Chereads / A Hero’s Path / Chapter 8 - One vs Many on the Go! Rex vs Orion!?

Chapter 8 - One vs Many on the Go! Rex vs Orion!?

It was the end of the final education period and Roughouser exited the room to plan the hero classes giving the class free time to chat with each other.

"Yo gang!? Did you know we're getting our costumes today!?" Jake said running around.

"Yeah I heard, it's kinda weird how we're only getting them now though…" Owen said next to him as he ate some chips.

Yui looked at Rex on her left and smiled.

"So what is your costume Rex?" Yui said blushing.

Rex smiled and looked at her.

"It's a secret, trust me it's gonna be cooler if I don't tell anyone!" Rex exclaimed.

"According to the school database, each costume was made to improve our capabilities, I do wonder how each of you designed your costumes to improve on your abilities" M1cheal said through his speaker.

Rex was a little confused.

"No way people put that much detail to their costumes right…" Rex said a little concerned that he did his costume wrong.

"Honestly if your costume doesn't help with your abilities even a little then you did it completely wrong, no shade or anything" Sabrina said walking over to Rex.

"Yeeeeeah, right…" Rex said looking over and whistling awkwardly.

Rex looked over to the quiet kids in the class trying to strike up a conversation.

"So anyway, Harrison, what's your costume?" Rex asked awkwardly.

"It's really none of your business…" He snapped back.

The whole class went silent and looked at him with confusion.

"Alright never mind then" Rex said frowning and walking away.

Rex went to sit back with Yui as he looked really confused.

"It's okay Rex, I mean after your fight with him things are gonna be weird…" Yui said looking down.

"Yeah I guess your right, man Yui you're way better at this stuff than I am, you're super smart!" Rex said smiling at her.

Yui covered her face.

"I-I'm not that smart I just learned to read people is all…" Yui said whispering.

Roughouser burst into the classroom with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Alright my wonderful students, I have something cooked up for today's activity for the hero class!" Roughouser said smiling.

"Well, what is it?" Orion said with a eyebrow raised.

"Well I would say it if you LET ME FINISH!!!" Roughouser yelled at Orion.

"As I was saying… Today we got a new activity and I promise you're gonna love it!" Roughouser said as he turned on the electric board.

"Heroes are faced with fighting multiple villains at once, this is a staple in heroidm and as up and coming heroes, you'll need to learn to face off against many people at once" Roughouser explained.

"Which leads me too, The One vs Many activity!" Roughouser exclaimed.

The whole class was a little confused.

"So in other words, one of you lucky students will be going against the other nine students in a one versus nine test!" Roughouser exclaimed.

The class was a little shook.

"It doesn't matter who it is in this class, there no way one of us can fight the other nine, what the hell!?" Rex thought.

"With that being said who will be the lucky student that's the singular hero in this situation!" Roughouser readied a wheel and it begins to spin, rotating between all the students names in the class.

The class was quiet seeing who the wheel lands on, seeing who's gonna be jumped.

The wheel slows down and as it stops, it lands on the student, the whiteboard clear as day saying


"Are you… Serious" Rex thought as he watched the board.

"Well Rex, looks like your the hero, so let's see, the ways for you to win is to either

A. Capture or Defeat all the villains or classmates


B. If you can't defeat them, Escape through the gate at the end of the city facility, getting backup, and winning you the test!" Roughouser explained.

Roughouser pushed a button and numbered high tech cubbies came out the wall with all the students names.

"I'm sure you heard but today is when you get your costumes so makes sure to change and meet me in the city facility area in 10 minutes!" Roughouser said leaving.

Rex grabbed his costume still distraught.

"Good Luck Rex! You're gonna need it!" Sabrina said leaving the classroom teasing him.

"Damn it this isn't funny!" Rex said yelling at nothing.

Rex made it to the locker room and changed into his costume, thinking if he was would be good enough to be able to complete this challenge, his classmates were too powerful. No, He could do it, if he just ran to the exit, thinking quickly no panicking, he could actually do it, he could win for sure!

Rex walked into the facility to see everyone else waiting for him.

