Jakes cold breath shivered the area in front of dry mouth, the boy sat curled into himself, the hum of the LAAT being the only noise to fill his clouded ears. His skin shivered as the metal surface clawed at his back, he needed a shirt...but he didnt have the energy to care. The others around him faded into black as his vision focused ona single point, his breath increasing, images of Gideon with R4s head flashed in his mind...
"That stupid dream..." Jake muttered, sighing as he threw his head back. He remembered Clanks words..not exactly, but the droid was right, he wasnt doing well. R4 had been on his mind more than ever, with nothing to do, he didnt have anything to distract him, the only thing he could do was fix their hyper drive, but Clank and Teesh were doing that, plus, he had never touched a ship before this LAAT, as if he would know it worked.
He closed his eyes..hoping to calm his mind..mind..mind..mind
His eyes snapped open as he looked around, floating in a black void
He heard something..? a whisper..no a chortle?
He blinked and his feet had the warmth of sand on them again, he looked up to see his home in burnt rubble, as he left..left..it.
"Whats going on.." Jake muttered as he took a step back he fell back and into the sand, spirling in the void, his eyes darting around to see what was happening.
They they..landed on the creature from hyperspace..it raised its hand as Jake twicthed and sent his hand barreling to his head.
"AAGHhhAA!!" His closed his eyes, opening them as watched rows of Battledroids marching on a green plain. He shook his head as his vision warped into the streets of a city, burning...burning...
"Wha---wh...." Jakes breatsh increased as his vision shrinked down to a childs leval, white nosie filled his ears and drowned out the crackling of fire and people alike, his surrodning warping with the fire into a bed room, his eyes snapped to the door as a B1 battledroid bust it open, its eyes glowing red as fire shined behind it.
Jake went to run but found himself floating..
"Whats going ON-!!"
"Friend!!?...Friend!??" Rusty shook Jakes shoulder as it yelled, Teesh kneeled by the boys other side.
Jake opened his eyes, his breath labored as he breathed heavily his eyes landed on Rusty and he jumped back.
"AahAA!!" He yelped as he pulled out his Pistol, aiming at the droids face. Rusty and Teesh froze.
Tac and Clank looked over, Racket still offline.
Jakes breaths increased as his hand shook violently, the blaster dropping from his hand.
"Im..I-..." He held his head and stared at the floor, the B1 looked at the blaster, naturally going to pick it up, and return it to Jake, But a reptilian hand grabbed the droids wrist. Rusty snapped up, to see Teesh nodding his head "no".
Rusty stared confused as metal could be at the boy, before making a mechanical whimper, and shakily standing, and walking over to Clank and Tac, who had simply stared the entire time.
"hey kid....you were ssssleping...dream?"
Jake nodded his head, his eyes watering as he shook softly. Teeshs cold eyes warmed slightly as he pat the boys back.
"take asss long assss you need.."
"mhm..." was all Jake could respond. Teesh stood up and went into storage, a confused Rusty following. Teesh stood in the dimly lit area, scornging into a box.
"Uh..sir?" Teesh jumped, his eyes showing something he wouldnt let Jake ever see..fear. He shook his head.
"What is wrong with our leader" the B1 asked tilting his head.
Teesh sighed, he doubted the droid would understand "He issssnt doing to well about R4 and Bucket..." Teesh said motioning to Buckets headless body, covered by fabric, the B1 stared at it longly for a moment.
"I miss them both"
"Me too droid....me too"
"Its Rusty..." The B1 corrected, Teesh smirked with a joking scoff.
"Alright...Russsty" The two stared at the other for a moment, seemingly having some mental respect for the other, before the droid turned around and left, exiting as if it hadnt happened. Teesh stared at the door, his thoughts portrayed in his yellow eyes.
Ada sat in her ship, staring off into space. The stars shimmired of her tight visor, her eyes peering into the expanse. She could leave, her hyperdrive was fine, she could leave that stupid boy and his merry band of clankers behind, go find others of her kind, people who wouldnt doubt her actions.
But the thought burned her chest, her shallow breaths fogged her helmet, so carefully, she removed it and placed it on the console.
She breathed in fully without the helmets
deterrance, she needed to apolgize to Jake, from what she gathered, he hadnt ever been off Geonosis as far as he can remember, and even if he had been on this "Naboo" he wouldnt had ever seen a Mandolorian.
the longer the thoughts trotted into her brain the more of a fool she saw herself as, Jake doesnt know what the Empire and Republic did to her, how would he know or care?
