On the other hand, the panther cub was also growing up strong and healthy. It's mother was overseeing it's progress and helped the cub to hunt. It taught the cub how to be stealthy, how to track its prey, how to mask its presence and also showing the vital points of attacks.
The cub had became fascinated by the human's way of training and was seen running along with them most of the time and watch them practice their moves.
Another two months passed in the blink of an eye. During which all of them had made visible progress.
All six of the boys had made a visit to the place where they had their iron body transformation possible. The small lake looked as serene and as deadlier as ever.
Mist was seen covering the whole area and the beasts in the area were deadly and cunning, waiting for their pray to come closer.
Once these boys released their auras freely, the beasts bolted away in fear. The aura they had already encountered a few years ago and all too well familiarwith. These auras were of monsters that haunted them even in their nightmare. It was powerful beyond their imaginations.
The cub, now over two feet tall, joyfully joined the boys in the water, particularly bonding with Alan. They had even named the cub as "Blacky."
The Black Panther Mother initially concerned about her cub mingling with the others too much, eventually realized that the cub was happiest around Alan's group.
While Panthers were solitary creatures and the cub would soon need to venture out alone, she was confident in its ability to thrive. Even if she chose to travel with these exceptional humans, she was certain her daughter would be safe and content.
Soon the time came where they had to say goodbye to their beast friends.
During these five months, Irene had developed a deeper affection towards Dave and Rodrick and Lilly were slowly getting close to each other.
All of them thanked the beast for showing them such a beautiful and safe place. And started to move. The cub who had got attached to Alan whined and ran towards him. Alan bent down and hugged the cub.
" Don't worry little Blacky, I will come back in a few years. Get stronger by then. We will go on a journey after that. I also have studies and training to do. If you can get stronger than your mother in the next few years, you can come with me."
Little Blacky purred sadly and licked Alan's face.
All the Humans left the area and started their journey towards the capital. It took them almost a month to come out of the misty mountain range.
As they stepped outside, the intensity of the bright sunlight immediately blinded them, forcing them to squint and shield their eyes and making them acutely aware of the clear, blue sky above.
Everyone felt exited and sighed in relief to come out of the gloomy and mist covered place after five months. The bright sunlight brought smiles on their faces.
" We are near the Mistwood town. From this town we can reach the capital city within a week." Harry informed everyone.
"Did we already reached near Mistwood town?!" Rodrick was stunned to know their location. Usually it would have taken them more than four months if they had used the well trodden route. Harry understanding his surprise noded his head with a smile.
"Lets rest tonight at the town, get some new cloths, as majority of ours are beyond repair." Lilly told them, Irene and even Rodrick noded their head vigorously looking at the state of the cloths they were wearing.
They all agreed and started to move towards the town.
After travelling for a few hours a huge wall came into their view. This wall felt almost as big or may be even bigger than the Winden city's outer wall.
"Mistwood town is closest to the Misty Mountains, the town encounters several beast attacks every year. That's why the defence of this town is much better than any other town that can be found in this Kingdom." Harry explained.
When they approached the gate, they saw people queuing up in a line waiting their turn to enter the town.
The entourage of trawel worn eight strong looking men and two beautiful young ladies drew many eyes. When it was their turn, the guard took their details and were shocked to know the identity of Master Harry.
After confirmation, all the guards bowed with respect and awe, allowed them inside without further delay.
The outer area of the town was characterized by modest single and two-story buildings, likely serving as residences or small shops. These structures were typically constructed with basic materials and had straightforward designs, reflecting a more practical approach to architecture.
In contrast, the inner area of the town was featured with more elaborate buildings, including larger homes, guilds, healing hall and so on.
They found a good Inn at the inner area of the town. After taking bath and charging into clean clothes, the group of people looked simply stunning.
The ladies brought dozens of cloths, cosmetics, jewelleries and other necessary items. Where as the boys purchased few clothes and other items those are essential for travelling.
Once the shopping was over, they explored the town and had a hearty meal at one of the famous restaurant of the town.
After a good night's sleep, they started their journey towards the Pheniox city the next day.