King smiled and walked towards Rose. " Rose, my child. What do you feel. Is my son worthy of receiving your love? Do you feel you can bear his humour which most of the time will be, if you put it in Harry's words, shitty."
Rose smiled, teary eyed and bowed her head to the King.
"Your Majesty, I owe my life to my brothers. Their contribution towards our family and my life is unimaginable. I will accept whatever they decides."
Dave went to Rose and put his arm over her shoulder. "What is your wish my dear princess. You know we will never disagree to your wishes unless it brings you harm. And this matter is nothing but a joyous one to everyone."
Alan also went to her and bowing to the King asking his permission, stood infront of Rose and made her look up gently. "Rose, let me tell you one thing. Daniel is a great man. And I know for a fact that he will always be there for you if you so wished and want to be with him."
"He is not someone to abuse his power or make false promises. If that was the case, he would never have been a part of our group."
"Let us consider today's matter itself. He approached us, his friends whom he valued the most than his own feeling for you. And when the King gave him a choice between the throne and you, he didn't even though about it for a second before saying he would be happy with you even in a hut. This shows how he feels towards you."
" Take you time dear. Infact Dan, you also should take time. Both of you are still young. If time and both of your parents permits, get to know each other and then decide. It's not just the matter between you two. But the future of the whole Kingdom depends on it, Dan. What do you both say?" Alan asked.
A beautiful smile blossomed on Rose's face. "Big brother, thank you. I will do as you say." She hugged Alan and started to cry happily.
"Thank you Al, I will aslo try to sort out things and take my time." Daniel also hugged Alan.
"Your Majesty, she will definitely consider Dan. Let them know each other for some more time and I believe they will get along pretty well." Williams said with a wide smile.
The already happy environment got even happier. And Daniel was the most happiest person there.
"Good, good now everything is settled but training comes first. To be a great king, with a great heart you also have to be capable enough. So after the engagement, get ready to train with me for 2 more years. No excuses." Harry looked at Daniel strictly, who nodded his head in agreement with a determined look.
"Rodrick this is for you too. The future Duke should be capable enough to safeguard his Dukedom alone in absence of your friends. Get ready to train hard."
All six young men sighed and looked at Daniel and Rodrick with pitty in their expression making them gulp audibly.
The Royal Palace was looking grandeur than usual. Prepared for the engagement of the Princess and the other three couples.
Almost all the Duke's from all over the Kingdom were present for the engagement of the Princess. All the influential people were also present. Those who were unable to attend, were the ones who were staying at the far end's of the Kingdom and unable to reach it within the timeline.
Most of the young noblemen present there were heartbroken and envious of the guy who was about to get engaged with the princess, well know for her beauty and elegance. The identity of the young man was not disclosed yet to the public. Most of them believed that he must be a young prince or even a King from other Kingdom.
The King, Queen along with other members of their royal family and the others entered the largest banquet hall of the palace, where the event was held.
"Welcome everyone. I welcome all my esteemed guest to the engagement ceremony of my daughter. There will be three more couples who will also be engaged today."
Everyone were surprised by the news. The King organizing the engagement of others! That too inside the palace!!? It had never happened before.
King who had anticipated this expression and reaction from others continued. " These young men and young ladies, who are about to get engaged today are the closest friends of my children and in a way, they are like a family to us."
Almost all of the people there started murmuring and looked somewhat shocked.
"Ladies and gentlement let us welcome the young people to the stage." The King announced.
Four beautiful young ladies started to walk gracefully. A few steps behind them walked Four tall, handsom and strong young men. Applause and chearing filled the room.
Once the cheering died down one of the Duke from a neighboring city stepped forward, bowed to the king and spoke. " Your Majesty, may we all know who the lucky man is, that our Princess had agreed to marry. Is he a prince from a neighboring kingdom or a son of the wealthiest and influential man in our Kingdom."
King smiled, " He is neither a prince from a neighboring kingdom nor the wealthiest or an influential person's son. He is a self made man. Who, honestly likes to keep a low profile and enjoy his peaceful life."
The crowd was stunned for a moment then conversations erupted all around. After a few seconds king raised his hand and all the sounds died down.