With you now getting ready for your masteries–provided everything goes well with your exams—I have a question, if you wouldn't mind sating my curiosity."
I shrugged, still holding the stone. "Sure. One more question won't hurt me."
Flamel smirked, "What is the best school of magic? And by school, I mean subject or form of magic."
I furrowed my brows as I took a quick glance at the stone before giving the deceptively wrinkle-free man my answer. "There isn't one." Flamel silently raised a brow, waiting for me to elaborate. "There never has been."
"It would be like me asking either of you what your favourite food is," I explained, both old men in front of me stayed silent. "You would talk about the food that tastes the best, maybe even talk about the food that is the healthiest. But at the end of the day, the best food is the food that has the exact amount of each nutrient your body needs while also tasting as good as possible."
"So, there is technically no such thing as a 'best food'. It's food, regardless of how it tastes and how good or bad it is for you. That's why I learn all the magic I can. I suppose it's my way of tasting all the best food while maintaining a balanced diet," I concluded with a shrug, periodically tossing and catching the Stone as I spoke.
Dumbledore was practically beaming with pride. If his twinkling eyes were any brighter, I would assume he had some eye-beam abilities. Flamel stared at me for a long moment before he nodded, though I did notice a smile tugging at his lips as he spoke. "You may keep that prototype." He gestured to the stone.
I nodded with a smile, pocketing the stone as I did so. Though he didn't say it, I had no doubt it was a test to see how close I would be able to get to the finished product using the prototype. "Thank you, sir."
"Hmm, we can start your mastery in the summer if you're impatient to start like your Headmaster was decades ago," Flamel glanced at Dumbledore—who seemed to find one of his trinkets on the desk too interesting to realise—before he continued. "But the choice is yours, my boy."
With [Demensional Hopscotch]], I wanted some time in the other world before returning just for pieces of paper that say I completed my Mastery and dealing with the rest of Moldy-Shorts. So, I didn't want to start straight away. However, with the Time Dilation aspect of the ability, I could start after a month, giving me a year to play with.
"I appreciate the opportunity, thank you. Though I wouldn't be able to start immediately, unfortunately," I shook my head apologetically. "I have a few projects I'd like to work on for at least a month after my results turn up."
Flamel's eyes lit up. "Ah, I did hear you spent some time with House Greengrass over the Yule holidays." Seeing my look of confusion, he continued. "You're what the youngsters would call a hot topic. A lot of people are keeping their eye on you, my boy. Not every day a child passes their OLWs–and soon-to-be Newts— with flying colour while still in their first year."
That much I knew. But surprisingly, no one actually tried to reach out yet via letter. I assumed Dumbledore was blocking them, at least to some degree. As for their children, so far, it was only really Malfoy and Greengrass that actually put effort into it. All the others just seemed to have tried to at least get their children to be amicable.
Though, it could just be that they were too shy.
"Well, I thought it would be a good idea for you two to meet," Dumbledore said, leaning back in his chair. "It seems you two will have plenty to discuss in the future. Nicolas, I'm sure Mr Grey would like to relax his mind after such a long day of back-to-back examinations."
I knew a dismissal when I saw one. I was a little surprised he still hadn't mentioned Riddle or Harry, but I suppose not everyone could work as quickly with magic as I could.
I nodded, making my way toward the door, giving the two old men a wave. "I was nice meeting you, sir. I look forward to learning from you soon."
"Indeed," Flamel chuckled softly. "I believe it's going to be an interesting experience for us both."
"Adventure is out there!"
—Charles Muntz, UP
Autor Here
Before you jump me, Bright will be a short trip. The Witcher will be the one he stays at for a while. I have hinted at him going there for long enough, so it was only a matter of time. I know there are more powerful worlds, but with John's power where it is now, power isn't really a problem.
For those who have seen the Bright movie, you probably already know the particular spell I'm thinking of getting for our boy. Hella useful, right?
Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC and original ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners.
If you want to support me, join me on The-website-that-shall-not-be-named. Any support is appreciated.
Thank you for reading.
Special thanks to my patrons.
As always, stay awesome.
Until next time, Light's out.