"Come play for Arsenal then," the guy made his own opinion known in a bid to plant ideas in Jason who looked to be indecisive on his choice.
"Odunlade, better calm down o. Why will he play for Arsenal?" AG immediately cut in, not letting Odunlade say anything else.
"You guys are a**. It's in your name."
"He should come and play for Man U. At least there's hope for him to see something to collect." As a die-hard Man United fan, he did not let go of the chance to place his team above another big 6 team.
"These people have started again o. Now we will not hear word," Sims sighed.
"Popcorn?" she asked Jason and Temz as she pulled out a pack of Caramel popcorn from her bag and tore it open.
"I always have foodies in my bag in case anything like this happens, which is a lot," She said after seeing Jason and Temz's mouths drop open when they saw her response to the situation.