Instantly, Jhonny felt the meaning behind 'helping each other' was more profound than what he wanted. He could tell the bird-man was trying to push an agenda of his own.
The question for him was, would that agenda benefit them? Or would it screw them over and only benefit the alien?
There was barely a bond of trust strong enough to divulge information between each other. Jhonny knew this.
The alien knew this.
And yet, he was still offering a trade.
"What do you mean by 'we can help each other'?" Jhonny asked.
The bird-man could see the unease that was covering Jhonny's gaze, and he couldn't blame him. He wouldn't have trusted those words coming from him, either.
"I think your situation is easily the weakest position you could be in, human chick. You are on an unknown planet, surrounded by a race you know nothing about, and fear the very meaning of your presence here.