"Look who finally decided to show up, we're you too scared?" Harrison said, his costume was a Red Tuxedo with black gloves, black as a color absorbs heat from the Sun better thus why he has them in his hand where he primarily releases attacks.

Rex looked at Angela, wearing a fluffy coat and small round glasses around her eyes as frost came out of her mouth.

Sabrina had a full black cloak, fully embracing her shadows.

Jake was wearing a yellow suit with goggles to sheild him from the wind of his fast speed.

M1cheal looked the same, they couldn't make a costume for his size.

Orion had combat boots that helped him stick to hand surfaces as well as strong durable gloves as well as combat pants a sleeveless top with knee pads.

D-Jay also had a sleeveless shirt and long pants but they were green and he had a strange rectangle metal device on his back.

Rex himself had a red and blue skin tight wet suit that was similar to chain mail with a exposed head and a belt with metal bottles full of water, he also had black shoes and black gloves.

Yui ran up to Rex with a smile.

"Your costume looks good Rex! I didn't know mine would be this tight, feels weird…" Yui said closing her eyes.

Yui was wearing a skintight white suit with white boots and a voice modulator on his neck.

"Y-Yep, looking good Yui" Rex said with his nose losing some blood.

Roughouser seeing that everyone was ready, came onto the loudspeaker.

"Alright enough chatter, everyone spread out it wouldn't be fair if the hero was surrounded on sight would it!" Roughouser said.

"Alright Rex! You have 30 Minutes to do one of the two things that I said in the class!" Roughouser said once everyone was spread out, not from the speaker but from his earpiece.

"R-Right!" Rex said.

Roughouser went back to the loudspeaker

"Alright 3, 2, 1 GO!" He said as Rex started running.

"This city is huge so so it's gonna take at least 20 minutes to get to that gate, thankfully, I do know where the gate is, the hard part, getting past everyone, but they aren't here now so I think I have a sho-" Before Rex could even finish his thought, he got ambushed, Angela was the first one up as she shot a bunch of balls of ice at Rex from above.

Rex looked behind him sensing the still but still existing water in the ice.

Rex ran behind a wall and tried to guard himself.

"Damn it already, I barely even ran 20 meters away from the start…" Rex said grabbing the water from the water bottle and coating it on his fist.

Flashback to when Rex was still trying to plan in the lockeroom

"Rex doesn't have much control, nor does he do good in stressful situations, our best bet is overwhel him at the beginning!" Harrison said.

"I don't know, I think you're underestimating his power output" Sabrina said skeptical of his plan.

"I do agree that his output is impressive but if we don't give him time to develop his technique then we win with ease" Harrison said.

"Jake, that's your job, make sure he's overwhelmed by your speed!" Harrison said.

"Sir yes sir!" Jake said.

"Yui, D-Jay, and M1cheal! I want you three to be in the middle, overwhelm him with ranged attacks" Harrison said as the three of them stayed quiet.

"Orion, I want you at the end, if our plan fails, there's no possible way of him beating you in a one on one fight." Harrison said.

Orion smiled

"You know, we're on the same wavelength, I wanted that exact same thing!" Orion said smiling as they finished discussing their plan.

Back to the battle, Jake comes charging at Rex with insane speeds catching him off guard.

"Sorry Rex but your done!" Jake said throwing a barrage of punches.

All Rex could do is block.

"Damn it, they're stalling, if I run out to the open, Angela's gonna nail me with Ice!" Rex said.

Rex thought hard about the things he heard.

"With a power like yours the sky's the limit…" Those words echoed in his mind as a lightbulb shined over his head.

He remembered the technique Sabrina used against the leaf monster in the entrance exam.

"Water Chain!" Rex yelled forming the water into a chain that grabbed Jakes arms and legs restraining him.

"W-What the!? When could you use that?" Jake said straining.

"I don't know but, it looks like you can't move, that's good, you were probably the biggest threat in a challenge like this" Rex explained as he went back into the open to face Angela

Angela as soon as he seen him shot a pillar of Ice at Rex but he dodged it, and rode it straight to her using the water on his feet for movement.

She was taken aback but didn't fold, Angela covered her fist in ice and threw a punch at Rex hitting him and covering his arm in ice, it hurt Rex but with no hesitation he kicked Angela and trapped her with a water chain.

