Chereads / Eight Gods on a Windowsill / Chapter 28 - The Children of Argos

Chapter 28 - The Children of Argos

 My eyes clenched as this woman imbued my body with some blue light. She was not wrong. The pain was unfathomable. I endured it. If this alone could break me, I would not be able to live up to the task Nesbeth had for me. This was nothing compared to what I was meant to endure. I could feel the energy coming back to me, however. When the pain stopped, I opened my eyes to a world of blurry white. Soon they focused and the world became clear.

 Before me sat Lan and another woman with very similar features except she had white and red hair. "You did well, child." Lan praised. "We managed to restore both your stamina and the lost life force."

 "We?" I said weakly. I tried to sit up, only to be prevented by some telekinetic ability.

 "Not yet, child." Lan commanded. She motioned to her companion. "This is my sister, Edward. We have yet to restore the vigor you need to stand. She is well-versed in something like that. But first, you need rest before you can begin gallivanting all over known creation." Her tone was pretty stern, despite the melodic sound of her voice.

 "Can I ask a few questions?"

 Edward nodded. She didn't seem one for many words. Yet, her sister spoke plenty for the both of them. Lan just smiled and laughed.

 "You called yourself the Children of Argos. What did you mean?"

 "I see Rammel didn't explain very much about us." She commented. "Argos is the son of Marthukas the Somber and Esperyn the Serpent, brother of Lillith. He came to this planet to rule over this section of the multiverse. We are his children borne solely by his flesh alone. Unfortunately, his methods of rule created unrest and we banded together to seal him under Mount Muberkoth, much like the other Minor Ones had to do with the Great Ones." She paused. "We have chosen not to get caught in the affairs of the rest of the multiverse solely because we fear Argos' return. For that reason, I have groomed my granddaughter, a Fraction, as Lillith used to call them, to be his undoing. Unfortunately, she has been a little rebellious as of late."

 Edward just looked at Lan, knowingly.

 "You seem to know a lot about what I am supposed to do. But, what exactly am I?" No sooner than I spoke the words, did I regret asking, not because I was afraid of what she may say. I was afraid of the answer I would get.

 "I'm sure that Rammel explained to you who the Great Ones are. And some of the Minor Ones. Our involvement in your destiny is only to help you gain the power you need. We, the Children of Argos cannot join you in battle. We are to remain here. If Argos wakes, this planet and all the surrounding star systems are in grave danger. Like his sister, his strength is only rivaled by the Great Ones. Such is Marthukas' power. He is the most powerful of them all." She paused again, this time only for Edward to chime in.

 "You child," Edward's voice was much deeper than I envisioned, "are special even among the Fractions." A red light began to emit from her hands into me. "Your destiny takes you to the strongest of all the immortal beings. It is the most dangerous of them all and one Rammel is willing to give his life to ensure you get a chance to succeed at accomplishing. For that, you will need the powers of as many Fractions and Minor Ones as possible." She smiled. "Your ability is not just rejecting the powers of others but also absorbing the powers of others. The more soul shards you can absorb the stronger you become." The red light suddenly stopped. "Harvey suggested that you go to the Mizokathi homeworld and speak to Rosemawry Borhithe. In the meantime, I shall gather the shards from as many Fractions and my siblings as I can. Lan will personally gather Argos' own. Return here after you have spoken to Rosemawry. Harvey went ahead to inform them of your arrival."

 Before I could say anything, Lan waved her hand and I was lying in a field of purple grasses, groggy and disoriented. Before me stood a Parthenon-style altar. Complete to the Hellenistic architecture that was very prominent in those days. It was almost one-to-one, save the destruction. I rose slowly to my feet. I took a look around very carefully.

 An older catman approached me from the steps of the altar. "Welcome Mara, Daughter of the Ram."