Chereads / Eight Gods on a Windowsill / Chapter 47 - The House of Dinane

Chapter 47 - The House of Dinane

Sorem had made a bit of distance between himself and the camp. He didn't want to wait for Anacted. He had to see for himself the state of his descendants. He grumbled to himself, thinking that Anacted thought he would not know how to get to the place he himself carved out for his Fractions, El Cav fe Ray. He immediately translocated to the small village.

"Well, that's new." Sorem laughed to himself as he looked up at the giant engraved arch that stood at the entrance of the village. His braided red hair swayed in the wind. He slowly walked into the village. At the very center of the square stood two enormous statues. He silently made his way to the statues.

Here lies the heroes of Malakia

Dianine I (1626 – 67)


Dianine II (1646 – 67)

Of the House of Dinane

"Here to see the sights, mister?" A young boy, no more than twelve, came up from behind Sorem. He looked up expectantly at him. "There's not much to see here, but if you're interested, I can be your tour guide for two silver."

Sorem turned around to face the child. He got down on one knee, so that he could see into the child's eyes. His size dwarfed the young lad. Luckily, he had remembered to come in his humanoid form and so lacked a tail. "Sorry, kid. I've been here before. A little before you were born. Here's the silver anyway." Sorem pulled out some coins, manifested them rather, and placed into the child's hands.

Sorem rose to his feet. He put his hands back into his pockets. Then, he just meandered around the town thinking to himself. Ditric what did do? Three hundred years, it's been since you were born. My gifts to you are now lost. You went on to pass those gifts. Yet, they are lost. My legacy to defend this part of the multiverse is lost.

"Are you lost, sir?" An older gentleman walked over to Sorem as he wandered closer to the mountainside that gave the village its name.

Sorem pointed at himself. "Me?"

"Yes, you sir." The old man chuckled. "My eyes may not be what they used to be, but I can still tell when someone is looking for something and doesn't know the first place to look." He walked up to Sorem. "Listen, I don't know who you are, but you remind me of Dianine. I would probably visit the Chapel fe Gouria if I were you. Lsandra is long gone, but she left someone behind that may be of interest to you." He winked at Sorem and then left.

Sorem immediately left the village. He didn't know who that old man was, but he was sure that something would come of his following the old man's directions. On his way out, he saw a man with a large cart coming in, bringing in supplies. He quickly asked for directions. Sorem never felt this light on his feet since the time Erwin was born, his first Fraction.