Dave who was generally talkative was deep in thought initially. After listening to everything. " How did you get such precise information your grace?" He asked.
Fredrick smiled sadly, " Duncan's father Micheal was one of our allies and Micheal's brother Garfield who luckily escaped the family massacre and reached us yesterday, is one of my closest friend since childhood."
"The horrors he explained made me loose my appetite. The inhumane behavior of Duncan really had shaken him to the core. That basterd had killed each and everyone from the Fletcher family, even all the children. He didn't even spared his own wife and children!!!."
The room fell into silence. "How could he kill his own child!!! " Mary spoke her thought out sadly.
"Lets Hope that we take that guy down soon and restore the peace again." Samuel said solemnly.
After a few minutes, the Emberheart family took their leave.
"Everyone, come and stay with us for a few days before all these kids start their journey." Fredrick extended his invitation to all the Heathrow's and they all happily bowed their head in acceptance.
Next few days, they noticed that the city was filled with a tensed environment. The city gate were closed shut, the movement of the soldiers were often seen throughout the city.
Even the high level adventures were seen moving in and out of the Duke's castle.
The boys decided to go to the Duke's castle a couple of days earlier. They felt that the situation might not be as simple as the Duke had expected earlier.
All the six young men and two young ladies reached the castle.
While they were at the castle, all six of them observed all that happened around them. They met the Guildmaster Stan and gathered some more insights. Also found that, Harry was completly recovered but for some odd reason he was still resting in his quarters as instructed by Williams. All the boys grinned wickedly at that. They even met the two S- Class adventurers Paul and Fred. Who infact were shocked to see the growth of the boys. "Lads, Harry indeed was telling the truth. You six looks to have reached new heights. "Paul commented before the two adventurers left.
They met the Merchant's guildmaster Anthony an old but energetic man. He was stunned by the physique of these boys and was astonished to know that all six of them were great economists. He invited them to visit merchant's guild at their convenience.
A week passed in a flash. The preparation for the oncoming battle was at its peak. News reached the castle of an army marching towards the city and would reach it within two days.
Harry, the weapons master and the legend amongst the people of the winden region also came to the castle fully healed and as energetic as ever.
Next evening as planned, Fredrick invited the Heathrow's to stay at the castle for a couple of days with the kids. If everything goes well they would start their journey towards the capital city within 3 to 4 days.
Heathrow's were initally hesitant, due to the ongoing battle preparation and the tension in the city. But the temptation of spending time with their sons and daughter got better out of their judgement.
They reached the castle by dinner time. General Victor and Master Harry were also present at the dining hall. Garfield, friend of Fredrick and uncle to Duncan was also present at the dining table for the first time since his arrival. He looked dejected and still was in sorrow of loosing everyone he knew from his family.
Fredrick rose and addressed everyone at the table with a solemn look. "Let us share a peaceful family meal tonight before the battle begins. Starting tomorrow, my duties would consume most of my time. While we are confident in our ability to outmatch the enemy, we must be prepared for the loss of many lives. Let us cherish this meal with the hope that in a week's time, we will gather again in celebration of our victory." Everyone nodded solemnly and commenced a silent dinner.
In the midst of their meal, a messenger arrived and bowed deeply before Fredrick.
"Your grace, we have received a message from the enemy's leader, Duncan Fletcher," the messenger said, handing over the letter with his head bowed. Garfield's gaze turned murderous at the mention of Duncan's name.
Fredrick wiped his hands clean and accepted the letter. Before breaking the wax seal, the messenger continued, "Your grace, the enemy's army has reached the edge of the forest. We are separated by only five miles. They plan to assemble in the open field at sunrise, and their leader awaits your reply in the morning."