Chereads / One Piece: The Lunarian / Chapter 45 - Chapter 44: War For Eostia (6)

Chapter 45 - Chapter 44: War For Eostia (6)

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'Wake up...'

'Wake up...'

'WAKE UP!!' The Kyubi roared loud enough for the redhead to come out of her deep slumber. 'About time you're awake,' the fox huffed.

Groaning, the redhead's head slowly opened her eyes. Everything was a blur for a few seconds until her vision cleared.

She pressed her hands firmly onto the ground and then attempted to get up, but she hissed loudly as sharp pain was felt within every single muscle of her body.

The redhead slumped back to the ground and let out an annoyed huff.

"Hey, furball. How long was I out for?" She asked the demonic entity within her.

The fox growled at the nickname given to it but chose to ignore it for now.

'You've been out for ten minutes,' the fox said.

"Only ten minutes? I thought I'd be out longer than that since I used so much of your power,' the redhead grumbled.

'Normally, that would've been the case, but unfortunately, you're still needed.'

"What do you mean?"

'There's still one more demon left that needs to be taken care of.'

"You mean the one King and Typhon are fighting? I'm pretty sure those two got it handled," the redhead said, confident in her superior and friend's strength.

If Kushina could see the fox's look, it would've been a deadpan expression. 'It took you two power amps and a few scrolls to defeat his second in command,' the fox remained her, making the Uzumaki girl grimace. 'The leader is undoubtedly far more powerful, and if our luck is shitty enough as it is, I bet he has an even more frustratingly powerful regeneration they'll have difficultly handling.'

Kushina had to admit the fox was right; she barely won against Messorem and only won because she used an unusual way to defeat him.

She had attacks that could target the soul, but none of them, even with the boost of the Kyubi's power, wasn't enough to destroy the demon's soul.

"Guess you're right, but can you help me? It hurts to talk, much less move," instantly, all the pain she felt vanished. "Thanks," she then began to get up and stretch her body. "Much better. Alright, now, which way were they at again...oh yeah, south of Ur," she began running in that direction. "So furball, I got a question. Since you're a demon and all, how come you don't seem too upset with me and my friends killing your people?" She asked curiously, and the fox scoffed.

'They might be my kin, but I could care less for them,' the demonic fox retorted. 'Before I became a weapon for you hairless monkeys, there was a time I resided within the underworld,' it revealed, shocking the redhead. 'I never got along with other demons all too much as I despised the way they did things and wanted nothing apart of it, so naturally, we became enemies. I fought and killed many of my own just to survive. Eventually, the conflict got too bothersome, so I left for the human world. You can guess the rest.'

"How come you were so against them?"

'I may be a being of unfathomable power, rage, and hatred, but I'm also incredibly lazy,' the fox admitted bluntly. 'I never cared for the same things demons did; all I ever wanted to do was sleep and consume the occasional evil soul. I only ever got violent when I needed to. They tried to control me and use me for their own agenda. You can imagine how well that turned out for them.'

'I see....' A grin formed on her lips. 'Who would've thought the mighty Kyubi was such a lazy bum,' Kushina teased, making the fox growl.

However, the Uzumaki girl was inwardly surprised and interested in the information the fox shared. Who would've ever thought it would be this easy to converse with a tailed beast, much less the most aggressive of the nine?

The more Kushina realized that the Kyubi was not as bad as her clan made it out to be, the more stupid she felt for not at least trying to be on friendly terms with Fox.

Oh well, what's done is done.

After ten minutes of nonstop running, the redhead was beginning to sense King and the demonic energy of Asmodeus, and she was shocked by how much the demon had.

The power Kushina could feel radiating was greater than King's by at least twenty-five percent.

It was no wonder the Lunarian duo had such a difficult time defeating him. However, with the redhead's arrival, it should even things out, or at least she hopes so.

When she arrived at where the demon prince and two Lunarians were, she expected the area to be utterly destroyed.

However, the destruction in front of them made her battle against the opposition at Geofu and the area she came from looked meager in comparison.

All plant life and whatever else existed on the landscape within a nearly a half-mile radius was obliterated to Kingdom. All that was left was an abundance of massive craters, fields of raging fire, and ashes that covered the ground.

