Chereads / I'm Empowered to be Unkillable / Chapter 22 - Two Titles

Chapter 22 - Two Titles

The three henchmen quickly lifted the dazed and unfocused Klay off the ground, holding him up before Henrik like a sacrificial offering. The wrestler stood behind Klay with his arms wrapped around Klay's torso, holding him up and in place. The two others were holding Klay's arms back and pinning his feet to the ground with their own. 

Seeing them listen to his orders and completely preventing Klay's movements, Henrik's devilish smirk grew more prominent and his eyes filled with sadistic glee. He stood for a few moments more, admiring the situation in his hands, before walking in front of Klay. 

"I promise you," he said to Klay. "This will be much worse than what my brother felt!" With such a declaration, he swung his fist out and punched Klay hard in the cheek, rocking his head back and jolting him back to full consciousness as the pain pushed against his regeneration. 

"[Mild brain trauma regenerated. Level 4 Regen Focus has improved to Level 5, evolution available. Will render skill inaccessible for an hour, would you like to proceed?]"

What?! My skills can change, then? Nevermind, it doesn't matter right now. I'm being held up, and Henrik is preparing to hit me some more. No bat though, which is good.

With his head fully healed, Klay had several questions, but no time to ask them. He declined the evolution and used Observation to get a quick picture of the situation.

What can I do to get out? His punches hurt, but they aren't very damaging and my regeneration is fixing most of the damage he deals before he can do anymore.

Klay moved his body some, causing the three bullies to stiffen and hold him tighter, with the wrestler making sure to not let Klay smash his head backwards into his nose by strengthening his wrap around Klay's shoulders. Angrily, Klay let out a low growl and struggled harder to no avail, as the three of them, despite finding it tough, were more than capable of overpowering Klay as they were.

Henrik saw Klay struggling and laughed, kicking him in the stomach a few times. Klay's breath was knocked out of him, and he groaned while forcing his mind to think faster and find a way out of being held down by the three upperclassmen. 

"You don't look very comfortable, would you like to be let go?" Henrik's palm came down against Klay's cheek and left a stinging pain that was pushed away rapidly by Klay's regeneration. "You should have thought of that before fighting with my bro, Redhead!" 

He punched out again, slamming his knuckles into Klay's mouth. His eyes widened with confusion for a moment as he pulled his hand away to see Klay smiling widely, seemingly unbothered with the pain despite a few teeth having fallen out and his mouth filled with blood.

Klay chuckled softly, which sounded throughout the alley like something horrendous. "I'm having the time of my life, asshole." Klay looked Henrik in the eyes for a moment. "You're way weaker than Alp was, you know. Just use the bat, it's the only way you'll actually hurt me." He told the blonde with a confident glint in his eyes as taunted him. 

Taken aback, Henrik sneered and smacked Klay once more, before turning around and walking to where the bat rolled down the alley. Klay smiled and waited for a moment before enacting his plan on the three bullies holding his limbs in place. 

With the small moment of them being caught off guard, Klay turned his head quickly and bit down on the wrestler's arm. The wrestler yelled out and squirmed for a moment, not wanting to let Klay go but wanting to get his arm away as well. Klay, expecting that, was not expecting the system to give him a new message, which he ignored. He was also not expecting the sudden increase in strength that he felt, making him bite down harder on the wrestler's arm and draw out warm blood.

"ARGHH!" The wrestler yelled out, automatically yanking his arm away and punching out to hit Klay. Henrik was still picking up the bat as he turned and saw this, making him frown and order the three bullies, "Dammit, I told you to hold him!"

Klay, caught off guard by the system and by the taste of salty blood, was hit by the wrestler. He reacted quickly and activated Strike as he kicked at their midsection. With a gasp, the wrestler was knocked backwards before slamming against the brick wall painfully. 

The other two moved to help the wrestler and began throwing several punches at Klay. He managed to avoid most of them, shrugging off a hit to his shoulder as he wildly charged back at them. More system panels appeared in Klay's view, but he forcibly sent them away with a mental command and continued brawling with the two older teens. Henrik had run back by now, cursing at Klay as he swung his bat out.

Shit! Contortion!