She sighed again, this time one comparatove to having to get up early in the morning. She got up and walked into the open area of her ship, several wires handing from the ceiling, a vareity of weapons and tools hanged on her right, lining the wall. The other side had a few seats, and a droid charger.
Small steps made her turn as a Gonk Droid stood moving up and down slightly with glee, making its typical-
noise. Ada smiled and pat its head, the Gonk droid was a dark grey in color, and its small sensor used for vision was covered in several layers of duct tape.
"Hey Mis-Step, fully charged" She asked softly, patting the droids head for a brief moment. The Gonk replying again with-
Adas face deadpanned into a half smile half disapointment, she didnt know what it was saying. so she just sat up and left to towards her weapons wall, grabbing a long rifle and pulling out a small cloth, Cleaning it while humming a soft tune, leaving "Mis-Step" to wander around aimlessly.
"Next talk" she muttered.. "ill.....apolgize" she finished, nodding to herself, a smile tugging at her tired face.
Jake sat in the same place, he hadnt moved since his dream thing, and he was understably confused. He saw things he hadnt ever seen, images of...what? he didnt know. But as he normally does, he ignored his issues, and decided to try and find something to do.
Walking into the storage area, the teen saw his B1 backpack, he hadnt used it since Geonosis, and there wasnt any reason other than he forgot about it.
He heaved it up, checking inside, picking out the melted face of a battledroid. Jakes face wore a look of regret for a moment, he had gathered this in that huge ship on Geonosis, simpler times. He thought back to it, the two droids attacking him, where he found Tac. Has it been that long? time had escaped him, white noise filling his head more than words or thoughts as he shook his face slightly, stuffing the head into his backpack, and slinging over his shoulder.
He looked around for a bit, laying eyes on a cloth shirt, probably a gift from Bespin, they had really came in clutch with these gifts. he picked it up and brought to the main LAAT area. Rusty and Clank sat in the corner silent, Racket just stared into nothingness, and Teesh was curled into a ball sleeping, Tac was nowhere to be found, probably in the cockpit.
He sighed as he plopped down, his hair swaying lightly as his eyes scanned the shirt. He unclipped the blowtorch from his backpack, and dumped out its contents, scrap pieces, clone armor, the droid head, wires and much more random crap.
He stared at it in suprise for a moment "Damm..."
Rusty was quick to notice and trot over, it's limbs shaking slightly.
"Uh sir?…what are you doing" the B1 asked with a typical confused chirp.
Jake thought for a moment.
"I'm gonna remake my shirt, can't be going around shirtless…I think" Jake answered, asking himself the question more than the droid.
Rusty only nodded and sat down with its legs infrotn of its, its three fingered hands holdings its knees while its flat face peered at Jake as he began to work.
His last shirt wasn't art, this one, he wanted this one to be something special. And even if he did t have everything he needed he could make good progress. He grabbed a few pieces of scrap and began to burn perfect holes in his shirt with his blowtorch, sizing up the pieces over and over, before sewing them into place with the string he had in his pack. He had some reserves considering he never needed to make another shirt.
Eventually, the light nosie of burning cloth attracted Clank…who stomped over and stared down at the boy work, Jake only smiled and gave a small wave, one which the B2 surprisingly did back, albeit robotic. Racket was next to hobble, mostly cautious that Jake could be harmed, and eventually, Tac stepped down from the cockpit, seeing the huddle, and walking over to observe.
Jake could only smile with a light chuckle stick in his throat as the eyeless droids stared at him with non recognizable fascination.
He would spend the next few hours on the shirt, Tac and Clank going off the fox the hyperdrive around an hour in since Teesh was asleep, leaving Rusty and Racket to just…watch.
——Location…Gideons Crusier——
The main bridge was filled with TKs and officer clad in black clothing walking about, performing tasks and speaking to one another. Gideons good at a head console, preparing to call an old "friend". Kelp and Flamer stood behind him. Both had nearly forgotten about the experience on Geonosis, even there comrade lost to the commando droid, was a memory. Clones as they were, they received weird stares from the TKs, their Imperial eyes piercing their helmets.
With a light electrical noise Tarkin upper body appeared on the hologram, a Tk rushing to a dial to turn down the bridge lights to help with visibility , Gideon waving him a thanks.
"What is the purpose of this call Gideon, I hope it news of the boy you bring"
Gideon faced wnated to scowl but he refrained, calmly sighing.
"We haven't found him yet, but we do know his final destination is Naboo, from what I've researched it seems to be his place of birth, but there's not enough evidence to be sure"
Tarkin stared for a moment, eyeing the two Clones.
"Good…this information will help your reputation"
A small smile grew on Gideons face.