"Holy shit. They really destroyed everything around them in their battle," Kushina commented as she searched for allies and the demon prince.

'Indeed,' the Kyubi let out a sigh of nostalgia. 'It reminds me of the times I'd battle against the demon princes. Those were good albeit very annoying times,' the redhead rolled her eyes at the fox's comment.

Kushina eventually found them as King and Asmodeus were battling while Typhon was forty meters away from them, unconscious.

She quickly made her way over to him while the two were focused entirely on each other. The redhead got to her knees and flipped the Lunarian over.

"Aj, wakey, wakey, you need to get up," Kushina said while lightly smacking the Lunarian's face to wake him up, but it was ineffective, making the redhead. "Well, looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way," coating her hand with Haki, the redhead, then smacked the shit out of Typhon, causing him to wake up immediately.

"FUCK!!" Typhon sat up, rubbing the cheek the redhead smacked before turning to look at her. "The fuck was that for?" Kushina chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head.

"Sorry about that. I tried waking you up a few times, but nothing um yeah, I had to smack the shit out of you," she explained, looking somewhat embarrassed. "I'll make it up to you later. I promise."

"You better," the Lunarian then hissed in pain and rubbed his temples while slowly recalling everything that happened to him before getting knocked out.

"You alright?" Kushina asked, looking at him in concern.

"Not really. That fucker tore off my wings before stomping on my head a few times," Typhon growled and quickly received his swords. "He's so gonna pay for that," he then looked at Kushinas. "So what are you doing here? Did you guys defeat Vult and Messorem?" He asked, and the redhead nodded.

"Yeah, we captured Vult just like you asked, and I managed to seal away Messorem. As for why I'm here, it isn't obvious. I'm here to help."

Typhon narrowed his eyes slightly but then soon widened in surprise. "You've got a lot stronger. Does this have anything to do with the demon inside of you?" Kushina and even the fox were thrown in for a loop at his question.

"...You know about it?" Kushina asked, looking at the Lunarian dumbly and inwardly terrified.

"Yeah, I sensed something foreign within you when we first met. I just couldn't figure out what it was until I encountered the demons back at Olga's place, as they shared a similar type of energy," he revealed, further surprising the redhead.

"Then how come you never said anything or treated me differently?"

"Because it wasn't my business. Besides, why would I treat you differently? Because you have a demon inside you? Sure, I was concerned at first, but after getting to know you a bit more, any thought of you doing something sinister vanished," Typhon smiled at her and gently caressed her left cheek, causing her face to turn slightly red. "At the end of the day, you're a normal albeit very sexy girl to me," by the end of his speech, Kushina's face was as red as her hair, and her heart began beating rapidly, making the Lunarian chuckle.

The Lunarian was ignorant of how much his words truly impacted her. Before joining the Beast Pirates, the redhead lived a miserable life because of what was inside her and that she was a foreigner.

She had no friends. Her homeland was destroyed. All the people she ever loved died. The Leaf treated her like a monster, a weapon, a thing. She was all alone and remained so for most of her life.

Then Typhon appeared in her life, and everything changed. All the things the redhead didn't have back at home, she had now and wasn't treated like a monster or a lesser being.

It was all because the Lunarian, whatever hope she lost, returned to her, and life slowly became worth living for.

Because of his kindness and positivity Kushina received, the redhead immediately became attracted to him and soon fell in love with him.

And after what he just said to her, it only further solidified her feelings toward him.

"Thanks," she placed her hand on top of his. "You have no idea how much that means to me. After we kill this asshole...would you like to go on a date?" She asked shyly, blushing beet red.

Typhon smiled. "Yeah, I would," he said, making the redhead smile brightly.

Kushina was about to say something but stopped when she felt Asmondeus's demonic power leaking.

(A few minutes before Kushina arrived)

King and Asmodeus were going blow for blow, utterly ignorant of the world around them. The only thing their focus was on was tearing each other apart.

They no longer engaged in skilled swordplay; instead, they fought using their bodies as weapons. Soon, King managed to land a clean blow to the demon prince, sending him stumbling back, but the Lunarian didn't stop there.

No, he continued to land heavy blow after blow to the face. Then King struck the demon in the throat, making Asmondeus gasp; he then ducked under, landing an elbow strike to the left knee, causing the demon to fall to one knee.

