Chereads / The Guardians of the Cosmic / Chapter 18 - Chapter 18

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18

Spider man is patroling through new york city after he kill some gangs and criminals, also some devils. He take their money and save it in his inventory.

"Luna, Show me all the crimes in new york." Peter said.

Luna present holographic screen behind his mask showing peter all the crimes in new york city, For this past few days he didn't encounter any avengers or X-men neither any spider heroes.

He gets escape quickly when Luna tell him that the police, heroes or hunteres are coming to near his location while he was fighting crime. "Sir, I detected Fisk men are near your location." Luna said.

"Oh yeah? Where are they?" Peter ask while swinging through new york.

"They are near in an abandoned warehouse and near an alley guarding somwthing." Luna give peter the location.

Peter see the location and swing his way through new york, Five minutes later he arrive near the alley where fisk men are, he see four people guarding the alley while he is at a rooftop across them.

"Luna, scan the area." Peter said, Luna began to scan the area where fisk mean are and tag all the bad guys.

"Peter, There are 30 men in total, four guarding the alley, 2 guard the warehouse entrance, 10 on the first floor, 6 on the secnond floor, and eight outside the warehouse." Luna said. "All of them are armed, some of them have quirks and semblance."

Peter began to analyze all fisk men that was tagged by Luna. 'Why was fisk men are in that warehouse, what's he hiding there?' Peter thought.

Peter didn't have much thought because no matter how much he think he will not get his answer, he begin to take action as he began to sneak his way to the warehouse. He use invisible mode making all the guards can't see him, he quickly move to the warehouse while passing all the guards with ease.

He stop at the front of the warehouse but he didn't go straight in and searching If there is an open window. He found an open window on the second floor ar he begin to launch his web to the wall next to the window and sneak inside.

Peter successfully getting in but he need to take all the guards down, so he begin to silently move from above and dropkill them from above using his stinger, he took all the guards on the second floor without anyone notice.

From the balcony, he can see all the guards are guarding some sort of computer console with many machines at the end of the warehouse. 'I wonder what's inside that computer?' Peter thought.

Peter began to use invisible mode and use his stinger, he quickly stab their neck one by ine and swiftly take them out all over the place. He check his sorrounding If there is anyone left, After he check that no one is left he deactivate invisible mode and went to the computer.

He is trying to gain access to the computer so he can see why are they guarding this place, his spider senses began to going off. "Come on out, I know you're hiding!" Peter said as he still trying to get access and keep his eyes on the computer.

"Well, Spider, I thought you would not notice me." The sound of seductive voice of a women can be heard.

The women is at the ceiling then she use her acrobatic ability and landed on the ground, she is similing at her spider but her smile began to fade as her spider didn't even bat an eye for her and keep looking at the computer.

"Felicia, what are you doing, here?" Peter ask, although he kinda knew she must be here because she is hired to retrieve something in this computer or another thing.

"Of course, I am here to find and have fun with you, spider." Felicia said, she use seductive voice and smile although there is a hidden motive behind that smile of her.

Peter meanwhile didn't bought her words and keep hacking the computer terminal snd download every single file inside the computer. "You done?" Peter ask with anger.

"What!" Felicia smile faded and surprise of peter's voice, he suddenly get angry.

"I know you are here because you are hired to retrieve something from this computer terminal." Peter said as he keep looking at all the files in the computer. "Or you are here because you know some secret inside this computer."

Felicia is surprise that peter knew about her intention although he didn't know what she search for but he knew felicia must ve searching for something inside the computer terminal.

"You could say that, I did found something interesting inside that." Felicia shrugged her shoulder and walk to stand beside spiderman. Felicia look at peter who is typing the keyboard and it looks like he is trying to find something in the terminal.

"What are you searching for?" Felicia ask.

"Everything." Peter said, while he still looking at the computer and didn't look at felicia.

Felicia became silent as she look at her spider, Felicia is surprise that he didn't give a damn about her not even look at her. She think peter is different from the man she knew, she still remember how cold his attitude to her in the cafe three days ago.

What surprise her the most is peter killing people, before felicia gets inside the warehouse she spotted spider man and decided to follo him but she is shocked that peter is going where she going to. Then again she remember that this warehouse were guarded by kingpin's men so she knew spiderman would take them down.

She decided to follow him, she look at her spider suddenly vanish. 'Where did he go?' Felicia is stunned and confuse that peter just vanish, she got a feeling that he is inside the warehouse.

So she sneak inside the warehouse and found kingpin's men guarding inside, her eyes land at the computer terminal at the end inside the warehouse. 'Come to mama!' Felicia thought and smile.

She look around the warehouse and spotted spiderman at the ceiling, spider man jump down pinning the guard down and stab his neck gushing blood out. This action make felicia stunned and jawdrop, did she just see spider man kill people?