"Two down…" Rex said.

He wasn't paying attention giving Angela time to counterattack, she froze the water and broke out of it.

"Damn it! She's a direct counter to my power, I have to get out of here!" Rex said tending to his frozen arm.

Rex jumped off the building covering the floor in a huge pool like square to cushion his fall and ran into a building.

"If I can control water their had to be a way to alter it right!?" Rex said connecting to the water even deeper, with tons of focus, he was able to turn the water hotter and hotter, enough to melt the ice.

"Ain't that neat! I can make hot water too!?" Rex said, confused but happy.

Rex was almost halfway, using the water at his feet to increase mobility.

"Target 20 yards away!" M1cheal said shooting bullets and missile at Rex that launched at incredible speeds he was able to dodge the bullets but the explosion afterwards caused Rex to fly into a wall.

Rex was hurt as he hit his head but he had no time to recover as a blast of fire came hurling straight towards him, thankfully he dodged it but there was more to come.

"He managed to get past Jake and Angela, damn it!" Owen said, wearing a flexible suit that let him stretch to whatever size he needed.

"Don't worry, no way he escapes this barrage!" Harrison says shooting another beam of fire, his blast more ferocious than the fight him and Rex had.

Rex ran from building to building, trying to avoid the blast, he couldn't keep this up for long, he had to counter attack.

D-Jay, with his tempo high and climbing, smashed the building Rex was in to bits, he managed to jump out the rubble.

"This is so… ANNOYING!" Rex yelled. Using the water to create small bursts, he jumped high into the air and hit Harrison with a power Jet punch, sending him flying back and leaving a mark on his face.

Owen seen this and panicked creating a huge fist and throwing it at Rex, Rex dodged the slow fist easily and Rex hit a water pulse directly to his stomach sending him to another building.

That barrage of attacks had Rex tired and he knew they wouldn't stay down forever.

Before Rex could hop down, D-Jay sent a blast of his tempo to Rex, destroying the ground he stood on, and had him free falling.

Rex using his new water chain, grabbed a part of the falling building and sending multiple pieces of rubble to D-Jay, hitting him in his face and stomach as he fell to the ground.

"Fuck man… Fighting back wasn't the plan but… you guys forced my hand…" Rex said breathing heavily.

Sabrina and Yui out of nowhere surrounded Rex, Sabrina using her shadows to launch a lot of attacks, Rex propelling himself in the air with burst of water, dodged it and sent a powerful stream of water to Sabrina as she was defenseless.

Yui stepped in the way and got ready to attack.

"Rex, I love you, with everything I have, but to be a better hero I have to beat you!" She said launching a wave of sound that was amplified due to the modulator.

The gust was too strong sending Rex flying through the air.

"Wait what the, Yui's blast it… Sent me to the exit!?" Rex thought as he was high in the air.

Using a water chain he easily recovered, landing to the ground and staring to run.

Harrison got up and got angry.

"Damn it Yui! Stop him! Stop him now!" Harrison yelled, everyone that Rex had stopped on the way had finally gotten up and all were at Rex's pursuit.

As Rex ran to the Exit, about 150 Yards away Orion interrupted his escape with a gravity push sending him flying.

Rex on his back, got up immediately and looked at him, looked back, and seen all the other classmates surrounding him.

"Everyone get out the way Now…" Orion said.

"Orion no! We're about to win!" Harrison said.

"No… This is my fight, once again I need everyone to move NOW!" Orion said with full anger.

The rest of the class stepped back as he and Rex stood in their positions.

"What's your deal with me!? Huh Orion!? We were always gonna be the best of friends, always gonna be heroes together! Now you're acting like you hate me and shit, tell me what's going on now!" Rex said.

"I-I'm not telling you, but that tone of yours is pissing me off, the little improvements you got doesn't give you any right to speak to me like that…" Orion said staring at Rex with his anger turning into strength as the rocks and ruble around him started floating due to his gravity.

"Fine then Orion, be like that, be a asshole, but know this, by the time we're done… I'm gonna beat the answer out of you!" Rex said as both of them charged.

Water vs Gravity finally begins as the test had 15 minutes left.