Then, to finish it off, the older Lunarian landed a devastated roundhouse to the demon's jaw, causing it to be torn off, exposing the insides of its mouth and blood to spill everywhere. However, his missing jaw regenerated within seconds.

King then ran up to Asmondeus and kneed the demon in the face, causing his skull to cave in slightly and him to fall to the ground.

The Lunarian would've continued to wail at his opponent if Asmodeus hadn't shot a demonic energy blast at King's chest, sending him back a few feet and allowing the demon to stand up.

The demon glared at the Lunarian, then charged and attempted to tackle him, but King swiftly evaded him. King then quickly wrapped his arms around Asmondeus's waist, lifted him in the air, and body slammed into the ground.

The demon quickly recovered, swiping his claws at the Lunarian's face. The latter blocked his attack with his Haki-Coater arm and sent a quick jab toward the demon's nose, stunning him.

However, Asmodeus managed to land an uppercut before getting stunned, causing King to go a few meters into the air. Asmodeus, while the Lunarian was still in the air, grabbed by the legs, threw him over his shoulder, and slammed him face-first into the ground.

Not letting his hold on the Lunarian go, he lifted him again and slammed him onto his back before sending him into the air again.

Asmondeus's right arm morphed into a hammer and was brought to King's face, sending him to the ground. The demon swung his weaponized arm at his opponent, who was still down, but King managed to block in time.

He then grabbed the demon's arm and yanked forward, causing the demon prince's face to meet the Lunarian's foot. Stumbling back, King tackled the demon to the ground and got a strike before he was blasted off.

King and Asmodeus quickly got back and looked at each other with hateful glares.

"Just give in already! Without your weapon, your attacks are useless against me!" Asmodeus growled.

"Fuck you," King snarled. "As long as I can keep fighting, I won't let you go through with your plans."

The two then began to move in a circle, not taking their gaze off each other for even a moment.

Asmodeus shook his head at King's response. "It's pointless to resist. Inferior beings such as yourself are meant to serve the superior. It has always been like that in some shape or form. Delaying the inevitable will only worsen it," he reasoned, making the Lunarian scoff.

"While I agree with your viewpoint to an extent, I, along with everyone else, refuse to bow to your whims, especially as someone as cowardly as you," King harshly retorted, making Asmodeus snarl at him. "And you say you're superior, yet here I am still fighting you with every fiber in being. If you were as great as all you demons constantly say you all are, then why am I still standing? How come I was able to kill entire armies of your kind? It's because your race isn't as mighty as you make it out to be. At best, you're more of an inconvenience than an actual threat. The World Government, which need I remind you, is run by humans, and they have done more damage to me than you ever will."

Asmodeus was boiling with rage at the Lunarian's disrespect and insults. Demonic energy was wildly leaking out of him. The earth beneath him cracked and shook.

The clouds became dark, and the sky turned red. Thunder could be heard, and lightning shot forth, destroying whatever contacted. And Hurricanes began to form.

"I've changed my mind," Asmondeus spoke menacingly and loudly. "I'm not going to kill you. No, that would be too quick, too easy; you wouldn't truly suffer. Instead, I'm going to rip off your legs and arms so that you can move or fight back. You're going to watch as I, along with the remnants of my army, rape every woman on this land, including the children. Once I'm finished with that, you'll watch as I torture that boy you seem so fond of in the slowest, most excruciating, and inconceivable ways possible. Then, after I've had my fun with him and killed him, will I be subject to the same fate for all of eternity."

Before King could retort, a familiar voice spoke first.

"Just what did you do to piss him off, pops?" Typhon's amused voice came from the right side, causing King and Asmodeus to snap their necks to see a perfectly fine Typhon and an equally amused Kushina.

"Typhon?!!" King shouted, surprised to see his adopted son was ok.

"That's me," the teen replied playfully.

"But---" Kushina cut him off.

"Are you gonna ask a thousand questions, or are we gonna kill this asshole?" She sounded incredibly annoyed and impatient.

"Fair point, although we'll be talking about this later," King turned to face Asmondeus.

"Yeah, yeah," Typhon said dismissively. "Also, look to your left."

