Heya! I'm oofnaut the author of the fanfic. I want to just let you all know that I suck at writing and have a horrible commitment problem. So please do not keep your hopes up for this fic. If you notice any mistakes let me know and I might fix them. Anyway onto the chaper!
Have you ever thought to yourself that god took you still being alive personally? If so you might understand what I'm feeling. If not let me give you a run down. in the most basics of terms its were you get *noticeably* bad luck so bad you end up a regular at the hospital. For example you could be doing nothing simply walking home when some random fucking person you don't even know will come shouting at you and stabbing you until they realize you're the wrong guy. Then the first thing you think is, ouch, glad to know I mean nothing to you people. Then just pull out your phone and tell the ER you're on your way back.
That's my life. I have managed to life this godforsaken life for sixteen years now. I don't know how I'm alive I just know a lot of people are still trying to figure out. The answer is simple in my opinion I gave the finger to death now it laughs at me.
Anyways right now I'm on my way, hopefully I'll make it home for once. Nevermind. That is a fucking missle. Why the hell is there a middle in a fucking rural neighborhood. You know what fuck this.
I kicked the missle.
I don't know why I kicked the missle. I just know I did kick the missle. Now I'm in a fucking Arkham asylum ripoff with a Medieval twist. I don't know how long I've been in here, but I do here a *lot* of wailing up ahead.
All in all, I've found out why asylum patients are insane. What a great day to be fucked in the head.