Chereads / In Naruto as the Lust Emperor / Chapter 12 - Ninjutsu

Chapter 12 - Ninjutsu

Hiashi was looking at the two of them with a face both proud for his son and even sorry for him "Sorry, Seichi, for sending you to hell..."


They arrived to the other part of the training field "Ah, mommy, my butt hurts, you know?"

"Stop crying like a baby"

Seichi replied by pointing at himself "But I am a baby"

A hit immediately fell on his head "I already said that you don't get smart with me!"

Seichi touched his painful bump "O-ok, mother"

"Then we will start the training right now!"

Seichi's eyes lit up and stars replaced his pupils "Really? What will we do? Handsigns? Huge dragons made of water? Fireballs? Lighting bo-"

Another hit interrupted all of his excitement "Shut up a little bit"

Seichi was a little too excited. Which Naruto fan wouldn't be if they had the opportunity of doing Jutsus.

"We'll start with my favourite jutsu" she made some handsights "Water needle!"

Hitomi was concentrating her chakra until water vortexes were created all around her. Those vortexes shot water blasts which turned to needle-like water. 

"So cool!" Seichi was amazed by this technique "So, i'll learn a water release jutsu"

"Did you properly see it, sweetheart?" The mother approached his son after stopping her jutsu and the latter was so excited "Yes, mother!"

"The handsigns are Dog, Tiger, Rat and Ram, right?" Seichi quickly showed her the handsights "Yes, sweetheart"

[Image Here]

"Now, do it if you can" Hitomi slightly laughed as she already knew in her mind what was gonna happen "When he will fail, he will finally ask for my help for the first time in his-"

But her thoughts were immediately denied by a barrage of water needles thrown by his cute son "Did I do it right?"

Hitomi's jaw dropped. How could someone use a jutsu after only seeing it once without the help of the Sharingan? Seichi truly was a genius.

"Y-yes, Seichi" Hitomi was a little disappointed that she couldn't make Seichi ask for help, but the feeling of proudness for the latter surpassed it "I wasn't expecting you to be this strong in Ninjutsu, i always thought that you had only talent for Taijutsu"

"Was i really that good?" The little boy's eyes sparkled and that sparkle only increased with her approval "Yes, after all, you're my son!"

"Then will you teach me another ninjutsu now?"

"Don't get too greedy" another hit fell on the handsome guy's head "Just practice this for some time, then I'll probably teach you another one"

"Okay, mom"


After a day of repeatedly releasing the ninjutsu.

[The Ninjutsu, Water Needle, has levelled up to lv. 21!]

[The ability, Handsigns, has levelled up to lv. 10!]

"Water Needle!" Seichi launched once again his ninjutsu, this time more powerful than the previous try.

All of the water needles created by it, hit all of the target at an incredible speed and power "Wow, sweetheart, you've really improved a lot in just a day"

"I think i can teach you another ninjutsu now"

"So, will it be another Water Release jutsu or another element?" Seichi was being overwhelmed by his own excitement, acting like a kid, even though he was mentally a lot order.

"I'm only proficient in Water and Wind Release, so i'll teach you Wind Release ninjutsu, Air Bullets" The mother then made some handsigns: Ox, Tiger, Hare, Bird

Air was compressed in her palm and then it mixed it with Hitomi's chakra. Upon releasing it, the air fired out in a series of concentrated bullets that flew towards the targets, much more quickly than the water needles, but with less power "Now, do it"

"Okay" Seichi proceded to do the handsights quickly, resulting in him releasing those air bulles too, even though more roughly than his mother.

[The Ninjutsu, Air Bullets, has been gained!]

Hitomi was again amazed by how much her son was talented, but she was now used to that little boy's miracles "Great, Seichi, now practice it more while I take a nap"

"Being pregnant isn't a really easy job" Her smile was beautiful.


After another day

[The Ninjutsu, Water Needle, has levelled up to lv. 32!]

[The Ninjutsu, Air Bullets, has levelled up to lv. 23!]

[The ability, Handsigns, has levelled up to lv. 19!]

[The host's body has been adapted to the two elemental affinities!]

[Wind and Water affinity have raised to Very High level!]

"This Adaptability ability really is OP!" He continued to stare at the system "It can even make my elemental affinity raise"

"So usef-" Seichi's thoughts were interrupted by a the down coming and a sunray hitting his beautiful face. He trained all night "I think I trained enough"

"Let's go inside" he left the training field and opened the entrance door, but as he opened hit, he met Hinata's eyes "S-Seichi-nii, w-weren't you training?"

She wasn't dressed in her typical kimono or training suit.


"I should ask you"

"Why are up so early and where are you going?" Seichi was being overprotective to his sister, but who wouldn't be with such a cutie.

"I'm j-just going to the playground to p-play with my friends" she was blushing from embarassment.

"This early?" Seichi thought that Hinata wasn't saying the truth "You know it's not a good thing to lie to your brother, right?"

"I'm not lying!" She yelled so loudly that her parents woke up from their sleep and rushed to the children "What happened?!"

"N-nothing, mommy, i-i was just going to the park" Hinata winked at her mother "But Seichi-nii doesn't wanna let me go"

"Seichi... wai...ayo...doin...dis" Hitomi was so sleepy that she could only half talk while yawning.

"No way, i am gonna let my cute sister go to the playground at this hour" Seichi protested "You know how many strange dudes are out there at 6 am!?"

"We love that you care for your sister... yawn... but let her go to the academy, son" Hiashi was so sleepy that he didn't realize what he said.

"The Academy!?" be continued



I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Check my other works "I Reincarnated in Martial Peak" and "Uniqueness Emperor", especially the latter.

Also i opened a youtube channel @STNovels809, check it for more information about the novel.

I hope all of you to have an amazing an awesome day.