When they all stepped out of their quarters the next day, they saw Alan and his group also coming out. Even though they wanted to be a bit cautious around the boys after Harry's words yesterday, they still felt relaxed and completely at ease when thay started to move towards their classes together. It was a feeling that was new to the prince and the princess.
Days passed by. Daniel, Bella and Daisy were becoming good friends with the others.
Daniel at last, was able to complete two sets and still stand at the end of the exercises. Harry then started to involve him with the same type of training as Rodrick but with a little less intensity.
All four girls quickly became friends, sharing intriguing stories from their past and gossips.
Bella and Daisy got to know the crush Rodrick have on Lilly and even Lilly liking Irene's brother.
"It's just a crush, girls. I'm not sure what will happen in the future. Similarly, Rodrick likes and respects me. We've never talked about taking it any further, for now," Lilly explained one day, responding to Daisy's persistent questioning on the matter.
Alan started to work at Master Remus's smithy whenever he had time. Even though he had the restriction bands on both his hands, he was able to produce enough mana to craft weapons.
Master Remus was impressed by the dedication and the skills shown by Alan.
After inital month, all the other guys started to tag along Alan, as they had also taken the subject of the blacksmithing.
Not only them but Irene, Lilly, Daisy, Daniel and Bella also joined the guys whenever they had free time.
Thank to curriculum designed by Harry and Dean Johnson, the six of them had 3 days free for blacksmithing.
In the beginning, they simply watched the Master and Alan working and assisted them by handing them with required tools and other items.
As time went on, Remus understood that all the six of them had the same kind of hunger to absorb the knowledge and same eagerness in their eyes to learn the craft. And most of all, all the five were sincere, honest, dedicated and humble. The quality any Master would love to see in their students or disciples.
"Lads, get a spare working clothes while coming here next week. I mean all of you. I will personally start training you all." Remus announced with a smile.
All the five of them jumped with joy and bowed deeply to Master Remus and thanked him profusely for his generosity and willingness to teach them the art of crafting the weapons.
"Remeber this lads, you have to learn from the beginning. You will be starting with menial works like shaping Nails, Horseshoe 's, Hinges, and so on. Then you will be learn the process of extracting metals from its ore, process of removing the impurities from metal and once I am satisfied by your progress, I will allow you to start forging the weapons."
The five of them smiled broadly, mirroring each other and bowed deeply in agreement.
Then, their studies under Master Remus started. No matter how tedious or menial the work was, all six of them did it without even expressing slightest of dissatisfaction. This nature of these young men impressed Remus a lot.
Similarly, due to the vast experience of the Master's at the university, all six of them were able to learn new thing and expand their understanding on the subject they were familiar with.
Their teachers, Masters in their own field were amazed by the knowledge these young men possesed.
Three more months passed by without any incident. It was almost five months since the start of the University.
During this period, Alan was visiting both, Heathrow's and Morgan's estate in secrecy using his teleportation magic. Initally he was travelling alone due to the restriction bracelt. After a couple of month he was able to take one more person during his visit. All five of them started to go with Alan on a rotation basis.
Only The five boys and Harry were aware of his ability and his visits to their homes. It was a kind of precaution taken to make sure nothing goes amis at their place during their abscence.
Rose also had completed her academic studies recently and was at home. The boys had the urges to go and congratulate her but resisted it and thought of going home together after an year or so.
The schedule of attending classes and studing at the restricted section of the library. Working at Master Remus's smithy. Practicing with Harry in the evening, happy time with feiends and tasty dinner at nights gave a peace of mind to all of them.
A News began to spread throughout the capital of a heroic deed by a few young men, winning a battle and saving thousands of lives in Winden city. Some rumors even suggested it was the work of Grandmaster Harry and not any young men.
When this news reached Harry and his disciples, they felt uneasy. If someone pieced it together, their peaceful life would come to an end. But to their surprise nothing of such sort happened. Harry was sure that the King had snubbed the matter from spreading like wildfire.