Doing as he said, King turned to see a clone of Kushina with his sword. Taking it from the clone, the Lunarian turned his attention to Asmondeus, looked at him with narrowed eyes, and got into a fighting stance.

Typhon and Kushina quickly stood at each of his sides with their respective weapons ready.

Asmodeus glared at the trio. "You think you three will be enough to defeat me?"

"Yeah," Typhon answered, sounding amused. "With us double-teaming you earlier, you were getting fucked up. Now, our victory is guaranteed with the three of us."

"We'll see about."

The trio rushed at the Prince of Lust, and the demon met their charge head-on. Meeting halfway, King and Asmodeus entered a fierce clash of blades while Typhon and Kushina attacked at the sides.

Dozens of chains burst from the ground and wrapped themselves around the demon's lower body, severely limiting his ability to move.

Then, simultaneously, Typhon and Kushina run their blades through the sides of Asmondeus, causing him to let out a grunt of pain and annoyance. Then King appeared, stabbing through the throat.

Asmodeus glared at the Lunarian with enough anger and hatred that King would've died a thousand times over if looks could kill.

[Hellfire Combustion!!]

Sensing the danger about to occur, Kushina quickly creates a clone, and that clone pulls out a scroll and uses it to absorb the demon's attack, infuriating him immensely.

Letting out an ear piercing, Asmondeus breaks free of the golden chains. He then uses his free hand to swat Kushina away like a fly and goes to do the same with the younger Lunarian with his sword-wielding arm. Typhon, fortunately, was fast enough to evade his attack.

Asmodeus then Kicked the older Lunarian off of his, causing his swords to come out of the demon's throat. Regenerating quickly, the Prince of Lust continued his assault.

However, instead of going after King, he turned his gaze toward Typhon. Asmodeus would've rushed at him if it weren't for the infuriating golden chains wrapping themselves all over him again.

The demon switched targets, broke off the Chains again, and rushed at the redhead. Barely able to react, Kushina evaded Asmondeus's swords from making contact with her.

Kushina created several clones and switched places with the one furthest from the incredibly pissed-off demon. She then had her clones explode in a hail of blessed kunai.

Dozens of the blessed kunai embedded themselves into the demon's armor and exposed flesh, and even one of them got stuck in his right eye, greatly annoying him.

Taking the Kunai out of his eye, he turned around and blocked an attack from King. Typhon appeared behind him and, with one switch movement, severed both of his Achilles tendons, causing the demon to scream in anger and rage and fall to his knees.

With Asmodeus on his knees, he was vulnerable to an attack, which King took full advantage of. He swatted the demon's sword away, which a clone of Kushina sealed, and then swung his sword down on the demon's.

Asmodeus caught the Lunarian's sword between both his hands. King kicked the demon to the ground, and several more Chains burst from the ground to prevent the demon from moving.

Seeing the situation he was in, he cast several powerful spells.

[Raining Hellfire!!]


[Gravity Push!!]

[Gravity Downward!!]

Several things happened within a span of a few seconds. The second turns orange, and beams of concentrated Hellfire come from the sky. 

Multiple portals appeared, and three-headed dogs the size of elephants emerged. Some stood in front of Asmodeus protectively while the others charged at them.

King, Typhon, and Kushina, along with her clones, were pushed back twenty meters from Asmondeus, and they felt the gravity around them becoming heavier, slowly down their movements significantly and making it difficult to avoid getting by the Hellfire beams.

"Does anyone else heavier?!" Kushina exclaimed while evading getting hit by the projectiles.

"Yeah!! The asshole must have increased the gravity around us or the area!" Typhon replied, making King and Kushina frown.

"Magic is bullshit!!"

When they got close enough, several of the three-headed dogs Lunged at them. King easily killed the ones that went after him while the two teens had a slightly more difficult time.

Typhon sliced through several of them, but one tackled him to the ground. The middle head nearly bit the younger Lunarian's face off, but the teen reacted quickly and decapitated all three heads simultaneously. He pushed the headless corpse off him and got up.

Meanwhile, thanks to her golden chains and clones, Kushina had a slightly easier time with the demonic dogs.

With all the demonic dogs slain, the trio made their way toward Asmodeus, avoiding getting struck by his ranged attacks and Hellfire beams.

