Stan noded and grinned at Christan. He knew how enthusiastic Christan was about weapons. "Do you want to see his master piece? Alan will you please...." Stan smiled at Alan.
Nodding, Alan took out the sword from his storage ring.
"What!!!' Christan literally shrieked.... "He.... He.... can use the storage ring already... " Christan felt dizzy but as he looked at the sword in Alan's hand a gleam appeared in his eye and he walked closed to the sword.
"May I take a look at it, please, Alan?" Christan politely asked, and Alan handed it over to him.
"It's heavy and unyielding. How can you use it, lad? Wait... did you... did you craft it using your own mana?" Christan guessed correctly. Stan laughed heartily.
"Alan, what do you deduce about our weaponry in charge?" Stan asked.
"Knowledgeable. He is truly knowledgeable headmaster," Alan concluded astutely.
"Excellent, lad. He is absolutely incredible when it comes to identifying weapons," Stan smiled.
"Well, get at least three weapons each, lads. You need them to last for at least two years." Christan was shocked to hear Stan's words. "So many weapons... these kids must be truly amazing for the headmaster to bestow them with so much weapons."
Everyone nodded and selected three of each weapon they were comfortable with, which means they took almost all kinds.
"I have to go to Steve again for new high-grade weapons." Stan sighed, but was not at all worried about providing these boys with the weapons.
"Headmaster, do we have any kids enrolling who have lost their parents?" Ben asked Steve.
"Of course, lad. Every year, we have at least 50% of applicants who have lost their parents. These kids are generally adventurers' sons or daughters." Stan clarified.
"Will they be able to afford the entrance fee. If not, are thers any options where they can get support from." Bob asked.
Stan sighed sadly. "We masters have a fund raised specifically for this but it can provide support for 10 students. And have a fund raiser every year at our adventures guild that supports additional 20 students. Merchants guild and healer's guild provide additional support for almost 30 students. But more than 30 students have to go back due to lack of financial support.
"If those receive the required support do you feel that they can become an asset for the school and the adventures guild headmaster?" Chris asked.
Aland and Williams looked at each other and grinned knowing where this conversation is heading towards.
"Many of them, they can be lad. Buy life is not fair to everyone. Even thought we want to support everyone. There are limitation for even us. And there is this process of selection where they have to get through to get qualified. "
Dave was nodding his head, asked "What would be the total expense that will incur each student per year headmaster?"
Stan looked puzzled but answere thruthfully, " The weapons, books, uniforms, tution fee, food, their lodging and other expenses will come upto 50 to 100 golds per year lad. But why are you boys asking about this out of nowhere?" Stan asked in confusion.
All the boys looked at each other and grinning. Alen took out few sacks from his storage ring and handed it to Chris, Ben and Bob.
Ben gave the sack to the headmaster. " Headmaster there are 5,000 gold here. Please make sure those who are really capable should not miss the opportunity to study." Stan and Christan were stunned by this.
"But... but lad how.....?" Stan spoke in an unbelievable tone.
Ben smiled " This is a part of gold which I received from my feiends to support my family, he looked at Alan, Williams and Dave. Unfortunately before I reach home my father had already passed away. And now these fools are not ready to take the gold back." He glare at the boys who shrugged their shoulders and Dave was even smiling wickedly.
When Stan turned and looked at these boys, they were standing there innocently.
"So please utilize this funds for those who really are in need of it." Ben handed-over few sacks to Stan.
"Same with me headmaster, there are 5000 gold here, received also from them. He pointed his hands towards those three. But tragically I also lost both my parents a couple of weeks ago. As Ben said, when I wanted to hand the money back, they declined to accept it saying. "Once given its yours. Do whatever you want with it". Please provide those kids for their second year at the academy." Bob said and handed-over the sacks to Stan.
"Headmaster I also had received these gold as a reward for the work my parent's did, which I think can be utilized to support those students for the third year. Here are 5000 gold." Chris also handed over few sacks to Steve.