Chereads / DEMON WITHIN / Chapter 5 - Abduction of demons

Chapter 5 - Abduction of demons

Elsa's hands began to glow with icy blue light, and she sent a blast of freezing wind towards Quinn. Quinn blocked the attack with a wall of fire, and the two forces met in the middle, hissing and crackling as they struggled for dominance. The battle continued in this way, Quinn and Elsa exchanging ever more powerful attacks, the air around them growing thick with magic. But slowly, Elsa began to gain the upper hand, her ice magic freezing the Quinn's fire, weakening his power. Elsa froze the whole forest. Freezing Quinn along with it, Quinn smiled "you have potential witch"

Quinn heated his body temperature, cause her ice to melt.

Quinn then "an impressed witch".

Elsa "why haven't you used your flames against me, you have been on the defensive side ever since we started".

Quinn "I do not use my power, against adversary I do not consider a threat".

Elsa summoned a rain of ice cicles to pin down Quinn. Quinn at Elsa's back punching her to the other end the forest, he kicked her in mid air.

Elsa stood up and made a cross bow filled with ice, trying to aim it at Quinn, but his speed was too immense she couldn't see him.

He then appeared at her front breaking her cross bow and then grabbing her neck, he then said "ready to have that, conversation now?".

In the middle of their conversation, they started hearing a chant loudly.

Elsa started shouting "no please stop. it's too soon give him a chance it's not stable".

As she ran towards the battlefield were the acidic demon was fighting. Quinn noticed the new presence in the atmosphere.

Warwick was about to kill the acidic demon, when he also heard the chant and he noticed that there is change in the demon. his essence was being consumed and his power was increasing rapidly.

Before Warwick noticed what was going on. An out burst of acid flew up, almost consuming Warwick.

But before the acid touched Warwick, Crow appeared behind him and vanished.

Hallow, jackel and the five likhams were all puzzled looking at the acid monster, Elsa was running towards the monster shouting "Adrian, Adrian, Adrian please wake up".

The acid monster roared blowing the ground, causing a flood of acid. The impact threw Elsa of her feet.

Warwick took two of his cousin (likhams) on his shoulder and jumped on tree to avoid the attack. Hallow and jackel took the remaining likhams and fazed a couple distance, to avoid the acid.

Crow went to take Elsa, but before she could move a flood of acid stood above them.

Quinn immediately appeared carrying, Crow and Elsa and then vanish.

A gaint hole appeared in the middle of the forest, and the acid monster was still on a rampage. 

The acid hurt Quinn's hand. Quinn looked at Crow and asked "are you okay?".

Crow "my Lord your hand". 

Quinn "it's alright"

Quinn looked up at Warwick.

 "Is everybody alright?".

Warwick "yes, but Quinn it's power it's increasing rapidly".

Elsa "his not in his right mind".

Quinn "he has never been".

Quinn looked at the monster, walking towards it. he takes out his jacket twisting it quickly with fire, causing it the shape of a spear and throwing it at the monster, the force shaked.

Every one around hitting the monster, bidding it to the ground.

Elsa began to beg Quinn for the monsters life, whom she called Adrian.

Quinn spoke "your pet killed a likham, that I can live with, but no one trys hurts my girls and get away with it. Save your tears witch, his death was inevitable.

Quinn stretched his hand, using his finger to draw a line with fire, through space to summon his blade. but before he could finish one thousand lighting stroked the monster to it's immediate death.

Elsa shouted with a loud (cry's of pain ) as the chant began again causing Elsa to vanish. 

Quinn stood as the forge cleared off, he saw a figure walking towards him. 

Warwick and others stood trying to make of the figure.

Quinn then smiled and spoke " hi Grandpa".

It was Aturu likham.(the thunder bolt God)

Aturu "hi kiddo".

Aturu and Quinn walked through the forest heading towards the other likhams.

"how have you been kid". asked Aturu.

Quinn replied "fine, granddad so what brings you here?". 

Aturu "I was tasked with killing all the acid demons long time ago, so when I heard of this one causing a nuisance I came to finish him off".

Warwick walks up and interrupt their conversation.

"I can't believe my eyes". said Warwick "granddad I thought you were dead". 