As they got closer, the remaining HellBeasts charged at them but were quickly killed off with the assistance of Kushina's clones and chains.

King turned off his fire, drastically increasing his speed, and within a flash, appeared in front of Asmodeus with his blade mere inches away from the demon's throat.

The Prince of Lust ducked underneath the Lunarian's blade, and then two short swords of demonic energy materialized in his hands.

Asmodeus attempted to stab him, but the older Lunarian jumped back and deflected his attack.

The two engaged in a battle of swords, with neither having an edge over the other. They blocked, evaded, and countered each other's attacks non-stop for nearly thirty seconds until Typhon and Kushina broke the stalemate.

Asmodeus jumped back as several chains appeared from where he stood and shot the redhead with an energy blast, causing the Uzumaki to pop into a puff of smoke.

Sensing someone behind him, the demon cast a Gravity Push spell, sending the individual flying back. Unfortunately for Asmodeus, his spell didn't eliminate all his attackers, as he felt his abdomen getting impaled multiple times.

Asmodeus looked down to see several Infuriating redheads looking at him with mocking smiles. They then exploded into a hail of blessed Kunai, greatly angering the demon.

The demon was about to cast another spell, but his eyes widened when he felt nothing within his reserves. Then, a moment later, the spells he cast deactivated and reverted to his original form.

"How?! I shouldn't be out! I still have plenty of energy left!" The Prince of Lust exclaimed in disbelief and was visibly panicking.

His mind raced, with possibilities on what could've caused his reserves to be depleted as it should be impossible for a Prince of the Underworld.

"That's because I sealed your energy supply asshole!!" Kushina exclaimed mockingly. "I wasn't spamming those clone explosions and chains for nothing!!"

With some help from the fox, Kushina was able to seal Asmodeus's reserves via the Adamantine Sealing Chains and Sealing Kunai's.

It took her a bit of time to accomplish this task due to how powerful the demon prince was, so she had to spam the ever-loving shit out of the two techniques.

"And you say magic is bullshit," Typhon retorted, earning a cute glare from the redhead.

"Shut up, and let's jump him already!"

The trio together began to assault the demon, while the latter could do nothing but block or evade their attacks. However, Asmodeus quickly became overwhelmed and started receiving damage.

Typhon again severed the demon's Achilles tendons, causing them to fall to his knees, then chains wrapped his wrists and pulled his arms apart, leaving him vulnerable to an attack.

King, not wasting any time, began to dismember Asmondeus by first decapitating him, chopping off his arms, and splitting his torso in half.

As the older Lunarian was dismembering Asmodeus, Kushina was sealing the demon's body parts and then setting them on fire.

The only thing left of the Prince of Lust was his head. Typhon picked his head, looking at the demon with an amused smile.

"You know, you look pretty good like this," the young Lunarian joked, earning a chuckle from Kushina and King and a growl from Asmodeus.

"Enjoy your victory while you can. You may have defeated me and my army. However, there are still the others who are much more powerful than I am and will eventually come into the mortal planes, so if you wish to survive, you best get stronger," Asmodeus warned them, causing the trio's amused looks to vanish. 

"When will they come?" King asked coldly.

"Sooner than you think," Asmodeus responded cryptically. "Now get it over with. Being within the presence of Lunarians sickens me."

"Well fuck you too," Typhon responded. "Enjoy being sealed for eternity," he threw the demon's head into Kushina's scroll.

Kushina closed the scroll and turned it to ash. "I'm gonna need a long vacation after all this bullshit."

"You and me both," Typhon sighed, then looked at King. "Looks like you're gonna have to start wearing an eye patch now, huh?" He joked, earning a snort from King.

"Yeah, I guess so," King chuckled before his eyes narrowed at Typhon, making the teen slightly gulp. "Now, mind explaining all of these. I just saw them."

Typhon chuckled nervously. "I guess I don't really have much choice, huh?"

"No, you don't."


This Ark is now officially over. I would've made this fight longer, but it's already been going on for several chapters, and I didn't want to drag it out any longer. Also, I wanna let everyone know that a good number of the following chapters will be slow-paced and mostly focus on Typhon strengthening the Shield kingdom and himself.

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