"And what of project Dark Trooper?"
Tarkin asked, Kelp and Flamer looking at eachother with confusion, Glamer just shrugging his shoulders.
"Tests have begun and we can make so with the funding you have provided…for now" Gideon spoke loudly, clasping his hands around his back.
"Noted….thisnprojec had better be a succes Gideon….and speaking of success, I assume Vader had a chat with you? Hmmm…" Tarkin asked, wearing a smug grin.
Gideon fist curled as he fumed internally.
"Yes…he…noticed me of my predicament"
Tarkin stared harshly down at him. "The I suggest you find the boy" Tarkins image flickered and disappeared. Gideon stared at the desk for a moment before turning around and leaving the area, waving Kelp and Flamer to follow. The other TKs staring as he walked out.
The three walked down the cold hallways, the occasional trooper walking by.
"Sir….where are you taking us" Kelp asked as professionally as possible.
"I am assigning you and…and your friend to defend my project, you are my most.."
There was a pause.
"trusted clones" he finshed, wearing a smile.
Kelp mused beneath us helmet and nodded "Yes sir" before elbowing flamer and giving him a thumbs up, one which flamer responded with an enthusiastic thumbs up.
It didn't take long for them to arrive, the door to the area was larger, with a single panel of glass going across the center, red lights covered the inside of the room. Kelp looked for a brief moment before looking at Gideon.
"Defend this room, no one comes in or out without my permission or an ID like this" Gideon said pulling out his own ID, and showing it to them. The Clones nodded, and took posts on either side of the door, satisfied, Gideon walked away, eventually turning around a corner and out of sight.
"Creepy ass guy" Flamer muttered, looking at where he went.
"Flamer! Watch your tounge" Kelp scolded…"but fair point" he mused.
"What you think is behind this anyways?" Flamer asked, peaking into the glass.
"Don't know…he said it was a Dark trooper project, probably some new armor for special forces" Kelp suggested with his own commen sense.
"Still, this looks like a lab" Flamer said now practically shoving his helmet against the glass to see, being yanked away by Kelp.
"Do you want to be fight peaking, he said only people with that ID can enter, and we do not have that ID…" Kelp exclaimed with quiet frustration.
Flamer stared…
"Ughhhhh… it meeaaans. We can't go in" Kelp sighed out, gently shoving Flamer back into place.
Flamer nodded and shrugged, and resumed his post, the still hallways and grey corridors of the ship didn't help when on guard duty, the two payed rock paper scissors, talked about endless battles and so on. Not that it helped, by the end of it when they stood awkwardly in silence, it only been ten minutes.
"Ten minutes?! Your fucking with me.." Flamer said looking at his datapad exasperated. Kelp just groaned in annoyance, he slid his helmet off and put his blaster to his waist. Flamer did the same, using the moment to peak into the door.
Flamer jumped back as a hand slammed againt the glass by his face, Kelp slammed his helmet back on and grabbed his blaster, aiming it. Both clones peaked in and saw a pale man weakly banging against the door, wheezing and bleeding from several stiches across his body. The man was trembling, mumbling incoherently, obviously not bearable behind the glass.
"What the fuck!" Kelp screamed out.
The clones shambled for a moment but quickly snapped their minds to focus. Flamer began to pummel the butt of his blaster into the thick glass, as Kelp messes with the controls.
"Fuck fuck!…" Kelp slammed his fist into into the panel.
"He needs help!" Flamer yelled, Kelp
Looked thinking he was talking to him, but Flamer was look at the hallways, three TKs jogging with conern.
"What's going on" one spoke.
Flamer only looked in to the glass, the three peeking and immediately gasping.
"By the maker…wha- Help him!" The apparent lead TK yelled, the other two starting to try and pry the door open, Kelp joined them and Flamer soon after, the door freaking with displeasure as it rose Barry an inch.
"Come on troopers! Together!!" kelp grunted loudly, letting a low grumble as he pushed harder. The others yelled out with some sort of rally call, the Door heaving slightly open about three inches, the man on the others side stuck his fingers in the gap and tried to raise it before collapsing in a mess of sweat.
"Hold on!" Flamer quickly released his grip and shoved his blaster into the gap. The doors systems hummed as it detected an object stuck in the door, and opened as the group stepped back slightly, the lead TK patting Kelps back. "Good work" he muttered, Kelp only nodded.
Two TKs quickly helped the man to his feet.
"What happned sir?" Flamer asked with concern, walking up to him scanning the man.
"Dark…..dark….." He mumbled, Kelp and Flamer staring at eachother.
