Rayan got scared, he thought this is some kind of underground cult.

"What? is this some kind of joke? who are you guys, where am i?"

White robe priest came forword and said "I see, you must be confused after crossing the dimension, do not worry great hero, rest for today, we shall talk tommrow".

5 black robe prist came forword and one of them waring black golden robe female priest hold rayan's hand and said "Do not warry great hero we shall look after you from today onwords" 

Confused rayan thought is this some kind of manwha or somthing! i don't know, i need to find a way out.

Everyone is smiling, but rayan felt that somthing is wrong here, it was creepy.

Suddenly the doors opened, more than 50 solders rushed in and covered every corner of the entire floor, they look like knight's, rayan was shocked. 3 black roab prist took a few steps back, rayan was so shocked, he don't know what to do, he thought maybe they are cross playing, but he realised that that was not the case, then soon after a man with silver hair waring a golden crown and golden armor came in. One of the knight said "All Hail the the Human Emperor".

Everyone said in a unison "All Hail the Human Emperor"

everyone kneeled down except rayan and white robed prist, white robed priest bowed, emperor said raise, everyone looked up.

Emperor looked at rayan and thought Huh so this is the hero, he didn't even bow to me, what a lowly thing. 

Soon knight announced Crown prince and princess entering both of them ware waring fancy outfit's. the crown prince have golden hair and princess have silver hair.

White robe priest said " Your majisty, Crown Prince, Princess as you can see, Hero summoning ritual was a success"