The next morning they started forward and almost at the end of the rockey terrain, Alan felt a sense of danger. In a couple of seconds the others and even their steeds felt it too...
Alan halted them. Girls sensing something was wrong, came down from the carriage.
"What happend big brother?" Rose asked curiously.
"We are being surrounded and I am sensing more than 50 Hyena's. "A shiver ran through the girl's body. They had heard the vicious nature of the Hyena's and how dangerous their bites are.!!
"Two of us have to be near the carriage. Remaining four to the four sides." Ben said seriously.
"Ben and Dave stay near the carriage. We will take care of them. If any crosses 30 meter mark then you guys can handle it." William said seriously.
"Hey why me? Dave can stay, he already had fun with the mercenaries. It's been long since I flexed my muscles." Ben said.
Dave shrugged and sat on the step of the carriage. "You guys carry on. I can stay here alone. Rose, what have you learnt during these past four years...." Dave started to talk with Rose as if he was sitting comfortably at their reading room. Lilly smiled and joined in the conversation providing some interesting bits of news and pulling Rose's legs in between. Irene was dumbfounded, she never thought she will meet someone who can casually crack jokes and discuss their past in the midst of a huge pack of wild beast's ambush. Dave slowly pulled her in into their conversation making her relax a bit. Dave always had one eye towards the boys even when he was chatting woth the girls happily. Each boy's drew a small line around 30 meter mark and went ten meter further ahead and stopped.
Meanwhile other 5 arranged themselved around the carriage and took out their weapons.
"There is an S- class beast in the group." Alan narrowed his eyes squinting at a distance in front of him.
"That explains a lot. I think it wants to make a pack of its own and take over this area completely. But the way they are killing mindlesly, they will start encroaching the forest area soon and might even pose threat to the nearby towns." Williams surmised.
Sheathing his sword back, Alan sighed. " I don't want to drag this anymore." And then he took out his star metal sword.
Dave turned his head towards Alan and sighed, " So he means buisness?" Then he shook his head smiling. All the girls also looked at Alan, they felt a sense of fear when they saw a black sword in Alan's hand.
"What sword is that made of. I feel shivers just by seeing it." Irene asked.
Dave smiled, " It's a sword made by Alan himself. He was a..... you can say an unofficial kind of deciple of Master Steve, the weapon smith."
Irene was taken aback, she knew how strict and overbearing Steve is. "Alan managed to learn creating Swords from him!!! Unbelievable, truely Unbelievable.... !!!"
And then something clicked on her mind and she looked at dave in shock, " You mean...., you mean to say..... he.... he crafted it before you guys left for training?"
Dave grinned goofily. "Nope.... he crafted it before he joined the academy."
"Yes, we saw it too. He showed it to us before he went to academy." Lilly noded in agreement. "But it didn't felt this powerful at that time ! Lilly looked at Dave with a questioning frown on her face."
"Let him answer it," Dave pointed at Alan. "Besides the show is about to begin." The middle aged man who was driving the carriage was shocked to his core when he saw the number of Hyena's surrounding them.
The two girls also felt fear deep down in their bone. But Lilly who was also an adventurer was exited and even eager to take on one of these Hyena's.