"Is this what project DarkTrooper is?" One TK asked, concern lacing his shaky voice.
"Yes" The group turned at the voice, Gideon standing their with two death troopers. his hands clasped behind his back.
"Smart….for troopers…but yes, project DarkTrooper..requires some testing"
One of the TKs spoke first as the others stare in shock through their helms.
"These are civilians…are…are you crazy?!" He scolded with his voice the opposite of his words.
Gideon grunted with displeasure, his hands moving to his sides.
"If you have an issue with it you may bring it up to me personally"
Flamer and Kelp looked at eachother, the clowns to bewildered to speak. Was this the Empire they fought for? Taking and torturing citizens for side projects..now that he thought about, Kelp realized they had been chasing a teenager around the Galaxy…a teenager? Really? There are rebellions growing and separatist holdouts fighting back and yet, we fight children and civilians? Kelps mind seemingly transformed into words as the TK from before retorted.
"I didn't sign up to slaughter innocents, you touched the line with the boy we are chasing, and now this? I quit!" The Tk retorted, throwing his blaster to the floor.
Gideons face deadpanned as he stared at the trooper.
"Brave….but ultimately hopeless"
With one nod the right Deathtrooper aimed his blaster and fired, a hole was sent through the trooper as he feel to his knees. The TK held his shaky hands and stared at them, falling over dead with a wheeze.
The others stepped back in surprise, the injured man yelped in a panic and threw himself away, trying to run, only making it a few steps before Gideon huffed and pulled pistol and shot him, the man tumbling down motionless.
"NO!" Another TK yelled, while his friend was trying to shake their leader awake. The TK aimed his blaster and fired at the Deathtrooper, the two shots slamming into his armor, the Deathtrooper barely moving and firing back once, nailing the TKs head as he fell backwards, his finger impulsively firing into the air a few times before he hit the ground.
Kelp and Flamer seethed. "I've had enough!" Kelp raised his blaster and fired, hitting one of the death troopers in the knee, they fell over as Flamer finshed them with a head shot. Gideon stood still as the other Deathtrooper fired at the TK mourning his leader, the trooper raising his hands before being shot in the chest and sent to the floor, dead.
Kelp and Flamer pummeled the death trooper with bolts, the large soder falling over smoking.
"Valient" was all Gideon retorted.
"For the republic!! Your ideals were wrong from the start, we were fools for not seeing it" Flamer scowled, aiming his blaster and pressing the trigger.
The bolts flew through the air, it's energy crackling as Gideons face barely moved in emotion as he bent out of the way, sending a red bolt back. Flamers eyes widened for a breadth moment before the bolt shot through his skull, puffing into the metal wall behind him, the Clone fell over.
"FLAMER!" Kelp reached a hand to his friend before it curled with rage.
Gideon only smiled as the clone began to breath heavily "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!"
Kelp sprinted at Gideon, the Moff firing a bolt that slammed into his shoulder, the Clone barely stopped as he ran at him. With a face of slight surprise Gideon put away his pistol and sidestepped out of the way of Kelps punch.
Gideon tried to punch back but the clone blocked it with his forearm.
"WAAAGGGGHHHH" Kelped grabbed the hand Gideon tried to punch with and slammed him against the wall, the Moff grunting with annoyance, ducking under another lunch and elbowing the clones stomach. Kelp stumbled at the blow, Gideon taking a step forwards and uppercutting Kelps chin, thankfully protected by his helmet.
As the clone snapped his back at Gideon the Moff grinned.
"Such anger….i read about you clones…so perfect for combat..but you have one weakness"
"And what is that?"
"Your all the same" Gideon scowled, running forwards. Kelp tired to front lock him but the Moff moved out do the way and grabbed the clones leg, raise an elbow to smash into his knee, a sickening crack rang in the clones ears as his leg fall back under him bending the wrong way.
Still in a fit of rage Kelp threw a lunch that was grabbed by Gideon, who tossed it to his side, the force and only having one leg sent Kelp ti the floor, Gideon quick to step on his chest.
"You loose…" And before Kelp could retort, the clones vision filled with red as a blaster bolt ended the relics life. Gideon stared at the area around him, only sighing.
——a few hours later——-
Gideons voice blasted on the intercoms.
"My fellow troopers, I have saddening news, TK-2734 , 3384 and 1193 where found trying to interfere with Imperial plans, as well as Commander Kelp and his Lieutenant Flamer. They have been dealt with….i am Deeply
sorry if they were your friends, but traitors are to be removed….learn from this, and work harder"
The screech from the intercoms was the final thing the troops on board heard, before they continued with daily business…
as if nothing had happened.