Chapter 8 - 8

"Attention duelists! Would Mr. Huffington and Mr. Cheever please arrive at duelfield number 3."

The practical exams for the upper years were slowly coming to a close with only one duel left. With a 40 percent win rate against both Ra and Obelisk students the Slifer upperclassmen just barely made it through the threshold Robert Cross gave them.

"You can do it." Chumley hyped himself up. "Only one victory away for my all you can eat Grilled Sandwich Extravaganza."

"Even now you can't think about anything but food. How disgusting." His opponent sneered. "Will you flunk this year as well?"

The Obelisk's jeering came to a halt when he felt as if a vice gripped his hand. Chumley grasped around the smaller then him blue student's wrist.

"Grill cheese is everything." Menacing small eyes almost twisted the poor Obelisk's soul.

"If I could have your attention, duelists." The judge had his style on fleek. "Please cut your decks and begin the duel."

Relieved with his arm back, Cheever skittishly shuffled his opponent's deck and almost ran towards his side.

"I want no hits under the belt. Let's get ready to DEUL!"



Chumley LP 4000

Cheever LP 4000

"I draw!" Chumley started off. "I'll place one monster face down and two cards face down."

"Hmph. Nothing much, draw!" Cheever smirked. "I play Divine Dragon Ragnarok (*4 A1500 D1000) in attack mode.

A light pink serpent-like creature surrounded in lighting took the field.

"I'll then activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your right set card."

The thundering vortex shattered the hologram, revealing Magic Cylinder.

"Ha, see how I've outplayed you, Slifer. Now I can attack your pathetic face down. Go Ragnarok, let the bells of Valhalla ring out his destruction. Hypersonic Wave!"

The dragon released a sonic breath, mutilating the face down monster card to shreds.

"When my Nimble Momonga(*2 A1000 D100) is destroyed by battle I gain 1000 LPs." Chumley said.

Chumley LP 4000 >> 5000

"Now I can activate the next part of its effect. When it's destroyed in battle I can also summon any number of Nimble Momongas from my deck as well."

Chumley placed two cards face down in the Monster Zone.

"Lucky you. But those rodents won't be a challenge for me and my monsters. I set one card face down and end my turn."

"Ladies and Gentlemen. What an exciting first turn for both of our duelists." The judge hyped up the crowd.

"Chumley! Chumley!" The red students were going wild.

"Show him his place!" Obelisks weren't backing down either and cheered for their player.

During this stand off Robert Cross and his friends finally made it to the hall. After finding their places in the bleachers, right next to the Ra Yellow students, they joined the cheering squadrons.

"Go Chumley, steamroll that pounce." Syrus yelled in his high pitched voice.

"Give it your all big fella!" Jaden added.

"He's doing quite nicely. It seems you've had a hand in this as well, Robert."

"Just a couple of tips and tricks, Bastion."

"With just one card he gave himself a much desired advantage. We should talk sometime about your methods."

"Fancy my secrets?" Robert waved his finger. "Well I can tell you that you've missed one other reason why this play was strategic."

"Oh?" The Ra couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Cards like Nimble Momonga can help with one more thing. That is thinning out the deck."

"And that's a good thing?" Syrus entered the conversation.

"But of course." Realization showed on Bastion's face. "That's a rather genius usage of that effect."

"Indeed. By getting out his other two copies he made it easier to draw other more important cards from his deck."

"That's so you, Robert." Ryouta remarked. "Always trying to draw your best card."

"Not everyone can depend on their bullshit luck, like this stupid over here." He still couldn't believe what happened at the card shop.

"Ha ha." Jaden chuckled while scratching his head.

Returning to the match at hand, Chumley drew a card.

"I activate my Pot of Greed, making me draw two cards. Licious, I will now use Polymerization."

"Since when did he have a Fusion?" Cheever eyed his opponent with uncertainty.

"I fuse both Big Koala (*4 2700 D2000) and The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion (*4 A1000 D1600) from my hand. Welcome to the stage, Master of Oz (*9 A4200 D3700)"

A green beast burst from the smoke, skipping to a beat only it knew. Red boxing gloves adorned its hands while a champion belt laid on his shoulder.

"This is my ace monster. But if you think that this is the end, then think again. I activate Wild Nature's Release, giving my monster an attack boost equal to the number of its defense."

Master of Oz A4200 >> A7900

"That's huge!" Jasmine remarked with shock.

"It's almost 8000. It could almost defeat Zane's ace card." Mindy didn't like how the koala kangaroo hybrid's muscles gained muscles of their own.

"Technically it can when he doesn't use Power Bond to summon it." Alexis added. "But will that be enough?"

Cheever looked at the prouncing beast with disgust. "You both have something in common alright."

"Yeah. That we'll pummle both you and your monster to the ground. Master of Oz attack his overgrown earthworm with Fist of the Rising Sun."

"Not so fast!" The Obelisk pushed a button on his duel disk. "I activate my set card, Negate Attack, rendering your attack useless."

The enormous fist was blocked by a mystical swirling wave.

"Hmph, not if I have something to say about it. I activate my counter Trap Card, Dark Bribe. Your card is hereby negated."

"No!" Cheever watched as the flimsy barrier got destroyed.

"Where were we? Oh yeah, crush him Oz."

"Groooo." With a mighty left jab the beast annihilated the opposition and sent the poor Obelisk off the duel field.

Cheever LP4000 >> 0

Chumley LP5000

"And that's a duel, people!" The judge called his verdict." Mr. Huffington has won the duel."

"Chumley, Chumley!" The Slifers roared.

"He did it." Syrus jumped. "He rocked them all."

Bastion nodded while clapping. "He did a good job securing his win with the last play."

"Yeah, Cheever walked right into that one. But there wasn't much he could do anyway." Robert smirked.

With the last match wrapped up the judges announced a 10 minute break before the exams would continue for the freshmen. Having won his duel, Chumley made way to the stands and was immediately hugged by his friends.

"Let's welcome the Red Beast. Hip hip." Robert started.


"Guys, I can't breath." Chumley wheezed.

"Let's give the Champ some room, fellas."

"Then let go first Natsuo. Otherwise I can't move." Ryouta was being crushed between Chumley and Natsuo.

"How does it feel to finally be back and duel, Chumley?" Jaden asked.

"The food better be worth it."

The Slifers laught.


And that's all for this chapter.

I'm going to keep these next couple of chapters short so it won't be as daunting to reed many duels in one setting.

Thank you for still keeping up with the story.

Anyone else sad with the Master Wheel ending? Such a good ride it has been to see them fight with all of those decks.


Peter Kim: There's already a fanfic that has a similar concept. Its A Frog out of Water by LeafyLeaf. I also have read it myself and found it an enjoyable read. So please check it out.

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