Time swiftly passed, and Lilly commenced her academic studies the following year, excelling in both Healing and Adventurer department, earning favor from many masters, not only for being sister of the now renowned boys, called as "Super Six" but also for her prowess in studies and combat arts.
Initally there were no news from the boys even after an year of their departure from the academy. Then a message brought letters addressed to Morgan's, the Heathrow's and Headmaster Stan. Even though the letter was a very short one, they still felt relieved to know that everyone were doing well.
Four years passed without major surprises. Lilly had completed her Academic studies and had planned to go to Green town to start her apprenticeship with Helen. Rose who was 11 years now also planned to accompany her to learn the basics of healing, trade, economics and arts.
Rose to everyone's surprise turned out to be quite capable and sharp minded once she turned 10. But the innocence and the cuteness were still there.
On an evening everyone were sitting and discussing about their departure to Green Town. "We will be leaving in two weeks everyone. The merchant's group we are tagging along this time will not be having adequate guards and we have to take few of our own guards along this time." Andrew announced.
"It's fine son, we can request for a few adventures from the guild this time. We had not been to Green town for almost three year now. And this time...." George was about to continue when a guard came in and bowed to them.
Master George," they.... they are here." The guard announced in excitement. Everyone felt confused. "Who are here?" Mary asked.
"The boys, I mean, all six of them are here." The guard excitedly shouted.
Even before the adults could react, Lilly and Rose bolted from their chairs and out of the room. All four adults stood up stunned for a few seconds, then they went outside as fast as they can.
Lilly and Rose rushed outside, their faces lit up with broad smiles. However, their joy turned to astonishment as they saw the six tall, sturdy, rugged, and handsome men standing before them. The boys they were familiar with seemed like mere shadows compared to these towering figures resembling mountains.
"Big.... big brother is that.... is that you?" Rose asked in astonishment. Alan smiled and nodding his head.
"Wow Rose! You grew up so much." Williams stepped forward and spread his arms wide. Rose ran towards him. Then she evaded Williams and hugged Alan crying hard.
"Somethings will never change." Williams mused loudly sighing and shaking his head. Then Lilly crying and smiling at the same time hugged him. Williams beamed at her, saying "Lilly is this really you? You had become an elegant lady now!!"
Lilly, give me your hand." Alan stretched out his hand and took Lilly's right hand and closed his eyes for a few seconds. Then he smiled releasing her hand. Lilly was unable to ask anything as she was still in shock to fell the callouses and iron like palm of Alan's.
By this time all four adults came and stood, in shock to see the changes in the boys.
They looked more like tall and sturdy men than the boys now.
After their inital shock, both Elena and Mary came forward and hugged them. George and Andrew happily shook their hands.
There hands were rough and calloused and their grip was like a Vice. They marveled at their strength.
"How have you all been lads, It had been four years since we saw you the last time." George enquired with a warm smile.
All the six had a solem expression at this question. "Don't ask, great uncle George. We went through hell to reach at where we are. But the training that lune put us through had actually paid off." Dave smiled at the end.
"Brothers all of you look so handsome and your body had became so hard. It felt that I was hugging a steel puppet and not a person. Rose asked innocently. Ben ruffled her hair and smiled. " You can say that princess, you can definitely say that."
"Come in boys, come in. We will prepare a feast tonight." Andrew beaconed everyone inside happily and all of then made their way inside the mansion.
Elena went to kitchens and informed the cook to prepare a feast for 60 people, which shocked them. But they bowed their head and started their preparation.
That day after four years all the boy's ate properly cooked home meal contentedly. Rose and Lilly gawked at the scene infront of them, the appetite of these boys almost made their eyes pop out.
But knowing what they might have gone through, all the adults smiled fondly at them.
After the meal the look of content on their face were self evident about their hardship and lack of proper home cooked food.