Aturu "you thought wrong". 

Quinn "granddad never died, he's just in the human world, to stay in the astro plain of the gods, only the elite family members knew of granddad's whereabout".

Warwick "only elite members? what are you trying to say you little brat".

Quinn "that even if you are older, your ranking in this family is beneath me".

Aturu "enough with your little quarrel boys,is everybody alright?".

Warwick "yeah".

As Crow , Hallow, jackel and the five likhams approached. 

The likhams asked who's the oldman, Warwick replied "this old man is our grandfather". one of the likhams "I thought he was dead".

Warwick 'apparently he is not".

Crow asked "did everyone feel the power of the person, who chanted that incarnation? that cause the demon to turn into a monster".

Warwick "it's power was of the chat".

Aturu "it's been ages, since I have encountered dark enhancement magic. but this one wasn't stable, if not, in the shape you all are in, you would have been dead". 

Quinn "what do you mean grandad?".

Vincenta Likham "what he means, Quinn is that even at your stage their still some powers you can't comprehend".

Vincenta Likham was Quinn's dad and the current ruler of the likhams. He spoke as he stood with twenty Likham brethrens "what were you thinking?

Quinn going after a demon so recklessly ,if Warwick and your cousins and hadn't followed you, you would have been dead".

Quinn "dad I had it under control, their presence only slowed me down".

Vincenta "Quinn you were reckless and I want you to stay away from this case".

Aturu "Vincenta don't be hard on the kid, he had it under control".

Vincenta "dad please stay out of this'.

Aturu "in my days we taught kids to be strong, not to be whimps".

Vincenta "you taught us to be ruthless killers".

Aturu ( laughed) "and look how great you turned out".

Quinn walked away saying "I will see you later grandad". 

Quinn, Crow, jackel and Hallow leaves the forest.

Quinn "Crow there is a bigger play, I want you to keep an eye on my dad".

Crow "yes my Lord".

Quinn sat on a black Benz, by liberty bridge staring into the abyss, when crow,hallow and jackel appeared behind him.

"what information do you have for me ladies?".

Crow "your father had a meeting with the upper rank likhams and your grand father, it was almost impossible to hide my presence".

Quinn "what did they discuss about".

Crow "according to your dad, demons have been reported to be missing, like some kind of abduction, a week ago twenty deceased bodies where found in an ally. all bloody there looked like some kind of experiment project, but there have no leads on the whereabout of the abductions".

Quinn "then ladies let's go get some information". 

Jackel "where we heading boss?".

"Mistro's castle" said Quinn "to meet the harbinger of demons".


Quinn and the girls arrived at mistro's castle, a popular club secretly known as a home of demons.

Quinn walked into the club, he walked into the VIP lounge, he was confronted by miss mistro's head of security varveldi.

Varveldi "your kind isn't welcomed here Likham".

Hallow "do not address my master, so formally or else you want to lose an eye".

Quinn "it's okay hallow, we didn't come here for fight , I came for your boss peasant". 

Varveldi "what did you call him Likham?".

A voice from above spoke "no your place varveldi, Quinn is a friend, his not here on Likham business. it's been a while old friend, bring them to my office".

Varveldi gave way for Quinn and the girls as they walked to miss mistro's office. 

Quinn walked into the office and sat down saying "Cassandra mistro it's been a while"

Cassandra "I agree my friend, so what trouble brings you to my door step?".

Quinn "so what gave you that impression?".

Cassandra "your a dangerous man, you seek of trouble that's one of the things I like about you".

as she drank a cup vodka.

Quinn "the abduction of demons, seemed to have spiked up. what I want from you is information on who could be using demons for experiments".

Cassandra "and what makes you think I have that information?".

Quinn "you are known to be the mother of demons,

The harbinger of demons".

Cassandra "and you're the blue flame demon of the West, I heard the thunder bolt God is in town? it most be serious".

Quinn "Cassandra information".

Cassandra "lately many demons have been abducted and we keep finding dead bodies of demons every where,

Many demons have taken refuge in my establishment.

They have been using them for some kind of enhancement test.

mostly demons with lava power, I have my best men investigating the people responsible, I have a possible location".