In a sudden movement, Klay forced his body down despite previously standing in a fighting pose. He let out a groan of pain as his waist sounded with an odd pop, but smiled seeing that Henrik hit one of his flunkies with the bat, knocking him out cold. Henrik and the remaining two bullies grimaced seeing Klay's bloodied smile.

"Are you some kind of devil?! Your arm was broken just a minute ago!" Henrik angrily yelled at Klay, a look of shock adorning his face. As the two locked eyes, Henrik quickly broke eye contact as he turned his head to Klay's arm.

Klay quickly turned to look as well. His eyes widened as he saw the scar on his forearm healing at a visible rate, stopping after several seconds to leave only a slight discoloration in place of the large wound he had prior. A frown appeared on his expression as he began rapidly questioning the system.

Damn it, why is my arm healing so fast?! I definitely don't want these assholes to know about my ability! Regen Focus didn't even activate, there shouldn't be any reason for this… I got a few messages a moment ago, is it related to that?

Taking advantage of their shock, Klay sprung up and knocked out the second bully with a Strike to the chin, along with several others for good measure. 

"[Your new ability, Consumption, is what improved the state of your arm so drastically. Would you like the Regeneration System to repeat the previous notifications?]"

"Not right now!" He spoke through gritted teeth as he turned to kick and push Henrik away. 

Leaving him no time to rest, the wrestler had finally recovered and ran over to help Henrik. His eyes burned with rage as he yelled out and tackled Klay, with his arms wrapping around Klay's waist tightly.


Klay's knee flew up into the wrestler's chest in a near instant reaction. With a rough cough, the wrestler dropped to the ground, clutching his chest as he curled up and worked to bring air back into his lungs.

Meanwhile, without having turned away from Henrik, Klay kicked the wrestler once more to keep him down, before lunging at the blonde a few steps away from him.


[Level 2 Strike ability has improved to Level 3]

He ignored the notification and slammed his fist into the unprotected chest of Henrik, which led the blonde to make an awkward noise as the air was forced out of him. Without reprieve, Klay twisted his body and sent a fast hook into Henrik's jaw. Finalizing the knockout, Klay added yet another punch into the combo as he twisted his body sideways and forced an uppercut out, smashing into Henrik's jaw and sending a pinging feeling through both his own hand and the blonde's skull.

With a heave of strength, Klay's fist pulled Henrik up into the air. Fully unconscious, the blonde fell back down and thudded against the ground without so much as groaning in pain.

Klay stood there and panted for a few seconds before beginning to walk off. After a single step, however, he tripped and nearly fell over.

Shit, that hurt way more than I thought it would. I could barely stay standing only because of the adrenaline. I need to move though, I don't want any of them walking up and trying to fight anymore, that sucked.

Several minutes later, Klay had managed to stumble and pull himself out of the alley now filled with unconscious students, and arrived a couple of blocks away.

System, go over what I wanted to know during the fight, please.

"[Repeating previous notifications.]"

The voice of the system spoke out as several panels faded into Klay's vision.

[Title unlocked: Hungry! For whatever reason, your mouth was the weapon you decided on.. +2 to Strength and Flexibility.]

[Title unlocked: Cannibal! Pearly whites turn red easily. Don't lose yourself. +2 to Stability, +3 to Strength, Ability [Consumption] unlocked]

"[The Consumption ability is an offensive ability that grants bonuses to you, like the regeneration boost that healed your arm significantly.]"

Klay's eyes ran over the text floating in front of him, his mind in a slight daze.

So I must have accidentally swallowed that guy's skin when I bit him earlier, and I unlocked these because of it. 

"[That is a correct assessment.]"

As he digested this thought in his mind, a grimace covered his expression as he felt a slight need to throw up. In reaction, he bent over and leaned against his knees and dry heaved several times, achieving nothing. Nevertheless, a few more panels appeared next to his head.

"[Congratulations! Your opponent has been knocked unconscious. Rewards for defeating Armed Student Bully: +5 Exp. Rewards for defeating Student Bully: +5 Exp. You have leveled up to Level 6! Rewards for defeating Trained Student Bully: +6 Exp.]"

"Just shut up for a moment, please." Klay asked pleadingly, unable to calmly think about anything the system told him yet. 

Surrounded by the brick walls building up the alleyway he sat in, Klay leaned against the wall, silently reflecting to himself about the implications of these new titles and ability, and the reasoning behind the Regeneration System's odd capabilities.