Chapter 216 - Protect Earth

Priscilla and Governor Pache's soldiers are one hundred all together and defeated a thousand which isn't bad at all. Haaha….I'm so good at killing that I can'r even feel my hands now all of a sudden!, Priscilla said on the receiever. Chief, getting numb aye! But how about your girls in bed, do they get numbe too using your magical hands or rather fingers, hahaha…haha!, Grei said and the other Skull Fighters, Fei, Seth, Dax laughed.

 Blade can you kill Grei for me, please!, Priscilla/Red said without laughing at all. Yes Boss, glady. I never really liked you bro! Here we go, Blade said and about to attack Grei from behind to hit him with a fiery saber sword to cut his RS in half. Whoahhh!!! Ahahaha, I'm just kidding Boss, sorry! Won't do it again!, Grei immediately cried avoiding Blade's hit from behind.

 Good work Pache Soldiers (with the men and women about twenty of them now saluting the Captain) Alright, let's check out the Front. I think our DOGS Flighter kids are there fighting their butts off for us adults. Let's make these f*ckers suffer! Charge!, Yahhhh!, Priscilla shouted. The soldiers along with her squad also screamed from the top fo their lungs to assist the MS, RS and Flyers who are protecting the War Front.

 Boss, there's no one here!?, Dax said.

 F*ck are they dead already!?, Grei added looking around.

 Seth and Fei, check the perimeters if we are on the right location!, Priscilla said.

 Yes, Chief! We are at the back and they are...checking the location now! There….at about 50 kilometers from where we are!, Fei said quick and presice.

 Great! We need to fly there then. Blade call Skull Ship to pick us here!, Priscilla said and within a couple of minutes Skull appeared in front of them.

 Queen Ava, Absalom and Kimiko heard the news about Sentinel invasion that they decided to help save earth and the universe. Ava ordered Kimiko to stay and protect Aurea from the invaders, and since his wife Izume just delivered their babies, she needs him on his side now.

 Absalom also told Ava to stay and keep Aurea safe. Since Kimiko won't be able to lead it because of Izumi's condition, he will go and bring Aurean soldiers to war. Ava kissed her husband and smiled telling him that she will wait for his return to her arms soon. Absalom felt a chilling sensation as he left Aurea's grounds.

 Ava felt a sudden stab of a knife on her chest that she cried and didn't know what it is she is sad about suddenly. Her maids looked at each other sadly while their queen sobbed relentlessly on the bed.

 Absalom met by Yuri's STOICS (operated by the Maestros) in the middle of Infinity (center of the merging particles of galaxies MilkyWay and Andromeda). Both smiled, knowing that this might be the last time they will see each other or fight alongside together. Well, war is a bitch and soldiers who don't come home because of it is unfair. Yet, what can we do, in order to save the world, the universe, we must unite to fight against the enemy, and the Sentinels aren't that easy to defeat.

 Yuri and Tina are together inside a STOIC. The Maestros moved fast and flew straight through Infinity towards Milky Way. Absalom and his ship with about fifty Aurean Militants are now preparing for the battle. MS and RS use are common among huerts, ospians but not with Aureans. Aside from their ships being powerful, their soldiers tend to grow and become giants who are called Gantes. They don't need MS or RS to operate but they themselves mutate to huge celestial beings, who are extremely strong and agile. If earthlings have superheroes on capes and iron suits, aliens like Aureans are the super cyans that we only watch on animes like in Dragon Ball Z. Hihi! Well, I am amazed to see these Gantes, wow!, Tina's eyes are glowing when she saw the huge cyans moving along with the STOICS. I can't imagine how they will fight in the battle and I am all fired up inside to participate in the war too.

 Sentinels are already in the War Front and among the 10,000 they are only left with 5,000 soldiers now. The Bull Dogs, Jax and Bonnie's teams are already tried and hungry that thye needed to take rounds in the fight after every one hour. Ammunition, fire power, etc. reloadings are important so does pilot rest and breathing. Haa….man! I didn't know that fighting Sentinels can be so exhausting!, Akhmed said while punching and then destriyong two Sentinels at the same time using his saber sword.

 Tell me about it! I think we are about two or three thousand earlier and now I think we're only five hundred left. And these bitches are still alive and as if multiplying by the hour. Yeahhh!! Take that, you asshole!, Yogi added as he cut through a Sentinel arm and killed it with a hand slice between the chest. Then, when two or more Sentinels charged towards him, he docked and flew high enough to avoid them, then came back to kick each and every robot then used his saber sword to slice every Sentinel to pieces. Yogi killed ten of enemies and they are still coming towards the Bull Dogs and counting.

 F*ck, we need to recharge!, Rene said and Hayley is about to faint since she feels so hungry now. Okay, we'll cover for you here!, Ericka said and Dunea moved to join her girlfriend to switch places in the Front. Jax and her team are already occupied fighting five hundred Sentinels and Bonnie's team are destroying about one thousand on the other end of the Front.

 Wow! this is becoming so weird to me. As if we are unlimited Sentinels, Phew! I'd rather have unli rice and adobo than deal with these monsters!, Dunea said angrily. Yeahhh…