The group continued travelling towards the Green city at a steady pace. After the Wolf's pack incident they did not had any major encounters with the wild beasts.
All minor face off's were take care by the guards without any incident.
There were a few thunderstorms and a few showers from the passing by clouds while they were travelling but it did not offset their journey.
Any injuries or sickness were taken care off by Helen and Alan. Overall the journey would be considered as a peaceful one.
Alan started to ride the horses everyday, both in the morning and after the lunch for more than an hours. He would pick a different house every time to experience different nature and temperaments of the animals.
Somehow, he felt each animal to be cooperative and friendly towards him.
Helen and John would ride in the carriage discussing about the things to do once they reach Green Town and sometimes would re-live their past. They were out of topics to discuss with Alan so they left him alone to ride the horses.
Everyday after his ride, Captain Kevin's horse will come to him agitated and start irritating Alan until he agrees to ride him for a few minutes.
This was something new to everyone there. It was acting like a 'possessive wife' seeking his attentionall the time. Guards started to enjoy this scene a lot. Even Helen and John were amused by this behavior of the horse.
But captain Kevin had a thoughtful expression everytime this happened.
After riding all the horses once, Alan decided to ride only Captain Kevin's horse every afternoon. And started addressing it as "The Trouble Maker" due to his irritation he felt towards the horse's behavior.
They had journeyed for more than a month and everything seemed to be going well.
The forest was ending and they were about to enter the mountain area and open lands which were spread across many miles many miles.
When Alnan heard about the shift in their vegetation, he became exited!!!
Uncle John, you had told me last time that, Lion's pack would be living in the mountain area. Will we be able to cross their paths or even see them from afar?
John laughed.... No my boy, they live far away from this region. And we should be thanking the heaven's for that.
It will be a bloodbath if a group of humans encounters a pack of lions. John said with a kind of relief in his voice.
Alan felt disappointed. But he kept his hope alive to see the pack of lions himself one day.
During the dinner that evening, Captain Kevin came towards Alan who was sitting with his Grandmother and Uncle.
Is there something wrong captain? John asked.
He took a deep breath. Spoke to John with a look of determination in his eyes.
"Sir John, I would like master Alan to have my Horse from now on. It's young and energetic. It will be a better match with Master Alan than me. " Kevin announced.
John, Helen and Alan all were taken aback.
Alan felt loss for words. Seeing his expression John smiled and asked again to Kevin...
What made you to come to this conclusion Captain? If I remember correctly, you had bought this horse recently and even paid a hefty price for it..... John asked curiously.
Yes sir I had bought it around half a year ago and was in the stable till we came to this journey....
I have been observing the horse's behavior and the bonding it has developed with Master Alan from the day he started caring for it. It is eager to be ridden by master Alan.
I had neven seen it with such an eagerness to be ridden any other time.
I know both of them will make a great team. Kevin smiled looking at Alan and then towards his horse. Funny thing is, I had never got an opportunity to name my horse. I know its not a mandatory thing but I always name my horses.....
Besides, I have couple of more horses in the stable of your estate, so Its not like I would be left with nothing Sir. John.... Kevin said.
Please accept this gift Master Alan. This animal will serve you well and by watching you both I feel it will even keep you in check. Kevin smiled.
Both John and Helen burst out laughing.They laughed so hard that their eyes started watering.
Alan felt a bit embarrassed but even more excited at the same time.
Alan bowed his head to Captain Kevin wholeheartedly and with utmost gratitude.
Thank you for your generous gift Captain Kevin. I will personally take care of him. Alan assured the captain.
Kevin smirked.... If you don't look after him personally, he will make sure you regret it.
At these words, everyone started to laught again.
Alan also started laughing along with others.
Alan and Kevin went towards the horse. Kavin untied it and handed its reign to Alan with a smile.
Alan took the reign and looked at the horse and mischievously said. "Your master handed you over to me. So prepare yourself to humbled, you "Trouble Maker".
The horse starting prancing around. Kevin could feel its joy...
From that day onwards, Alan started taking care of that horse full time. And it became his best companion. Unfortunately it only began to respond to the name of "Trouble Maker". The name which Alan started calling it out of frustration due to its temperament initally.
The next morning when everyone realized that the horse was responding only to the name " Trouble Maker", everyone were laughing so hard that birds nested on the nearby trees started flying in panic.
But the horse looked energetic and extatic and there was spring to its steps.