Chapter 153 - Aura-rea

Ericka lays down on the ground full of rosettas and asked me to lay down with her. I did and smelled the flowers and haa…. it's been a while since I did this! It's kind of refreshing and overwhelming but nice overwhelming, the feeling I mean.

 So, what are your plans after we finish VOF Bout?, Ericka asked out of the blue. Ah well, I'm not prepared for this but I will try not to disappoint her but, here it goes… I don't know! I want to become a full-time flighter but I need to get back here to build a science and technology school to run after Uncle Yamamoto's works. After he passed there are no professors or scientists that can replace a brilliant man like him so I want to try to do it for the sake of my kingdom and my people. So does that mean you are brilliant yourself?, Ericka asked like she is serious then smiled like she is joking at the same time.

Hmm, shut up!, Dunea smiled back. The youth here are highly-equipped in technology and digital knowledge that they still need support and guidance to work things out for our kingdom's sake and maybe for the universe. We do have excellent physics and quantum laboratory why we can teleport using wormholes without issues or lapses. I would like to show you our work, if it's okay with you? Let's go?, Dunea said without waiting for me to answer. Standing up, she squints a little since a thorn must have stuck inside her gown. She then gives me her hand to grasp wich I held on then followed her to their laboratory not far from the reception area.

The area is so huge that when we reached the top of Aurea's hill riding their hover (flying) mobil it's about the size of five or more football fields. There are shops and buildings for students and employees working for their robotics and technology sections, and more.

Wow!, is the only thing I can say since the laboratory is splendid. It's not like earth's Gateway laboratory at all. With all the sophisticated machines, babies on incubation tubes like hanging on the air. A glass house for flower and vegetation growings or clonings. A ship shop that can fix any type of ship or machine like our MS or RoboSkims and more. I can't seem to digest how wonderful these buildings or laboratories are. And how magnificent Aurea kingdom and planet is to my eyes, it's blinding. The brilliance of it is blinding, that now I feel like I am just a mere speck, a tiny human who is unworthy for Dunea and all that sh*t.

Babe! It isn't true. I am who I am now because of you and I love you! Stay here with me! After the bout is over, let's fly back and live here! Yes?, Dunea asked and though she isn't asking me to marry her or something but as if the question of being together gives me the creeps. Because on earth, nothing lasts forever and it's a fact, I thought sadly.

But here it can happen!, Dunea said out loud and kissed me. I couldn't react to that since Dunea is all over me and my mouth that instead of talking I just kissed her back and didn't care much about her question. That as long as I'm with her everything will be fine, right? Yes? Maybe, yes or maybe, not!, is what I want to discover with her. It's fascinating how this blue girl makes me feel kind of off at times and turns me on evry time she's near me, at the same time. It's very intriguingly hot and I like it, Ericka said to herself as both kissed the night away not thinking about anything else including Kimiko and Izumi's wedding, at all.