Chapter 213 - STOICS

He has ten of them but out of these ten men and women, huert and ospian, they amount to a hundred super soldiers. They move like AI virtual ninjas and operate destructive robots who are giant silver beings which are made of metallic irons, lightweight and move ten times faster than the MS or RS. These mercenaries are called STOICS (Silver Torrential Orcs Intelligence Chromium Surfers). 

 Tina's eyes feasted on the metallic alloy robots. Yuri even advised her to ride one to see how it feels to operate a STOIC in real life. Yuri held Tina by the hand and walked to the STOICS foot and a door opened just like in any MS or RS that a Flifghter or Soldier uses in battle. Tina couldn't believe her eyes when entering the silver robot's user's pit. Haaa….omg! this is state of the art system. The monitors of the robot is virtual and all is in holograms that once a pilot operates the it he or she develops a bond that just like a n MS or RS, could never be broken even in death.

 Tina couldn't believe her eyes but while Yuri is explaining to her all the magic and power behind a STOIC she kissed the man on the lips to show her appreciation and gratitude for his help. So, let's destroy those Sentinels!, Tina said and wrapped her arms around Yuri's neck who is happily chuckling with his girl. Yup, let's do it!

 The Maestros moved swiftly and boarded their STOICS one by one. Yuri and Tina is inside his ship which was bought from Skull Ship Industries headed by Priscilla who was once a pirate but now a philanthropist and engineer and one of the best in her craft for two years now.

 Xerxian piloted Red Dog or Schlors as when he was about to swerve to the right, Jax's team on MS moved closer to the ship to shoot it with their machine bullets. But since Schlors isn't responding to communication and not firing any weapons, Jax stopped her team to initiate open fire and shoot to kill the Sentinels and Xerxians inside the ship. Yet Krosko was able to get out of his hand cuffs and knocked out every single guard who are about ten of them until he reached the master control room of the ship. One guard is standing in front of the door who Krosko punched and knocked him down the floor unconscious. Krosko?, Xerxian shouted as the man moved closer and punched him on the nose. This made the king growl in pain that he covered his nose to stop bleeding. Krosko, I'll kick your as* once I get my hands on you!, Xerxian cried and tried to hold the man with his tight grip but lost it when Xercian's nose profusely bled and tried to find a cloth or anything to cover it. Xerxian went to the captain's quarters inside the pit which is so tiny that only a medium sized bed and some appliances can fit the master control room pilot's sleeping quarter. The king found a small fridge and took some blocks of ice and put them on a towel then wrapped it all up. Xerxian placed the wrapped towel on top of his nose which he did lying on the bed of the pilot. His nose isn't broken but it looked like a swollen tomato when he finished placing ice on it for about fifteen minutes.

 Haa…I need to save Earth from Krosko. My soliders seemed to have been conditioned to invade the universe with a twisted reason, that huerts and ospians disqualify aliens and new breed of creatures from being eligible to live, roam and do business with planetary and earthen beings. Krosko had heard it wrong. Supreme Leader Violet made a rule that all living beings with different types of DNA, huert, ospian, alien or AI are allowed to live, study, do business, drive, fly or fight, etc. for the growth, development and success of their personal, social, political, physical, spiritual, economical, technical, scientific, digital, art, music, etc. life or relationships. We are all equal and has equal opprotunities whether one came from a poor or rich, Asian, Latin American or Western, European or African, etc. descent. We all have the priviledge to do anything we can for survival and longer existence. And many more!, Xerxian thought and Krosko knows all these rules that the universe have been following and abiding to for centuries now. We haven't had any issues about the laws of the universe, not, until today!

 F*ck, yahoo!, Yogi said when he was able to hit a Sentinel, then another, and another. Akhmed, Yogi, Miles and Cecilia are now at War Front with Bonnie, Bones, Jax, Menace, Slash and Mirel who are all together destroying the hundreds of Sentinels charging at them.

 Haa… die you monsters!, Rene teamed up with Hayley shouted. Dunea, Ericka, Emil, Hayaka and Jon are at War Zone since there are hundreds of Sentinels that gathered there who are still waiting for their leader to tell them their orders. Xerxian is now fighting with Krosko since the general found him at the pilot's quarters then grabbed his head to slam it on the door's glass frame. Xerxian was keen and fast to see it all coming that he bumped his back head on Krosko's forehead. The general fell to the ground with a cut on his head. Xerxian suddenly remembered that Shlors isn't on automatic pilot so it quickly swerved to the left and then right and crashed to a satellite near Carpathia's Command Center. The Home Military Cruise was alerted an the deafening alarm switched on to warn soldiers that a ship has entered Carpathia's premises and needs to be destroyed.

 Huh, Bonnie, a ship, and I think it's the Red Dog crashed in our satellite, hurry and bring your team to check it out. If there's danger within the premis, shoot to kill, and destroy the ship right away!, Sergeant Co said without hesitation.

 Xerxian jumped out of the Schlors and pulled Krosko out of the burning ship which exploded right after they got away flying a Dodba.

Sir, the pilot and another guy flew using a Doodlebug and is about to enter Carpathia's range. Will I shoot and destroy!?, Bonnie asked but thought that it's no use, (No, I'll destroy the satelite if I do that). Slash, Mirel and I will check out the back. Jax, Bones and Menace will scavenge the other side. They can't go far since we have grid alarms that warn us if an unidentified alien or different entity other than a huert, ospian or AI has entered the perimeters. Be careful team, over and out. We have to bring them in alive! Move now!, Bonnie said. Jax headed the other half of the team and moved to search for the Doodlebug inside a ruin near Carpathia's destroyed satellite.