Chereads / Omega Mutant : Infinite Clones / Chapter 5 - Omega Scan

Chapter 5 - Omega Scan

"Now, dont be afraid by the look and size of this thing, it's used to measure the mana or the energy inside an individual, it will give you an initial rank based on the composition of mana in your body, but as time goes and you use your ability more you will see changes in your body or ability, then you can request for re-evaluation and if successful you can advance your ranks."

"Okey i am ready." Leo was very expectant about his rank, as a higher rank would mean better offers from the guilds and more respect from his piers.

"Alright, remove any electronics on you and step inside, first it will measure you based solely on you , so dont use your ability, after its done, i will ask you to activate your ability, then it will measure the ability rank and give you an overall rating. Now, please step inside."

Leo did as he was told and entered inside the structure, inside he has a 10 meter x 10 meter area, leo walked in to the center where there was a marking and stood there.

*"Alright leo, stand straight and spread your arms to the sides." * leo heared the doctors voice through a speaker and did as he said.





After a mechanical voice, many blue beams scanned his body.

*"Alright leo, you said you can summon one more clone, now please do so"*

Hearing that neo activated his ability while thinking of creating a mindless type clone.

*spoof* with a cloud of steam, a new clone was created, and neo felt a headache but quickly recovered eventhough he still acted like feeling weak and stagered a bit. After he recovered, he looked around and found his clone standing at his side without any expressions, neo felt embarassed as his clone was now naked, but the doctor didn't seem to mind it.

*"Hmm, interesting., can you create any more, or do you feel this is your limit?"*

Leo hesitated for a second then said, "I think i can create one more but not sure if i could endure the headache that comes after."

*"Alright, you can come out, oh and there should be some spare tracksuits that may fit your clone."*

"Yes, thank you sir."

After neo told the clone to put on the tracksuits he took a glance at clone1 who was just acting like a statue and then went towards dr.watson.

The doctor had a troubled look on his face, seeing this leo asked in worry.

"Any issues sir ?"

Rubbing his beard the doctor spoke " well, the initial scan showed that your body is same as an average human and no physical improvements are detected, but when you summoned your clone, there was an eeror, the measuring device normally shows from 0000 to 7000 but it suddenly flashed all 9999 went back to 2222, well it may be slight glitch in the value but 2222 seems appropriate. Lets test the physical and the device will calibrate."

Leo didn't understood what he meant as such stuff are protected information and not for public to understand.

After the doctor took a few more scribbles in his notepad he instructed leo and his clones to do various physical excercises, and all returned average scores.

After that the doctor asked leo to unsummon both clones from inside the scanner.

Leo received a nod from clone1 which went unnoticed by the doctor and then he entered the scanner and unsummoned both clones, this time neo didn't have to act as his whole body ached and he wasn't able to supress his scream.


leo didnt faint this time but he was drenched in cold sweat.

*"Are you Okay ?, do you need help?"*

"I-i'm fine" leo said weakly as he exit the scanner.

Doctor watson went to neo with an enthusiastic smile rather than an expected worried look.

"Haha you did good, there was a minor improvement on your physical fitness after unsummoning the clones, it seems like the muscle memory and the muscle improvements are superimposed onto you after you unsummoned them, this is great news, it means your rate of improvement on your physical fitness will be exponential, but ofcourse, you can't get to the level of an enhancement type but maybe a strong athlete, that is only if your clones work hard."

"Thank you sir, i understand."

"Ah, the pain you experienced is due to that super imposing phenomenon, it will get better through repeated use of ability, no pain no gain right, haha."

The doctor patted neo in the shoulder and continued,

"call this the intuition of an oldman, but i get this feeling that you are hiding something, if remember cotrectly, one of my colegue once worked with a clone ability user, she can only summon a single clone but she can aquire knowledge through letting her clone study, i believe something like that may be possible with you too, so try it and report to me, its always better to expose all your abilities when there are great benefits awaiting the talented."

Leo felt awkward hearing this as he was hiding this because clone1 said so, he scratched the side of his neck and then told the doctor about the memory effect and that he could create clones with different personalities/characteristics, but didn't say anything about the non-existant time limit.

"Hoho, that explains the headache. You dont have to hide those things, with this addition excluding the 3rd clone that you said you could, you are at omega score of 3655, you can now call your self an Omega level 3 awakener or on more modern terms a D Rank awakener.

When you can summon the 3rd clone, you can apply for re-evaluation, but i recomend you apply after improving your physical fitness, you could possible advance to a C-Rank awakener. "

The doc said and then pointed to a chart in his office.

Omega level 7 ---- S rank

Omega level 6 ---- A rank

Omega level 5 ---- B rank

Omega level 4 ---- C rank

Omega level 3 ---- D rank

Omega level 2 ---- E rank

Omega level 1 ---- F rank

"But this is not a representation of your strength, but your overall evaluation, keep that in mind."

"Yes doctor, thank you."

After a few talks, leo exited the building with a D rank awakener id and the clothes that clone1 wore.