I watched in disbelief as the giant ogre jumped ten feet in that air, I was almost too shocked by the athleticism to roll out of the way as both axes slammed into the ground. A small crater formed around its blow as its jump ended and landed on one knee.
Normally I would've taken a shot at that moment. But against an opponent this big and that could jump eighty feet? I only had one chance to land a decent blow with my crossbow, reloading could mean instant death.
No, I was going to play the slow game with this one, or more accurately I had to.
It was only a second after the ogre completed the jump attack that it rose back to its feet and turned towards me. I was surprised when it started to spin, my eyeballs almost bulged out of their sockets when the pale ogre became a literal tornado of death.
Not wasting a moment I began running around the inner wall of the ring a few seconds later I turned to get a look at what this 'move' did.
My stomach dropped as the tornado was a few feet behind me and gaining fast, a trail of destruction lined the wall as it seemed to use the wall to guide itself around the arena.
Realizing being on the wall was the last place I wanted to be I showed off my decent agility and dexterity to kick off the wall into a barrel roll that took me to the middle of the arena.
Finishing the roll with a small spin to land on my knee, I safely watched the ogre continue to fly around the arena wall, surely it couldn't tell where I was while spinning that fast.
I was proven right as the spinning ogre began to slow and I got a decent look at its face, we locked eyes and noticed it smirk deviously at me. 'Shit!' I cursed as I watch the ogre pick up its speed again but this time it ricocheted off that wall, heading right for me.
Thankfully I was ready to move as I barely jumped away in time to avoid the surprise attack, the wind from his axes threw me back a few feet but I landed on the balls of my feet waiting to see what it would do next.
I figured that an object moving at that speed could do nothing but slam into the wall, it seemed that physics had left the chat.
The ogre turned into a pinball as it bounced back, though luckily it was flying nowhere near me so shifted my weight to my toes in preparation for the mini-boss to slow down to find me again.
But it didn't slow for a second, it continued ricocheting off that wall in a vain attempt to hit me, it almost made me drop my guard slightly but as It kept increasing its speed I began to sweat.
On its tenth pass, something changed. It became easier to jump out of the way, and when I did the ogre toppled. It was obvious what happened and took off in a sprint my spear at the ready.
The ogre came to a stop as it threw up a sludge-like substance that smelled like sewage, but I didn't give a damn, I was already next to it. I stabbed my spear into the ground as I twisted around a half-assed grapple attempt to end up in front of it kneeling. I pushed everything I had into my knees as I threw an uppercut into its mouth.
Besides a slight choking sound it was obvious my blow was lacking, the ogre looked down at me with contempt as if to emphasize 'is that all?'
It was my turn to smirk as the runes on my gauntlet came to life. It's eyes finally showed a different emotion, fear.
"Fireball!" I yelled as the monster wailed a choked scream and tried to bite on my arm, but the rare gauntlet held up. "Fireball!" I repeated just a modicum louder as the ogre began struggling, at this point, I was mounting it. With less than a second between I shot again "Fireball". It tried to swing at me with the great axe it still held in its left hand.
Expecting that I used the ogre's biting grip to my advantage, flipping off of it's chest as the axe slammed onto the ogre's bare chest causing it to seize.
"Fireball!" This was the last of my mana.
The ogres head imploded then burst under my legs and all over my body.
I couldn't help but smile at a well-earned victory before I fell back into a disgusting pile of brain matter, blood, and probably a few teeth.
I felt drained. Mentally, and physically. I couldn't remember being this tired since I awoke inside the tower.
A heavy weight caused me to jerk, ethereal red whisps forcefully enter my chest forced me to have a minor seizure on the ground.
Comparing it to the goblin swordsman was like night and day. Instead of a minor burning feeling it felt as if my body was melting from the inside.