" Ms Serena" Ajax called out making her snap out of her thoughts back to reality "oh, um sorry about that, you can seat Brineeth" she said pointing to the girl who had been cool since he came. He then proceeded to seat with Brineeth and that was when he realised she was actually the girl who was void of any expressions since he walked in.
He sat down on the desk beside her and that was when she finally looked up at him but he ignored her clearly out of annoyance and instead brought out his books and kept it on the table. After a while, the teacher asked a question about was 'salvia divinorum'was. Brineeth immediately raised her habd and said.
"Simple, it is a flower that kills" the teacher was about to say something when a deep voice sounded
"You're wrong" then as if on cue, the whole class turned towards where the voice came from and saw it was the new student that suddenly spoke up.