She rub her eyes to see If this is real, she look again as spider man swiftly kill kingpin's men and no one alive, after he kill all the guards he proceed to the terminal. Felicia is still stunned what she just witness now, she just see spider man KILL people!

Felicia never would thought that peter would capable of killing people, she thought peter is nice and uphold the code of none-killing, she have seen him many times beat bad guys and knock them out but never on the level of killing them.

She begin to have many questions in her head, why is peter suddenly change, Why did he kill people, why is he so cold towards her, she has many question in her mind but the most important question is, what is the reason of his sudden change?

So felicia is just stand stunned for a while before she snap out and walk stealthily towards spiderman, when spider man call out someone is hiding, she immedeatly jump down gracefully and apprach him.

Felicia now still quiet and keep looking towards spider who is still busy with the computer, she wants to have conversation or flirt with him just like old times but now she didn't have do it because she can feel the cold aura around peter.

"Luna, have download all the files inside this terminal?" Peter ask.

"Yes, I have." Luna said, from the beggining she already hack and access the computer, she download all the files and everything inside the computer.

"Good!" Peter said as he backed away from the terminal.

Felicia see oeter back away from the console began to make her way to the computer. "You done? It seems like I–" Felicia didn't finish her words as peter use his electrcity powers to destroy the terminal.

Felicia see peter destroy the console is stunned, she look at peter and surprise he had electric powers because before he didn't have this power but she put aside that question and began to grab him. "Why did you do that, I was going to use it." Felicia glared at him, now the console is destroyed she can't get what she wants.

Peter just look at her then shove hands off of him and turn around walking away. "Hey wait!" Felicia look at peter ignimore her anger and decided to walk away.

She begin to grab his shoulder to stop him. "I said, Wait!" Peter shoved away felicia's arm harshly and felicia is surprise of peter action.

"Go away felicia!" Peter teleported out of there and go home.

"W-Wait!" Felicia want to stop peter but ut's too late because he is already teleported. 'What is happening to you, peter?' Felicia is more confused of peter's sudden change.

Peter got teleported into his bedroom and look around the room, he see anastasia and felicity are sleeping in his bed while felicity is hugging anastasia. 'Cute!' Peter thought both of them sleeping.

He queitly walk outiside the room. "Luna, can you give me everything you have from that computer terminal?" Peter ask.

"Yes, Sir!" Luna began to show every file she download to peter and he walk downstairs sitting on the couch while began to analyze everything inside teh files.

'Money transaction, business, recruit more men, weapons transaction.' Peter read and look everything is relates to crimes of kingpin and many deals with other villains and crime lords.

'Biochemical weapon?' Peter raised an eyebrow, he never would thought kingpin get his hands on this, as far as he knew kingpin didn't care about sfuff like this.

"Peter, I have found one file that is locked and can't be accessed." Luna show peter a certain file that is locked and need password to open it.

"A file that needs password? Interesting." Peter thought, he know there must be something in this file If kingpin set up a password in it and didn't want many people to find out.

"Luna, can you crack it open?" Peter ask.

"Don't worry sir, I am already on it." Luna said, peter nod his head as both of them began to read and deduct every files they have downloaded from.the computer terminal.

Thor is at his apartment watching TV after he carry both of his daughters to their bedroom which they share because there is only one guest bedroom. He begin to think again his encounter last morning with diana. 'She must be angry that I insult his family!' Thor thought, he didn't care because what he said about the greek gods are all true.

'You know what, let's go outside and do hero work!' Thor turn off the TV and lightning began to sorround him, blue light covering him for a second then his chlotes change into his asgardian armor.

He stretch out his left hand to the left as the umbrella near the door began to foy towards his hand, thro grabd his hand and the umbrella began to chaneg into mjolnir.

He open a portal in front of him that will carry him to the rooftop of his apartment, The portal behind him closed as he begint to fly across new york city. 'It's good to be back as hero again.' Thor thought.

'I wonder where are those three now?' Thor thought, he is thinking about percy and his friends in new york city a few days ago, he disn't know if he is here on a quest to find him or different quest, because demigods will not go outside their camp unless they are going on a quest.

He hopes that they are not here to find him or worse, If the gods of this universe found out there are another norse pantheon from another universe, they will see them as threat and use them to gain their advantages, so he needs to be careful.

He suddenly sense magic energy somewhere in new york city. 'This magic energy belong is strong.' Thor thought, he fly to the location where he sense teh magic.

He finally arrive at the location to see a minotaur, chimera, and manticore are fighting three children and bunch of ladies using arrow.

'Those must be percy, annabeth, grover, and artemis huntresses.' Thor thought as he watch them from above. 'Should I help them? I don't want my cover to be exposed.'

Thor is in dilemma whether he wants to help them or not but for now he will float above them and help them If they are in trouble.

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